CatalogServlet.javaAPI DocExample5380Tue Dec 12 18:59:40 GMT 2000None


public class CatalogServlet extends HttpServlet
This is a simple example of an HTTP Servlet. It responds to the GET and HEAD methods of the HTTP protocol. This servlet calls other servlets. This catalog calls other servlets.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voiddoGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

        // Get the user's session and shopping cart
	HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
	ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)session.getValue(session.getId());

        // If the user has no cart, create a new one
        if (cart == null) {
            cart = new ShoppingCart();
            session.putValue(session.getId(), cart);

	// set content-type header before accessing the Writer
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

	// then write the data of the response
        out.println("<html>" +
                    "<head><title> Book Catalog </title></head>" +

                    "<body  bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">" +
                    "<center>" +
                    "<hr> <br>  " +
                    "<h1>" +
                    "<font size=\"+3\" color=\"red\">Duke's </font>" +
                    "<font size=\"+3\" color=\"purple\">Bookstore</font>" +
                    "</h1>" +
                    "</center>" +
                    "<br>   <hr> <br>  ");

        //Data on the books are from the database servlet
        BookDBServlet database = (BookDBServlet)

        // Additions to the shopping cart
        String bookToAdd = request.getParameter("Buy");
        if (bookToAdd != null) {
            BookDetails book = database.getBookDetails(bookToAdd);

            cart.add(bookToAdd, book);
            out.println("<p><h3>" +
                        "<font color=\"#ff0000\">" +
                        "You just added <i>" + book.getTitle() + "</i> "+
                        "to your shopping cart</font></h3>");

        //Give the option of checking cart or checking out if cart not empty
        if (cart.getNumberOfItems() > 0) {
            out.println("<table><tr>" +
                        "<th align=\"left\"><a href=\"" +
                        response.encodeUrl("/servlet/showcart") +
                        "\"> Check Shopping Cart</a></th>" +

                        "<th> </th>" +

                        "<th align=\"right\"><a href=\"" +
                        response.encodeUrl("/servlet/cashier") +
                        "\"> Buy your Books</a></th>" +

        // Always prompt the user to buy more -- get and show the catalog
        out.println("<br>  " +
                    "<h3>Please choose from our selections</h3>" +
                    "<center> <table>");

        BookDetails[] books = database.getBooksSortedByTitle();
        int numBooks = database.getNumberOfBooks();
        for(int i=0; i < numBooks; i++) {
            String bookId = books[i].getBookId();

            //Print out info on each book in its own two rows
            out.println("<tr>" +

                        "<td bgcolor=\"#ffffaa\">" +
                        "<a href=\"" +
                        response.encodeUrl("/servlet/bookdetails?bookId=" +
                                           bookId) +
                        "\"> <strong>" + books[i].getTitle() +
                        "  </strong></a></td>" +

                        "<td bgcolor=\"#ffffaa\" rowspan=2>" +
                        "$" + books[i].getPrice() +
                        "  </td>" +

                        "<td bgcolor=\"#ffffaa\" rowspan=2>" +
                        "<a href=\"" +
                        response.encodeUrl("/servlet/catalog?Buy=" + bookId)
                        + "\">   Add to Cart  </a></td></tr>" +

                        "<tr>" +
                        "<td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">" +
                        "    by <em> " + books[i].getFirstName() +
                        " " + books[i].getSurname() + "</em></td></tr>");

public java.lang.StringgetServletInfo()

        return "The Catalog servlet adds books to the user's " +
               "shopping cart and prints the catalog.";