ApkBuilder.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API52534Wed May 06 22:41:10 BST

 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDeltaVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

public class ApkBuilder extends BaseBuilder {

    public static final String ID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final String PROPERTY_CONVERT_TO_DEX = "convertToDex"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String PROPERTY_PACKAGE_RESOURCES = "packageResources"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String PROPERTY_BUILD_APK = "buildApk"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final String DX_PREFIX = "Dx"; //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Dex conversion flag. This is set to true if one of the changed/added/removed
     * file is a .class file. Upon visiting all the delta resource, if this
     * flag is true, then we know we'll have to make the "classes.dex" file.
    private boolean mConvertToDex = false;

     * Package resources flag. This is set to true if one of the changed/added/removed
     * file is a resource file. Upon visiting all the delta resource, if
     * this flag is true, then we know we'll have to repackage the resources.
    private boolean mPackageResources = false;

     * Final package build flag.
    private boolean mBuildFinalPackage = false;

    private PrintStream mOutStream = null;
    private PrintStream mErrStream = null;

     * Basic Resource Delta Visitor class to check if a referenced project had a change in its
     * compiled java files.
    private static class ReferencedProjectDeltaVisitor implements IResourceDeltaVisitor {

        private boolean mConvertToDex = false;
        private boolean mMakeFinalPackage;
        private IPath mOutputFolder;
        private ArrayList<IPath> mSourceFolders;
        private ReferencedProjectDeltaVisitor(IJavaProject javaProject) {
            try {
                mOutputFolder = javaProject.getOutputLocation();
                mSourceFolders = BaseProjectHelper.getSourceClasspaths(javaProject);
            } catch (JavaModelException e) {
            } finally {

         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @throws CoreException
        public boolean visit(IResourceDelta delta) throws CoreException {
            //  no need to keep looking if we already know we need to convert
            // to dex and make the final package.
            if (mConvertToDex && mMakeFinalPackage) {
                return false;
            // get the resource and the path segments.
            IResource resource = delta.getResource();
            IPath resourceFullPath = resource.getFullPath();
            if (mOutputFolder.isPrefixOf(resourceFullPath)) {
                int type = resource.getType();
                if (type == IResource.FILE) {
                    String ext = resource.getFileExtension();
                    if (AndroidConstants.EXT_CLASS.equals(ext)) {
                        mConvertToDex = true;
                return true;
            } else {
                for (IPath sourceFullPath : mSourceFolders) {
                    if (sourceFullPath.isPrefixOf(resourceFullPath)) {
                        int type = resource.getType();
                        if (type == IResource.FILE) {
                            // check if the file is a valid file that would be
                            // included during the final packaging.
                            if (checkFileForPackaging((IFile)resource)) {
                                mMakeFinalPackage = true;
                            return false;
                        } else if (type == IResource.FOLDER) {
                            // if this is a folder, we check if this is a valid folder as well.
                            // If this is a folder that needs to be ignored, we must return false,
                            // so that we ignore its content.
                            return checkFolderForPackaging((IFolder)resource);
            return true;

         * Returns if one of the .class file was modified.
        boolean needDexConvertion() {
            return mConvertToDex;
        boolean needMakeFinalPackage() {
            return mMakeFinalPackage;

     * {@link IZipEntryFilter} to filter out everything that is not a standard java resources.
     * <p/>Used in {@link SignedJarBuilder#writeZip(, IZipEntryFilter)} when
     * we only want the java resources from external jars.
    private final IZipEntryFilter mJavaResourcesFilter = new JavaResourceFilter();

    public ApkBuilder() {

    // build() returns a list of project from which this project depends for future compilation.
    protected IProject[] build(int kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            throws CoreException {
        // get a project object
        IProject project = getProject();

        // Top level check to make sure the build can move forward.

