CHPFormattedDiskPage.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.15549Mon Jan 01 18:55:34 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hwpf.model


public class CHPFormattedDiskPage extends FormattedDiskPage
Represents a CHP fkp. The style properties for paragraph and character runs are stored in fkps. There are PAP fkps for paragraph properties and CHP fkps for character run properties. The first part of the fkp for both CHP and PAP fkps consists of an array of 4 byte int offsets that represent a Paragraph's or Character run's text offset in the main stream. The ending offset is the next value in the array. For example, if an fkp has X number of Paragraph's stored in it then there are (x + 1) 4 byte ints in the beginning array. The number X is determined by the last byte in a 512 byte fkp. CHP and PAP fkps also store the compressed styles(grpprl) that correspond to the offsets on the front of the fkp. The offset of the grpprls is determined differently for CHP fkps and PAP fkps.
Ryan Ackley

Fields Summary
private static final int
private ArrayList
private ArrayList
Constructors Summary
public CHPFormattedDiskPage()

public CHPFormattedDiskPage(byte[] documentStream, int offset, int fcMin)
This constructs a CHPFormattedDiskPage from a raw fkp (512 byte array read from a Word file).

      super(documentStream, offset);

      for (int x = 0; x < _crun; x++)
        _chpxList.add(new CHPX(getStart(x) - fcMin, getEnd(x) - fcMin, getGrpprl(x)));
Methods Summary
public voidfill(java.util.List filler)

public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.CHPXgetCHPX(int index)

      return (CHPX)_chpxList.get(index);
protected byte[]getGrpprl(int index)
Gets the chpx for the character run at index in this fkp.

index The index of the chpx to get.
a chpx grpprl.

        int chpxOffset = 2 * LittleEndian.getUnsignedByte(_fkp, _offset + (((_crun + 1) * 4) + index));

        //optimization if offset == 0 use "Normal" style
        if(chpxOffset == 0)
            return new byte[0];

        int size = LittleEndian.getUnsignedByte(_fkp, _offset + chpxOffset);

        byte[] chpx = new byte[size];

        System.arraycopy(_fkp, _offset + ++chpxOffset, chpx, 0, size);
        return chpx;
public java.util.ArrayListgetOverflow()

      return _overFlow;
protected byte[]toByteArray(int fcMin)

      byte[] buf = new byte[512];
      int size = _chpxList.size();
      int grpprlOffset = 511;
      int offsetOffset = 0;
      int fcOffset = 0;

      // total size is currently the size of one FC
      int totalSize = FC_SIZE + 2;

      int index = 0;
      for (; index < size; index++)
        int grpprlLength = ((CHPX)_chpxList.get(index)).getGrpprl().length;

        // check to see if we have enough room for an FC, the grpprl offset,
        // the grpprl size byte and the grpprl.
        totalSize += (FC_SIZE + 2 + grpprlLength);
        // if size is uneven we will have to add one so the first grpprl falls
        // on a word boundary
        if (totalSize > 511 + (index % 2))
          totalSize -= (FC_SIZE + 2 + grpprlLength);

        // grpprls must fall on word boundaries
        if ((1 + grpprlLength) % 2 > 0)
          totalSize += 1;

      // see if we couldn't fit some
      if (index != size)
        _overFlow = new ArrayList();
        _overFlow.addAll(_chpxList.subList(index, size));

      // index should equal number of CHPXs that will be in this fkp now.
      buf[511] = (byte)index;

      offsetOffset = (FC_SIZE * index) + FC_SIZE;
      //grpprlOffset =  offsetOffset + index + (grpprlOffset % 2);

      CHPX chpx = null;
      for (int x = 0; x < index; x++)
        chpx = (CHPX)_chpxList.get(x);
        byte[] grpprl = chpx.getGrpprl();

        LittleEndian.putInt(buf, fcOffset, chpx.getStart() + fcMin);
        grpprlOffset -= (1 + grpprl.length);
        grpprlOffset -= (grpprlOffset % 2);
        buf[offsetOffset] = (byte)(grpprlOffset/2);
        buf[grpprlOffset] = (byte)grpprl.length;
        System.arraycopy(grpprl, 0, buf, grpprlOffset + 1, grpprl.length);

        offsetOffset += 1;
        fcOffset += FC_SIZE;
      // put the last chpx's end in
      LittleEndian.putInt(buf, fcOffset, chpx.getEnd() + fcMin);
      return buf;