DocumentImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API50714Tue Jun 10 00:22:36 BST


public class DocumentImpl extends CoreDocumentImpl implements DocumentRange, DocumentTraversal, DocumentEvent
The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data.

Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist outside the context of a Document, the Document interface also contains the factory methods needed to create these objects. The Node objects created have a ownerDocument attribute which associates them with the Document within whose context they were created.

The DocumentImpl class also implements the DOM Level 2 DocumentTraversal interface. This interface is comprised of factory methods needed to create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers. The process of creating NodeIterator objects also adds these references to this document. After finishing with an iterator it is important to remove the object using the remove methods in this implementation. This allows the release of the references from the iterator objects to the DOM Nodes.

Note: When any node in the document is serialized, the entire document is serialized along with it.

Arnaud Le Hors, IBM
Joe Kesselman, IBM
Andy Clark, IBM
Ralf Pfeiffer, IBM
$Id:,v 2005/08/31 10:49:17 sunithareddy Exp $

Fields Summary
static final long
Serialization version.
protected Vector
protected Vector
protected Hashtable
Table for event listeners registered to this document nodes.
protected boolean
Bypass mutation events firing.
Constructors Summary
public DocumentImpl()
NON-DOM: Actually creating a Document is outside the DOM's spec, since it has to operate in terms of a particular implementation.

    // Constructors

public DocumentImpl(boolean grammarAccess)

public DocumentImpl(DocumentType doctype)
For DOM2 support. The createDocument factory method is in DOMImplementation.

public DocumentImpl(DocumentType doctype, boolean grammarAccess)
For DOM2 support.

        super(doctype, grammarAccess);
Methods Summary
protected voidaddEventListener( node, java.lang.String type, listener, boolean useCapture)
Introduced in DOM Level 2.

Register an event listener with this Node. A listener may be independently registered as both Capturing and Bubbling, but may only be registered once per role; redundant registrations are ignored.

node node to add listener to
type Event name (NOT event group!) to listen for.
listener Who gets called when event is dispatched
useCapture True iff listener is registered on capturing phase rather than at-target or bubbling

        // We can't dispatch to blank type-name, and of course we need
        // a listener to dispatch to
        if (type == null || type.equals("") || listener == null)
        // Each listener may be registered only once per type per phase.
        // Simplest way to code that is to zap the previous entry, if any.
        removeEventListener(node, type, listener, useCapture);
        Vector nodeListeners = getEventListeners(node);
        if(nodeListeners == null) {
            nodeListeners = new Vector();
            setEventListeners(node, nodeListeners);
        nodeListeners.addElement(new LEntry(type, listener, useCapture));
        // Record active listener
        LCount lc = LCount.lookup(type);
        if (useCapture) {
        else {

public org.w3c.dom.NodecloneNode(boolean deep)
Deep-clone a document, including fixing ownerDoc for the cloned children. Note that this requires bypassing the WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR protection. I've chosen to implement it by calling importNode which is DOM Level 2.

deep boolean, iff true replicate children

        DocumentImpl newdoc = new DocumentImpl();
        callUserDataHandlers(this, newdoc, UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED);
        cloneNode(newdoc, deep);

        // experimental
        newdoc.mutationEvents = mutationEvents;

    	return newdoc;

protected voidcopyEventListeners( src, tgt)

        Vector nodeListeners = getEventListeners(src);
	if (nodeListeners == null) {
	setEventListeners(tgt, (Vector) nodeListeners.clone());
public type)
Introduced in DOM Level 2. Optional.