        // get the list of referenced projects.
        IProject[] referencedProjects = ProjectHelper.getReferencedProjects(project);
        IJavaProject[] referencedJavaProjects = getJavaProjects(referencedProjects);

        // get the output folder, this method returns the path with a trailing
        // separator
        IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
        IFolder outputFolder = BaseProjectHelper.getOutputFolder(project);

        // now we need to get the classpath list
        ArrayList<IPath> sourceList = BaseProjectHelper.getSourceClasspaths(javaProject);

        // First thing we do is go through the resource delta to not
        // lose it if we have to abort the build for any reason.
        ApkDeltaVisitor dv = null;
        if (kind == FULL_BUILD) {
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project,

            mPackageResources = true;
            mConvertToDex = true;
            mBuildFinalPackage = true;
        } else {
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project,

            // go through the resources and see if something changed.
            IResourceDelta delta = getDelta(project);
            if (delta == null) {
                mPackageResources = true;
                mConvertToDex = true;
                mBuildFinalPackage = true;
            } else {
                dv = new ApkDeltaVisitor(this, sourceList, outputFolder);

                // save the state
                mPackageResources |= dv.getPackageResources();
                mConvertToDex |= dv.getConvertToDex();
                mBuildFinalPackage |= dv.getMakeFinalPackage();

            // also go through the delta for all the referenced projects, until we are forced to
            // compile anyway
            for (int i = 0 ; i < referencedJavaProjects.length &&
                    (mBuildFinalPackage == false || mConvertToDex == false); i++) {
                IJavaProject referencedJavaProject = referencedJavaProjects[i];
                delta = getDelta(referencedJavaProject.getProject());
                if (delta != null) {
                    ReferencedProjectDeltaVisitor refProjectDv = new ReferencedProjectDeltaVisitor(

                    // save the state
                    mConvertToDex |= refProjectDv.needDexConvertion();
                    mBuildFinalPackage |= refProjectDv.needMakeFinalPackage();
        // store the build status in the persistent storage
        saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_CONVERT_TO_DEX , mConvertToDex);
        saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_PACKAGE_RESOURCES, mPackageResources);
        saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_BUILD_APK, mBuildFinalPackage);

        if (dv != null && dv.mXmlError) {
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project,

            // if there was some XML errors, we just return w/o doing
            // anything since we've put some markers in the files anyway
            return referencedProjects;

        if (outputFolder == null) {
            // mark project and exit
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, Messages.Failed_To_Get_Output,
            return referencedProjects;

        // first thing we do is check that the SDK directory has been setup.
        String osSdkFolder = AdtPlugin.getOsSdkFolder();

        if (osSdkFolder.length() == 0) {
            // this has already been checked in the precompiler. Therefore,
            // while we do have to cancel the build, we don't have to return
            // any error or throw anything.
            return referencedProjects;

        // get the extra configs for the project.
        // The map contains (name, filter) where 'name' is a name to be used in the apk filename,
        // and filter is the resource filter to be used in the aapt -c parameters to restrict
        // which resource configurations to package in the apk.
        Map<String, String> configs = Sdk.getCurrent().getProjectApkConfigs(project);

        // do some extra check, in case the output files are not present. This
        // will force to recreate them.
        IResource tmp = null;

        if (mPackageResources == false) {
            // check the full resource package
            tmp = outputFolder.findMember(AndroidConstants.FN_RESOURCES_AP_);
            if (tmp == null || tmp.exists() == false) {
                mPackageResources = true;
                mBuildFinalPackage = true;
            } else {
                // if the full package is present, we check the filtered resource packages as well
                if (configs != null) {
                    Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = configs.entrySet();
                    for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
                        String filename = String.format(AndroidConstants.FN_RESOURCES_S_AP_,
                        tmp = outputFolder.findMember(filename);
                        if (tmp == null || (tmp instanceof IFile &&
                                tmp.exists() == false)) {
                            String msg = String.format(Messages.s_Missing_Repackaging, filename);
                            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project, msg);
                            mPackageResources = true;
                            mBuildFinalPackage = true;

