WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5177Fri May 04 22:33:44 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor;

 * This SPI mechanism allows loaders to call web services Management module to
 * initialize web service endpoints for monitoring and management. JSR 77 and
 * Monitoring MBeans are created at this time.
 * <br>
public class WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory {

     * WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory is private. Only one sigleton object is available
     * is available through getInstance method.
    private WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory () {

     * Returns the WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory singleton.
     * @return the WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory instance
    public static WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory  getInstance() {
        return lcf;

     * Returns the WSLifeCycleProvider instance. If 
     * -Dwsmgmt.lifecycle.provider.classname is defined,that class is loaded and
     * returned as the WSLifeCycle provider. If there is an error finding or 
     * loading the class, the default provider class is returned.
     * @return WSMonitorLifeCycleProvider implementation
     * @throws IllegalAccessException - if the class or its nullary constructor 
     *                                  is not accessible. 
     *         InstantiationException - if this Class represents an abstract 
     *                                  class,an interface, an array class, a 
     *                                  primitive type, or void; or if the class     *                                  has no nullary constructor; or if the 
     *                                  instantiation fails for some other 
     *                                  reason. 
     *         ClassCastException     - if the provider implementation specified
     *                                  by -D does not implement the com.sun.
     *                                  enterprise.admin.wsmgmt.repository.spi.
     *                                  RepositoryProvider interface.
     *         ClassNotFoundException - if the provider implementation specified     *                                  by -D does could not be found by the 
     *                                  class loader.
    public WSMonitorLifeCycleProvider getWSMonitorLifeCycleProvider() 
      throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassCastException,
        ClassNotFoundException {
       String implName = System.getProperty(WSMGMT_PROVIDER_NAME);
       if ( implName == null ) {
            Class repClass = Class.forName(WSMGMT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER);
            Object o = repClass.newInstance();
            return (WSMonitorLifeCycleProvider)o;
       } else {
            Class repClass = Class.forName(implName);
            Object o = repClass.newInstance();
            return (WSMonitorLifeCycleProvider)o;

    /** Environment property name to customize Repository Provider */
    public static final String WSMGMT_PROVIDER_NAME = 

    public static final String WSMGMT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER = 

    static WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory lcf = new WSMonitorLifeCycleFactory();