insertbutton.javaAPI DocExample5591Wed Mar 15 11:32:28 GMT 2000None


public class insertbutton extends GenericCommand

Fields Summary
private Context
private int
private Script
private Script
private FlashEnvironment
private Properties
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private ShapecreateShape(int r_width, int r_height, java.lang.String colorString)

		Shape shapeObj = null;

			/* Create a color, and then set the RGB value of the color 
			 * using setRGBValue. */
			Color color = new Color();
			color.setRGBValue( colorString);

			/* In order to specify a FillStyle color using the 
			 * setFillStyle method, you must first must create 2 
			 * instances of FillStyle class. 
			FillStyle fill_1 = new FillStyle();
			fill_1.setColor( color );
			FillStyle fill_2 = new FillStyle();
			fill_2.setColor( color );

			/* Create a shape */
			shapeObj = new Shape();

			/* Apply the 2 previously defined instances of the  
			 * FillStyle class to the shape */
			shapeObj.setFillStyle(fill_1, fill_2);

			/* Draw the shape using the moveTo and lineTo methods in the
			 * Shape class. --- (0,0) is the center point of the gray 
			 * placeholder box that represents a Generator object in the 
			 * interface. 
			shapeObj.moveTo(0, 0);
			shapeObj.lineTo(0, r_height);
			shapeObj.lineTo(r_width, r_height);
			shapeObj.lineTo(r_width, 0);
			shapeObj.lineTo(0, 0);

		catch (Exception e)
			/* Catch an exception and display the name of the exception
			 * in the Generator Output window if there are any errors.  
			 * The exception may not throw a detailed message.
			mEnv.logError(" An exception occured at:  " + e.getClass() + "  with message: " + e.getMessage());
		return shapeObj;
public voiddoCommand(FlashEnvironment env, Script script, Context context, int cmdIndex, java.util.Properties params)

	/* All Generator object .java files must contain the doCommand. The
	 * doCommand is called by Generator when the custom object is 
	 * processed.

		String	colorParam;		

		mContext		= context;
		mEnv			= env;
		mScript			= script;
		mProperties		= params;

			/* Use the getCommandScript method to retrieve the script 
			 * for the Generator object being created. A script 
			 * represents a Flash movie symbol containing a timeline, 
			 * and possibly shapes, symbols, and text.
			Script clip = script.getCommandScript(cmdIndex);
			if (clip == null)
				throw new Exception("template script missing");

			/* Use getCommandFrameCount to retrieve the number of frames
			 * associated with the command.*/
			int frameCount = script.getCommandFrameCount(cmdIndex);

			/* Use the getIntParam and getStringParam methods in the 
			 * GenericCommand class to obtain the properties information
			 * needed to create the box.  Please note that for each 
			 * get___Param method, the third parameter must be matched 
			 * with the 'token' name in the insertbutton.def file.
			int r_height			= getIntParam( context, params, "height", 500 );
			int r_width				= getIntParam( context, params, "width", 500 );
			String colorString		= getStringParam( context, params, "color", "blue" );

			/* Call the private method createShape to retrieve the 
			 * shape information for the box. */
			Shape shape1 = createShape( r_width, r_height, colorString );

			/* In order to use the addShape method in the Script class,
			 * you must first create an instance of the Matrix class.  
			 * The methods in the Matrix class are used to manipulate 
			 * the size, scale and rotation of Generator objects. 
			 * However, because many of the methods in the API require 
			 * an instance of the Matrix class as one of the arguments,
			 * you will probably need to create an instance of the 
			 * Matrix class even if you do not wish to transform your object.
			Matrix matrix1 = new Matrix();

			/* Create a button object */
			Button buttonObj			  = new Button(true);
			/* Add the box's shape to the button*/
			buttonObj.addShape( shape1, matrix1, Button.buttonStateTest, 1);
			buttonObj.addShape( shape1, matrix1, Button.buttonStateUp, 1);
			buttonObj.addShape( shape1, matrix1, Button.buttonStateOver, 1);
			buttonObj.addShape( shape1, matrix1, Button.buttonStateDown, 1);

			/* Use the insertButton method to insert the button object
			 * created above into the script. */		
			clip.insertButton( buttonObj, 0, 0, matrix1, frameCount, matrix1 );
		catch (Exception e)
			mEnv.logError("Exception: " + e);