        // check classes.dex is present. If not we force to recreate it.
        if (mConvertToDex == false) {
            tmp = outputFolder.findMember(AndroidConstants.FN_CLASSES_DEX);
            if (tmp == null || tmp.exists() == false) {
                mConvertToDex = true;
                mBuildFinalPackage = true;

        // also check the final file(s)!
        String finalPackageName = ProjectHelper.getApkFilename(project, null /*config*/);
        if (mBuildFinalPackage == false) {
            tmp = outputFolder.findMember(finalPackageName);
            if (tmp == null || (tmp instanceof IFile &&
                    tmp.exists() == false)) {
                String msg = String.format(Messages.s_Missing_Repackaging, finalPackageName);
                AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project, msg);
                mBuildFinalPackage = true;
            } else if (configs != null) {
                // if the full apk is present, we check the filtered apk as well
                Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = configs.entrySet();
                for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
                    String filename = ProjectHelper.getApkFilename(project, entry.getKey());

                    tmp = outputFolder.findMember(filename);
                    if (tmp == null || (tmp instanceof IFile &&
                            tmp.exists() == false)) {
                        String msg = String.format(Messages.s_Missing_Repackaging, filename);
                        AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, project, msg);
                        mBuildFinalPackage = true;

        // at this point we know if we need to recreate the temporary apk
        // or the dex file, but we don't know if we simply need to recreate them
        // because they are missing

        // refresh the output directory first
        IContainer ic = outputFolder.getParent();
        if (ic != null) {
            ic.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, monitor);

        // we need to test all three, as we may need to make the final package
        // but not the intermediary ones.
        if (mPackageResources || mConvertToDex || mBuildFinalPackage) {
            IPath binLocation = outputFolder.getLocation();
            if (binLocation == null) {
                markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, Messages.Output_Missing,
                return referencedProjects;
            String osBinPath = binLocation.toOSString();

            // Remove the old .apk.
            // This make sure that if the apk is corrupted, then dx (which would attempt
            // to open it), will not fail.
            String osFinalPackagePath = osBinPath + File.separator + finalPackageName;
            File finalPackage = new File(osFinalPackagePath);

            // if delete failed, this is not really a problem, as the final package generation
            // handle already present .apk, and if that one failed as well, the user will be
            // notified.
            if (configs != null) {
                Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = configs.entrySet();
                for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
                    String packageFilepath = osBinPath + File.separator +
                            ProjectHelper.getApkFilename(project, entry.getKey());

                    finalPackage = new File(packageFilepath);

            // first we check if we need to package the resources.
            if (mPackageResources) {
                // remove some aapt_package only markers.
                removeMarkersFromContainer(project, AndroidConstants.MARKER_AAPT_PACKAGE);

                // need to figure out some path before we can execute aapt;

                // resource to the AndroidManifest.xml file
                IResource manifestResource = project .findMember(
                        AndroidConstants.WS_SEP + AndroidConstants.FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST);

                if (manifestResource == null
                        || manifestResource.exists() == false) {
                    // mark project and exit
                    String msg = String.format(Messages.s_File_Missing,
                    markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
                    return referencedProjects;

                // get the resource folder
                IFolder resFolder = project.getFolder(

                // and the assets folder
                IFolder assetsFolder = project.getFolder(

                // we need to make sure this one exists.
                if (assetsFolder.exists() == false) {
                    assetsFolder = null;

                IPath resLocation = resFolder.getLocation();
                IPath manifestLocation = manifestResource.getLocation();

                if (resLocation != null && manifestLocation != null) {
                    String osResPath = resLocation.toOSString();
                    String osManifestPath = manifestLocation.toOSString();

                    String osAssetsPath = null;
                    if (assetsFolder != null) {
                        osAssetsPath = assetsFolder.getLocation().toOSString();