Create and return Event objects.

type The eventType parameter specifies the type of Event interface to be created. If the Event interface specified is supported by the implementation this method will return a new Event of the interface type requested. If the Event is to be dispatched via the dispatchEvent method the appropriate event init method must be called after creation in order to initialize the Event's values. As an example, a user wishing to synthesize some kind of Event would call createEvent with the parameter "Events". The initEvent method could then be called on the newly created Event to set the specific type of Event to be dispatched and set its context information.
Newly created Event
DOMException NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does not support the type of Event interface requested

	    if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Events") || "Event".equals(type))
	        return new EventImpl();
	    if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("MutationEvents") ||
	        return new MutationEventImpl();
	    else {
            String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", null);
	        throw new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, msg);
public org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIteratorcreateNodeIterator(org.w3c.dom.Node root, short whatToShow, org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter filter)
NON-DOM extension: Create and return a NodeIterator. The NodeIterator is added to a list of NodeIterators so that it can be removed to free up the DOM Nodes it references.

root The root of the iterator.
whatToShow The whatToShow mask.
filter The NodeFilter installed. Null means no filter.

        return createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter, true);
public org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIteratorcreateNodeIterator(org.w3c.dom.Node root, int whatToShow, org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
Create and return a NodeIterator. The NodeIterator is added to a list of NodeIterators so that it can be removed to free up the DOM Nodes it references.

root The root of the iterator.
whatToShow The whatToShow mask.
filter The NodeFilter installed. Null means no filter.
entityReferenceExpansion true to expand the contents of EntityReference nodes

        if (root == null) {
                  String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", null);
                  throw new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, msg);

        NodeIterator iterator = new NodeIteratorImpl(this,
        if (iterators == null) {
            iterators = new Vector();


        return iterator;
public org.w3c.dom.ranges.RangecreateRange()

        if (ranges == null) {
            ranges = new Vector();

        Range range = new RangeImpl(this);


        return range;

public org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalkercreateTreeWalker(org.w3c.dom.Node root, int whatToShow, org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
Create and return a TreeWalker.

root The root of the iterator.
whatToShow The whatToShow mask.
filter The NodeFilter installed. Null means no filter.
entityReferenceExpansion true to expand the contents of EntityReference nodes

    	if (root == null) {
            String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", null);
            throw new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, msg);
        return new TreeWalkerImpl(root, whatToShow, filter,
public org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalkercreateTreeWalker(org.w3c.dom.Node root, short whatToShow, org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter filter)
NON-DOM extension: Create and return a TreeWalker.

root The root of the iterator.
whatToShow The whatToShow mask.
filter The NodeFilter installed. Null means no filter.

        return createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter, true);
voiddeletedText( node, int offset, int count)
A method to be called when some text was deleted from a text node, so that live objects can be notified.

        // notify ranges
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
                                                                offset, count);
protected voiddispatchAggregateEvents( node,$EnclosingAttr ea)
NON-DOM INTERNAL: Convenience wrapper for calling dispatchAggregateEvents when the context was established by savedEnclosingAttr.

node node to dispatch to
ea description of Attr affected by current operation

        if (ea != null)
            dispatchAggregateEvents(node, ea.node, ea.oldvalue,
            dispatchAggregateEvents(node, null, null, (short) 0);
protected voiddispatchAggregateEvents( node, enclosingAttr, java.lang.String oldvalue, short change)
NON-DOM INTERNAL: Generate the "aggregated" post-mutation events DOMAttrModified and DOMSubtreeModified. Both of these should be issued only once for each user-requested mutation operation, even if that involves multiple changes to the DOM. For example, if a DOM operation makes multiple changes to a single Attr before returning, it would be nice to generate only one DOMAttrModified, and multiple changes over larger scope but within a recognizable single subtree might want to generate only one DOMSubtreeModified, sent to their lowest common ancestor.

To manage this, use the "internal" versions of insert and remove with MUTATION_LOCAL, then make an explicit call to this routine at the higher level. Some examples now exist in our code.

node The node to dispatch to
enclosingAttr The Attr node (if any) whose value has been changed as a result of the DOM operation. Null if none such.
oldValue The String value previously held by the enclosingAttr. Ignored if none such.
change Type of modification to the attr. See MutationEvent.attrChange

