Mp4FtypBox.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.45122Wed Mar 30 16:11:44 BST



import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Ftyp (File Type) is the first atom, can be used to help identify the mp4 container type
public class Mp4FtypBox extends AbstractMp4Box
    private String majorBrand;
    private int majorBrandVersion;
    private List<String> compatibleBrands = new ArrayList<String>();

    private static final int MAJOR_BRAND_POS = 0;
    private static final int MAJOR_BRAND_LENGTH = 4;
    private static final int MAJOR_BRAND_VERSION_POS = 4;
    private static final int MAJOR_BRAND_VERSION_LENGTH = 4;
    private static final int COMPATIBLE_BRAND_LENGTH = 4; //Can be multiple of these

     * @param header     header info
     * @param dataBuffer data of box (doesnt include header data)
    public Mp4FtypBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
        this.header = header;
        this.dataBuffer = dataBuffer;

    public void processData() throws CannotReadException
        CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1").newDecoder();
            majorBrand = decoder.decode((ByteBuffer) dataBuffer.slice().limit(MAJOR_BRAND_LENGTH)).toString();
        catch (CharacterCodingException cee)

        dataBuffer.position(dataBuffer.position() + MAJOR_BRAND_LENGTH);

        majorBrandVersion = Utils.getIntBE(dataBuffer, dataBuffer.position(), (dataBuffer.position() + MAJOR_BRAND_VERSION_LENGTH - 1));
        dataBuffer.position(dataBuffer.position() + MAJOR_BRAND_VERSION_LENGTH);

        while ((dataBuffer.position() < dataBuffer.limit()) && (dataBuffer.limit() - dataBuffer.position() >= COMPATIBLE_BRAND_LENGTH))
                String brand = decoder.decode((ByteBuffer) dataBuffer.slice().limit(COMPATIBLE_BRAND_LENGTH)).toString();
                //Sometimes just extra groups of four nulls
                if (!brand.equals("\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"))
            catch (CharacterCodingException cee)
            dataBuffer.position(dataBuffer.position() + COMPATIBLE_BRAND_LENGTH);

    public String toString()

        String info = "Major Brand:" + majorBrand + "Version:" + majorBrandVersion;
        if (compatibleBrands.size() > 0)
            info += "Compatible:";
            for (String brand : compatibleBrands)
                info += brand;
                info += ",";
            return info.substring(0, info.length() - 1);
        return info;

    public String getMajorBrand()
        return majorBrand;

    public int getMajorBrandVersion()
        return majorBrandVersion;

    public List<String> getCompatibleBrands()
        return compatibleBrands;

     * Major brand, helps identify whats contained in the file, used by major and compatible brands
     * but this is not an exhaustive list, so for that reason we don't force the values read from the file
     * to tie in with this enum.
    public static enum Brand
        ISO14496_1_BASE_MEDIA("isom", "ISO 14496-1"),
        ISO14496_12_BASE_MEDIA("iso2", "ISO 14496-12"),
        ISO14496_1_VERSION_1("mp41", "ISO 14496-1"),
        ISO14496_1_VERSION_2("mp42", "ISO 14496-2:Multi track with BIFS scenes"),
        QUICKTIME_MOVIE("qt  ", "Original Quicktime"),
        JVT_AVC("avc1", "JVT"),
        THREEG_MOBILE_MP4("MPA ", "3G Mobile"),
        APPLE_AAC_AUDIO("M4P ", "Apple Audio"),
        AES_ENCRYPTED_AUDIO("M4B ", "Apple encrypted Audio"),
        APPLE_AUDIO("mp71", "Apple Audio"),
        ISO14496_12_MPEG7_METADATA("mp71", "MAIN_SYNTHESIS"),
        APPLE_AUDIO_ONLY("M4A ", "M4A Audio"), //SOmetimes used by protected mutli track audio

        private String id;
        private String description;

         * @param id          it is stored as in file
         * @param description human readable description
        Brand(String id, String description)
   = id;
            this.description = description;

        public String getId()
            return id;

        public String getDescription()
            return description;