                    // build the default resource package
                    if (executeAapt(project, osManifestPath, osResPath,
                            osAssetsPath, osBinPath + File.separator +
                            AndroidConstants.FN_RESOURCES_AP_, null /*configFilter*/) == false) {
                        // aapt failed. Whatever files that needed to be marked
                        // have already been marked. We just return.
                        return referencedProjects;
                    // now do the same thing for all the configured resource packages.
                    if (configs != null) {
                        Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = configs.entrySet();
                        for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
                            String outPathFormat = osBinPath + File.separator +
                            String outPath = String.format(outPathFormat, entry.getKey());
                            if (executeAapt(project, osManifestPath, osResPath,
                                    osAssetsPath, outPath, entry.getValue()) == false) {
                                // aapt failed. Whatever files that needed to be marked
                                // have already been marked. We just return.
                                return referencedProjects;

                    // build has been done. reset the state of the builder
                    mPackageResources = false;

                    // and store it
                    saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_PACKAGE_RESOURCES, mPackageResources);

            // then we check if we need to package the .class into classes.dex
            if (mConvertToDex) {
                if (executeDx(javaProject, osBinPath, osBinPath + File.separator +
                        AndroidConstants.FN_CLASSES_DEX, referencedJavaProjects) == false) {
                    // dx failed, we return
                    return referencedProjects;

                // build has been done. reset the state of the builder
                mConvertToDex = false;

                // and store it
                saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_CONVERT_TO_DEX, mConvertToDex);

            // now we need to make the final package from the intermediary apk
            // and classes.dex.
            // This is the default package with all the resources.
            String classesDexPath = osBinPath + File.separator + AndroidConstants.FN_CLASSES_DEX; 
            if (finalPackage(osBinPath + File.separator + AndroidConstants.FN_RESOURCES_AP_,
                            classesDexPath,osFinalPackagePath, javaProject,
                            referencedJavaProjects) == false) {
                return referencedProjects;
            // now do the same thing for all the configured resource packages.
            if (configs != null) {
                String resPathFormat = osBinPath + File.separator +

                Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = configs.entrySet();
                for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
                    // make the filename for the resource package.
                    String resPath = String.format(resPathFormat, entry.getKey());
                    // make the filename for the apk to generate
                    String apkOsFilePath = osBinPath + File.separator +
                            ProjectHelper.getApkFilename(project, entry.getKey());
                    if (finalPackage(resPath, classesDexPath, apkOsFilePath, javaProject,
                            referencedJavaProjects) == false) {
                        return referencedProjects;

            // we are done.
            // get the resource to bin
            outputFolder.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, monitor);

            // build has been done. reset the state of the builder
            mBuildFinalPackage = false;

            // and store it
            saveProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_BUILD_APK, mBuildFinalPackage);
            // reset the installation manager to force new installs of this project
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                    "Build Success!");
        return referencedProjects;

    protected void startupOnInitialize() {

        // load the build status. We pass true as the default value to
        // force a recompile in case the property was not found
        mConvertToDex = loadProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_CONVERT_TO_DEX , true);
        mPackageResources = loadProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_PACKAGE_RESOURCES, true);
        mBuildFinalPackage = loadProjectBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_BUILD_APK, true);

     * Executes aapt. If any error happen, files or the project will be marked.
     * @param project The Project
     * @param osManifestPath The path to the manifest file
     * @param osResPath The path to the res folder
     * @param osAssetsPath The path to the assets folder. This can be null.
     * @param osOutFilePath The path to the temporary resource file to create.
     * @param configFilter The configuration filter for the resources to include
     * (used with -c option, for example "port,en,fr" to include portrait, English and French
     * resources.)
     * @return true if success, false otherwise.
    private boolean executeAapt(IProject project, String osManifestPath,
            String osResPath, String osAssetsPath, String osOutFilePath, String configFilter) {
        IAndroidTarget target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(project);