        // We have to send DOMAttrModified.
        NodeImpl owner = null;
        if (enclosingAttr != null) {
            LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_ATTR_MODIFIED);
            owner = (NodeImpl) enclosingAttr.getOwnerElement();
            if ( > 0) {
                if (owner != null) {
                    MutationEventImpl me =  new MutationEventImpl();
                                         true, false, enclosingAttr,
        // DOMSubtreeModified gets sent to the lowest common root of a
        // set of changes. 
        // "This event is dispatched after all other events caused by the
        // mutation have been fired."
        LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_SUBTREE_MODIFIED);
        if ( > 0) {
            MutationEvent me =  new MutationEventImpl();
                                 true, false, null, null,
                                 null, null, (short) 0);

            // If we're within an Attr, DStM gets sent to the Attr
            // and to its owningElement. Otherwise we dispatch it
            // locally.
            if (enclosingAttr != null) {
                dispatchEvent(enclosingAttr, me);
                if (owner != null)
                    dispatchEvent(owner, me);
                dispatchEvent(node, me);
protected booleandispatchEvent( node, event)
Introduced in DOM Level 2.

Distribution engine for DOM Level 2 Events.

Event propagation runs as follows:

  1. Event is dispatched to a particular target node, which invokes this code. Note that the event's stopPropagation flag is cleared when dispatch begins; thereafter, if it has been set before processing of a node commences, we instead immediately advance to the DEFAULT phase.
  2. The node's ancestors are established as destinations for events. For capture and bubble purposes, node ancestry is determined at the time dispatch starts. If an event handler alters the document tree, that does not change which nodes will be informed of the event.
  3. CAPTURING_PHASE: Ancestors are scanned, root to target, for Capturing listeners. If found, they are invoked (see below).
  4. AT_TARGET: Event is dispatched to NON-CAPTURING listeners on the target node. Note that capturing listeners on this node are _not_ invoked.
  5. BUBBLING_PHASE: Ancestors are scanned, target to root, for non-capturing listeners.
  6. Default processing: Some DOMs have default behaviors bound to specific nodes. If this DOM does, and if the event's preventDefault flag has not been set, we now return to the target node and process its default handler for this event, if any.

Note that registration of handlers during processing of an event does not take effect during this phase of this event; they will not be called until the next time this node is visited by dispatchEvent. On the other hand, removals take effect immediately.

If an event handler itself causes events to be dispatched, they are processed synchronously, before processing resumes on the event which triggered them. Please be aware that this may result in events arriving at listeners "out of order" relative to the actual sequence of requests.

Note that our implementation resets the event's stop/prevent flags when dispatch begins. I believe the DOM's intent is that event objects be redispatchable, though it isn't stated in those terms.

node node to dispatch to
event the event object to be dispatched to registered EventListeners
true if the event's preventDefault() method was invoked by an EventListener; otherwise false.

        if (event == null) return false;
        // Can't use anyone else's implementation, since there's no public
        // API for setting the event's processing-state fields.
        EventImpl evt = (EventImpl)event;

        // VALIDATE -- must have been initialized at least once, must have
        // a non-null non-blank name.
        if(!evt.initialized || evt.type == null || evt.type.equals("")) {
            String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR", null);
            throw new EventException(EventException.UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR, msg);
        // If nobody is listening for this event, discard immediately
        LCount lc = LCount.lookup(evt.getType());
        if ( == 0)
            return evt.preventDefault;

        // (Note that Event objects are reusable in our implementation;
        // that doesn't seem to be explicitly guaranteed in the DOM, but
        // I believe it is the intent.) = node;
        evt.stopPropagation = false;
        evt.preventDefault = false;
        // Capture pre-event parentage chain, not including target;
        // use pre-event-dispatch ancestors even if event handlers mutate
        // document and change the target's context.
        // Note that this is parents ONLY; events do not
        // cross the Attr/Element "blood/brain barrier". 
        // DOMAttrModified. which looks like an exception,
        // is issued to the Element rather than the Attr
        // and causes a _second_ DOMSubtreeModified in the Element's
        // tree.
        Vector pv = new Vector(10,10);
        Node p = node;
        Node n = p.getParentNode();
        while (n != null) {
            p = n;
            n = n.getParentNode();
        if (lc.captures > 0) {
            evt.eventPhase = Event.CAPTURING_PHASE;
            // Ancestors are scanned, root to target, for 
            // Capturing listeners.
            for (int j = pv.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
                if (evt.stopPropagation)
                    break;  // Someone set the flag. Phase ends.

