AlertType.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)5372Wed May 02 18:00:24 BST 2007javax.microedition.lcdui


public class AlertType extends Object
The AlertType provides an indication of the nature of alerts. Alerts are used by an application to present various kinds of information to the user. An AlertType may be used to directly signal the user without changing the current Displayable. The playSound method can be used to spontaneously generate a sound to alert the user. For example, a game using a Canvas can use playSound to indicate success or progress. The predefined types are INFO, WARNING, ERROR, ALARM, and CONFIRMATION.

MIDP 1.0

Fields Summary
public static final AlertType
An INFO AlertType typically provides non-threatening information to the user. For example, a simple splash screen might be an INFO AlertType.
public static final AlertType
A WARNING AlertType is a hint to warn the user of a potentially dangerous operation. For example, the warning message may contain the message, "Warning: this operation will erase your data."
public static final AlertType
An ERROR AlertType is a hint to alert the user to an erroneous operation. For example, an error alert might show the message, "There is not enough room to install the application."
public static final AlertType
An ALARM AlertType is a hint to alert the user to an event for which the user has previously requested to be notified. For example, the message might say, "Staff meeting in five minutes."
public static final AlertType
A CONFIRMATION AlertType is a hint to confirm user actions. For example, "Saved!" might be shown to indicate that a Save operation has completed.
private int
The type of this AlertType
Constructors Summary
protected AlertType()
Protected constructor for subclasses.

AlertType(int type)
Create a new AlertType given the type identifier

type The type of the new AlertType

        this.type = type;
Methods Summary
Get the type of this AlertType

int The typer identifer of this AlertType, one of: ALERT_INFO, ALERT_WARN, ALERT_ERR, ALERT_ALRM, ALERT_CFM

        return this.type;
public booleanplaySound(Display display)
Alert the user by playing the sound for this AlertType. The AlertType instance is used as a hint by the device to generate an appropriate sound. Instances other than those predefined above may be ignored. The actual sound made by the device, if any, is determined by the device. The device may ignore the request, use the same sound for several AlertTypes or use any other means suitable to alert the user.

display to which the AlertType's sound should be played.
true if the user was alerted, false otherwise.
NullPointerException if display is null

        synchronized (Display.LCDUILock) {
            return display.playAlertSound(this);