        // Create the command line.
        ArrayList<String> commandArray = new ArrayList<String>();
        commandArray.add("package"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (AdtPlugin.getBuildVerbosity() == AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE) {
            commandArray.add("-v"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (configFilter != null) {
            commandArray.add("-c"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        commandArray.add("-M"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        commandArray.add("-S"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (osAssetsPath != null) {
            commandArray.add("-A"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        commandArray.add("-I"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        commandArray.add("-F"); //$NON-NLS-1$

        String command[] = commandArray.toArray(
                new String[commandArray.size()]);
        if (AdtPlugin.getBuildVerbosity() == AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String c : command) {
                sb.append(' ');
            AdtPlugin.printToConsole(project, sb.toString());

        // launch
        int execError = 1;
        try {
            // launch the command line process
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);

            // list to store each line of stderr
            ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();

            // get the output and return code from the process
            execError = grabProcessOutput(process, results);

            // attempt to parse the error output
            boolean parsingError = parseAaptOutput(results, project);

            // if we couldn't parse the output we display it in the console.
            if (parsingError) {
                if (execError != 0) {
                    AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(project, results.toArray());
                } else {
                    AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_ALWAYS, project,

            // We need to abort if the exec failed.
            if (execError != 0) {
                // if the exec failed, and we couldn't parse the error output (and therefore
                // not all files that should have been marked, were marked), we put a generic
                // marker on the project and abort.
                if (parsingError) {
                    markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, Messages.Unparsed_AAPT_Errors,

                // abort if exec failed.
                return false;
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            String msg = String.format(Messages.AAPT_Exec_Error, command[0]);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            return false;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            String msg = String.format(Messages.AAPT_Exec_Error, command[0]);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            return false;

        return true;

     * Execute the Dx tool for dalvik code conversion.
     * @param javaProject The java project
     * @param osBinPath the path to the output folder of the project
     * @param osOutFilePath the path of the dex file to create.
     * @param referencedJavaProjects the list of referenced projects for this project.
     * @throws CoreException
    private boolean executeDx(IJavaProject javaProject, String osBinPath, String osOutFilePath,
            IJavaProject[] referencedJavaProjects) throws CoreException {
        IAndroidTarget target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(javaProject.getProject());
        AndroidTargetData targetData = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargetData(target);
        if (targetData == null) {
            throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
        // get the dex wrapper
        DexWrapper wrapper = targetData.getDexWrapper();
        if (wrapper == null) {
            throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,

        // make sure dx use the proper output streams.
        // first make sure we actually have the streams available.
        if (mOutStream == null) {
            IProject project = getProject();
            mOutStream = AdtPlugin.getOutPrintStream(project, DX_PREFIX);
            mErrStream = AdtPlugin.getErrPrintStream(project, DX_PREFIX);

        try {
            // get the list of libraries to include with the source code
            String[] libraries = getExternalJars();

            // get the list of referenced projects output to add
            String[] projectOutputs = getProjectOutputs(referencedJavaProjects);
            String[] fileNames = new String[1 + projectOutputs.length + libraries.length];

            // first this project output
            fileNames[0] = osBinPath;

            // then other project output
            System.arraycopy(projectOutputs, 0, fileNames, 1, projectOutputs.length);

            // then external jars.
            System.arraycopy(libraries, 0, fileNames, 1 + projectOutputs.length, libraries.length);
            int res =, fileNames,
                    AdtPlugin.getBuildVerbosity() == AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE,
                    mOutStream, mErrStream);

            if (res != 0) {
                // output error message and marker the project.
                String message = String.format(Messages.Dalvik_Error_d,
                AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(getProject(), message);
                markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, message, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
                return false;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            String message = ex.getMessage();
            if (message == null) {
                message = ex.getClass().getCanonicalName();
            message = String.format(Messages.Dalvik_Error_s, message);
            AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(getProject(), message);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, message, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            if ((ex instanceof NoClassDefFoundError)
                    || (ex instanceof NoSuchMethodError)) {
                AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(getProject(), Messages.Incompatible_VM_Warning,
            return false;

        return true;

