Reminder.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5608Fri May 04 22:32:14 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.util.diagnostics

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 * Created on December 30, 2000, 11:33 AM

package com.sun.enterprise.util.diagnostics;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

 * This class makes it easy to add a message to be displayed at runtime,
 * and/or a message requiring a Yes/No answer.
 * The message appears in a MODAL dialog so it will always get your full attention.  
 * It is designed for development-time only.  In fact every message box screams 
 * out a message to not allow it into the release.
 *The class name, file name, method name and line number of the caller  is automatically added to the message window.
 <p> 1) You just temporarily did something -- like commented-out some code --
 * and you don't want to forget to comment it back in later:
 * <br><code>Reminder.message("Don't forget to uncomment the code here!");</code>
 * <p>2) You want to add a branch in some code, temporarily.  Instead of
 * changing the source and recompiling again and again do the following and
 * determine the branching at runtime:
if(Reminder.message("Use the new improved code?"))
<br>    new_code();
<br>    old_code();
 *<p> 3) <b>Poor Man's Debugger</b><br>Add watch statements, pause execution so you can check something in the filesystem, etc.
 * @author bnevins
 * @version $Revision: 1.4 $
public class Reminder
	 * Displays a Message Box that reminds you to do something.  You can't ignore it -- 
	 * it is a modal dialog box.
	 * @param msg The message to display in the Message Box
	public static void message(String msg) 
		String s = createMessage(msg);
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, s, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); 
	 * Displays a Message Box with Yes and No buttons.  Handy for temporarily adding a
	 * runtime-chosen decision point in your code.  Use this instead of commenting out
	 * code that you have to remember to uncomment later.
	 * @param msg The message to display in the Message Box
	 * @return returns true if <i>yes</i> was chosen, false if <i>no</i> was chosen.
	public static boolean yesno(String msg) 
		String s = createMessage(msg);
		//return true for yes, false for no...
		int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, s, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
		if(reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
			return true;
		return false;
	private Reminder()
	private static String createMessage(String s)
		String location;
			location = "\n\nCode Location: " + new CallerInfo(me).toString();
		catch(CallerInfoException e)
			location = "\n\nUnknown code location";
		return preMessage + s + location;
	private final static String		title 		= "Temporary Code Reminder";
	private final static String		preMessage 	= "*****   DO NOT SHIP WITH THIS MESSAGE IN PLACE!!!!  ******\n\n";
	private final static Object[]	me			= { new Reminder() };

	 * Simple test code to exercise the class.
	public static void main(String[] notUsed)
		ReminderTester rt = new ReminderTester();

class ReminderTester
	public void test()
		Reminder.message("Here is Reminder.message()");
		boolean ret = Reminder.yesno("Here is Reminder.yesno().  Do you like it?");
		Reminder.message("You replied: " + (ret ? "yes" : "no"));