PeopleFinderDIIClient.javaAPI DocExample5263Thu Dec 15 21:39:12 GMT 2005com.oreilly.jent.people.soap


public class PeopleFinderDIIClient extends Object
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Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

        // The endpoint, service and port we want to invoke
        final String endpoint = "http://localhost:9090/JEnt-examples/pf-service";
        final String qnameService = "PeopleFinderWS";
        final String qnamePort = "PeopleFinderPort";
        // Some namespaces we'll be using in our client calls
        final String serviceNS =      "http://soap.people.jent.oreilly/";
        final String serviceTypesNS = "http://soap.people.jent.oreilly/types";
        final String xsdNS =          "";
        final String jaxrpcNS =       "";
        try {
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            // Create a URL to the service endpoint
            URL endpointURL = new URL(endpoint);
            // Create a reference to the service
            Service service = factory.createService(endpointURL,
                                                    new QName(serviceNS, qnameService));
            // Specify how Person objects should be mapped
//            TypeMapping serviceMapping = 
//                service.getTypeMappingRegistry().getDefaultTypeMapping();
//            QName personQName = new QName(serviceTypesNS, "Person");
//            serviceMapping.register(Person.class,
//                                    personQName,
//                                    new BeanSerializerFactory(Person.class, personQName), 
//                                    new BeanDeserializerFactory(Person.class, personQName));
            // Create a call to a particular port on that service
            QName port = new QName(serviceNS, qnamePort);
            Call call = service.createCall(port);
            // Set some properties on the call
                             new Boolean(true));
            call.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY, "");
            // Indicate that we're using standard SOAP encoding for the
            // message body
            // Set the return type of the operation we want to invoke
            call.setReturnType(new QName(serviceTypesNS, "ArrayOfPerson"));
            // Set the operation we want to invoke
            call.setOperationName(new QName(serviceNS, "findPeople"));
            // Set the type of the single parameter to the operation
                              new QName(serviceTypesNS, "ArrayOfstring"),
                              new QName(serviceTypesNS, "ArrayOfstring"),
            // Create the actual operation arguments and put them in an
            // object array
            Map searchArgs = new HashMap();
            searchArgs.put("firstName", "Jim");
            String[] argNames = {"firstName"};
            String[] argValues = {"Jim"};
            Object[] opArgs  = {argNames, argValues};
            // Invoke the operation and collect the result
            Person[] people = (Person[])call.invoke(opArgs);
            for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
                System.out.println("Found person: \"" + 
                                   people[i].getFirstName() + " " +
                                   people[i].getLastName() + "\"");
        catch (Exception ex) {