     * Makes the final package. Package the dex files, the temporary resource file into the final
     * package file.
     * @param intermediateApk The path to the temporary resource file.
     * @param dex The path to the dex file.
     * @param output The path to the final package file to create.
     * @param javaProject
     * @param referencedJavaProjects
     * @return true if success, false otherwise.
    private boolean finalPackage(String intermediateApk, String dex, String output,
            final IJavaProject javaProject, IJavaProject[] referencedJavaProjects) {
        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        try {
            IPreferenceStore store = AdtPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
            String osKeyPath = store.getString(AdtPlugin.PREFS_CUSTOM_DEBUG_KEYSTORE);
            if (osKeyPath == null || new File(osKeyPath).exists() == false) {
                osKeyPath = DebugKeyProvider.getDefaultKeyStoreOsPath();
                AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
            } else {
                AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                        String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_Using_s_To_Sign, osKeyPath));
            // TODO: get the store type from somewhere else.
            DebugKeyProvider provider = new DebugKeyProvider(osKeyPath, null /* storeType */,
                    new IKeyGenOutput() {
                        public void err(String message) {
                                    Messages.ApkBuilder_Signing_Key_Creation_s + message);

                        public void out(String message) {
                                    Messages.ApkBuilder_Signing_Key_Creation_s + message);
            PrivateKey key = provider.getDebugKey();
            X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate)provider.getCertificate();
            if (key == null) {
                String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s,
                AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
                markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
                return false;
            // compare the certificate expiration date
            if (certificate != null && certificate.getNotAfter().compareTo(new Date()) < 0) {
                // TODO, regenerate a new one.
                String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s,
                AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
                markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
                return false;

            // create the jar builder.
            fos = new FileOutputStream(output);
            SignedJarBuilder builder = new SignedJarBuilder(fos, key, certificate);
            // add the intermediate file containing the compiled resources.
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                    String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_Packaging_s, intermediateApk));
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(intermediateApk);
            try {
                builder.writeZip(fis, null /* filter */);
            } finally {
            // Now we add the new file to the zip archive for the classes.dex file.
            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                    String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_Packaging_s, AndroidConstants.FN_CLASSES_DEX));
            File entryFile = new File(dex);
            builder.writeFile(entryFile, AndroidConstants.FN_CLASSES_DEX);

            // Now we write the standard resources from the project and the referenced projects.
            writeStandardResources(builder, javaProject, referencedJavaProjects);
            // Now we write the standard resources from the external libraries
            for (String libraryOsPath : getExternalJars()) {
                AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                        String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_Packaging_s, libraryOsPath));
                try {
                    fis = new FileInputStream(libraryOsPath);
                    builder.writeZip(fis, mJavaResourcesFilter);
                } finally {

            // now write the native libraries.
            // First look if the lib folder is there.
            IResource libFolder = javaProject.getProject().findMember(SdkConstants.FD_NATIVE_LIBS);
            if (libFolder != null && libFolder.exists() &&
                    libFolder.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
                // look inside and put .so in lib/* by keeping the relative folder path.
                writeNativeLibraries(libFolder.getFullPath().segmentCount(), builder, libFolder);

            // close the jar file and write the manifest and sign it.
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e1) {
            // mark project and return
            String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s, e1.getMessage());
            AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            return false;
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            // mark project and return
            String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s, e1.getMessage());
            AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            return false;
        } catch (KeytoolException e) {
            String eMessage = e.getMessage();

            // mark the project with the standard message
            String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s, eMessage);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);

            // output more info in the console
                    String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_JAVA_HOME_is_s, e.getJavaHome()),
        } catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
            String eMessage = e.getMessage();

            // mark the project with the standard message
            String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s, eMessage);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);

            // and also output it in the console
            AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
            // mark project and return
            String msg = String.format(Messages.Final_Archive_Error_s, e.getMessage());
            AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole(javaProject.getProject(), msg);
            markProject(AdtConstants.MARKER_ADT, msg, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            return false;
        } finally {
            if (fos != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // pass.

        return true;
     * Writes native libraries into a {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * <p/>This recursively go through folder and writes .so files. 
     * The path in the archive is based on the root folder containing the libraries in the project.
     * Its segment count is passed to the method to compute the resources path relative to the root
     * folder.
     * Native libraries in the archive must be in a "lib" folder. Everything in the project native
     * lib folder directly goes in this "lib" folder in the archive.
     * @param rootSegmentCount The number of segment of the path of the folder containing the
     * libraries. This is used to compute the path in the archive.
     * @param jarBuilder the {@link SignedJarBuilder} used to create the archive.
     * @param resource the IResource to write.
     * @throws CoreException
     * @throws IOException 
    private void writeNativeLibraries(int rootSegmentCount, SignedJarBuilder jarBuilder,
            IResource resource) throws CoreException, IOException {
        if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
            IPath path = resource.getFullPath();

            // check the extension.
            if (path.getFileExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(AndroidConstants.EXT_NATIVE_LIB)) {
                // remove the first segment to build the path inside the archive.
                path = path.removeFirstSegments(rootSegmentCount);
                // add it to the archive.
                IPath apkPath = new Path(SdkConstants.FD_APK_NATIVE_LIBS);
                apkPath = apkPath.append(path);
                // writes the file in the apk.
                jarBuilder.writeFile(resource.getLocation().toFile(), apkPath.toString());
        } else if (resource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
            IResource[] members = ((IFolder)resource).members();
            for (IResource member : members) {
                writeNativeLibraries(rootSegmentCount, jarBuilder, member);

     * Writes the standard resources of a project and its referenced projects
     * into a {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * Standard resources are non java/aidl files placed in the java package folders.
     * @param jarBuilder the {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * @param javaProject the javaProject object.
     * @param referencedJavaProjects the java projects that this project references.
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws CoreException 
    private void writeStandardResources(SignedJarBuilder jarBuilder, IJavaProject javaProject,
            IJavaProject[] referencedJavaProjects) throws IOException, CoreException {
        IWorkspace ws = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
        IWorkspaceRoot wsRoot = ws.getRoot();
        // create a list of path already put into the archive, in order to detect conflict
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

        writeStandardProjectResources(jarBuilder, javaProject, wsRoot, list);
        for (IJavaProject referencedJavaProject : referencedJavaProjects) {
            // only include output from non android referenced project
            // (This is to handle the case of reference Android projects in the context of 
            // instrumentation projects that need to reference the projects to be tested).
            if (referencedJavaProject.getProject().hasNature(AndroidConstants.NATURE) == false) {
                writeStandardProjectResources(jarBuilder, referencedJavaProject, wsRoot, list);
     * Writes the standard resources of a {@link IJavaProject} into a {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * Standard resources are non java/aidl files placed in the java package folders.
     * @param jarBuilder the {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * @param javaProject the javaProject object.
     * @param wsRoot the {@link IWorkspaceRoot}.
     * @param list a list of files already added to the archive, to detect conflicts.
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeStandardProjectResources(SignedJarBuilder jarBuilder,
            IJavaProject javaProject, IWorkspaceRoot wsRoot, ArrayList<String> list)
            throws IOException {
        // get the source pathes
        ArrayList<IPath> sourceFolders = BaseProjectHelper.getSourceClasspaths(javaProject);
        // loop on them and then recursively go through the content looking for matching files.
        for (IPath sourcePath : sourceFolders) {
            IResource sourceResource = wsRoot.findMember(sourcePath);
            if (sourceResource != null && sourceResource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
                writeStandardSourceFolderResources(jarBuilder, sourcePath, (IFolder)sourceResource,

     * Recursively writes the standard resources of a source folder into a {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * Standard resources are non java/aidl files placed in the java package folders.
     * @param jarBuilder the {@link SignedJarBuilder}.
     * @param sourceFolder the {@link IPath} of the source folder.
     * @param currentFolder The current folder we're recursively processing.
     * @param list a list of files already added to the archive, to detect conflicts.
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeStandardSourceFolderResources(SignedJarBuilder jarBuilder, IPath sourceFolder,
            IFolder currentFolder, ArrayList<String> list) throws IOException {
        try {
            IResource[] members = currentFolder.members();
            for (IResource member : members) {
                int type = member.getType(); 
                if (type == IResource.FILE && member.exists()) {
                    if (checkFileForPackaging((IFile)member)) {
                        // this files must be added to the archive.
                        IPath fullPath = member.getFullPath();
                        // We need to create its path inside the archive.
                        // This path is relative to the source folder.
                        IPath relativePath = fullPath.removeFirstSegments(
                        String zipPath = relativePath.toString();
                        // lets check it's not already in the list of path added to the archive
                        if (list.indexOf(zipPath) != -1) {
                                            fullPath, zipPath));
                        } else {
                            // get the File object
                            File entryFile = member.getLocation().toFile();

                            AdtPlugin.printBuildToConsole(AdtConstants.BUILD_VERBOSE, getProject(),
                                    String.format(Messages.ApkBuilder_Packaging_s_into_s, fullPath, zipPath));

                            // write it in the zip archive
                            jarBuilder.writeFile(entryFile, zipPath);

                            // and add it to the list of entries
                } else if (type == IResource.FOLDER) {
                    if (checkFolderForPackaging((IFolder)member)) {
                        writeStandardSourceFolderResources(jarBuilder, sourceFolder,
                                (IFolder)member, list);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
            // if we can't get the members of the folder, we just don't do anything.

     * Returns the list of the output folders for the specified {@link IJavaProject} objects, if
     * they are Android projects.
     * @param referencedJavaProjects the java projects.
     * @return an array, always. Can be empty.
     * @throws CoreException
    private String[] getProjectOutputs(IJavaProject[] referencedJavaProjects) throws CoreException {
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

        IWorkspace ws = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
        IWorkspaceRoot wsRoot = ws.getRoot();

        for (IJavaProject javaProject : referencedJavaProjects) {
            // only include output from non android referenced project
            // (This is to handle the case of reference Android projects in the context of 
            // instrumentation projects that need to reference the projects to be tested).
            if (javaProject.getProject().hasNature(AndroidConstants.NATURE) == false) {
                // get the output folder
                IPath path = null;
                try {
                    path = javaProject.getOutputLocation();
                } catch (JavaModelException e) {
                IResource outputResource = wsRoot.findMember(path);
                if (outputResource != null && outputResource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
                    String outputOsPath = outputResource.getLocation().toOSString();

        return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
     * Returns an array of {@link IJavaProject} matching the provided {@link IProject} objects.
     * @param projects the IProject objects.
     * @return an array, always. Can be empty.
     * @throws CoreException 
    private IJavaProject[] getJavaProjects(IProject[] projects) throws CoreException {
        ArrayList<IJavaProject> list = new ArrayList<IJavaProject>();

        for (IProject p : projects) {
            if (p.isOpen() && p.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID)) {


        return list.toArray(new IJavaProject[list.size()]);
     * Checks a {@link IFile} to make sure it should be packaged as standard resources.
     * @param file the IFile representing the file.
     * @return true if the file should be packaged as standard java resources.
    static boolean checkFileForPackaging(IFile file) {
        String name = file.getName();
        String ext = file.getFileExtension();
        return JavaResourceFilter.checkFileForPackaging(name, ext);

     * Checks whether an {@link IFolder} and its content is valid for packaging into the .apk as
     * standard Java resource.
     * @param folder the {@link IFolder} to check.
    static boolean checkFolderForPackaging(IFolder folder) {
        String name = folder.getName();
        return JavaResourceFilter.checkFolderForPackaging(name);