                // Handle all capturing listeners on this node
                NodeImpl nn = (NodeImpl) pv.elementAt(j);
                evt.currentTarget = nn;
                Vector nodeListeners = getEventListeners(nn);
                if (nodeListeners != null) {
                    Vector nl = (Vector) nodeListeners.clone();
                    // call listeners in the order in which they got registered
                    int nlsize = nl.size();
                    for (int i = 0; i < nlsize; i++) {
                        LEntry le = (LEntry) nl.elementAt(i);
                        if (le.useCapture && le.type.equals(evt.type) &&
                            nodeListeners.contains(le)) {
                            try {
                            catch (Exception e) {
                                // All exceptions are ignored.
        // Both AT_TARGET and BUBBLE use non-capturing listeners.
        if (lc.bubbles > 0) {
            // AT_TARGET PHASE: Event is dispatched to NON-CAPTURING listeners
            // on the target node. Note that capturing listeners on the target
            // node are _not_ invoked, even during the capture phase.
            evt.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET;
            evt.currentTarget = node;
            Vector nodeListeners = getEventListeners(node);
            if (!evt.stopPropagation && nodeListeners != null) {
                Vector nl = (Vector) nodeListeners.clone();
                // call listeners in the order in which they got registered
                int nlsize = nl.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < nlsize; i++) {
                    LEntry le = (LEntry) nl.elementAt(i);
                    if (!le.useCapture && le.type.equals(evt.type) &&
                        nodeListeners.contains(le)) {
                        try {
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            // All exceptions are ignored.
            // BUBBLING_PHASE: Ancestors are scanned, target to root, for
            // non-capturing listeners. If the event's preventBubbling flag
            // has been set before processing of a node commences, we
            // instead immediately advance to the default phase.
            // Note that not all events bubble.
            if (evt.bubbles) {
                evt.eventPhase = Event.BUBBLING_PHASE;
                int pvsize = pv.size();
                for (int j = 0; j < pvsize; j++) {
                    if (evt.stopPropagation)
                        break;  // Someone set the flag. Phase ends.

                    // Handle all bubbling listeners on this node
                    NodeImpl nn = (NodeImpl) pv.elementAt(j);
                    evt.currentTarget = nn;
                    nodeListeners = getEventListeners(nn);
                    if (nodeListeners != null) {
                        Vector nl = (Vector) nodeListeners.clone();
                        // call listeners in the order in which they got
                        // registered
                        int nlsize = nl.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < nlsize; i++) {
                            LEntry le = (LEntry) nl.elementAt(i);
                            if (!le.useCapture && le.type.equals(evt.type) &&
                                nodeListeners.contains(le)) {
                                try {
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    // All exceptions are ignored.
        // DEFAULT PHASE: Some DOMs have default behaviors bound to specific
        // nodes. If this DOM does, and if the event's preventDefault flag has
        // not been set, we now return to the target node and process its
        // default handler for this event, if any.
        // No specific phase value defined, since this is DOM-internal
        if (lc.defaults > 0 && (!evt.cancelable || !evt.preventDefault)) {
            // evt.eventPhase = Event.DEFAULT_PHASE;
            // evt.currentTarget = node;

        return evt.preventDefault;        
protected voiddispatchEventToSubtree(org.w3c.dom.Node n, e)
NON-DOM INTERNAL: DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument and ...RemovedFrom... are dispatched to an entire subtree. This is the distribution code therefor. They DO NOT bubble, thanks be, but may be captured.

Similar to code in dispatchingEventToSubtree however this method is only used on the target node and does not start a dispatching chain on the sibling of the target node as this is not part of the subtree ***** At the moment I'm being sloppy and using the normal capture dispatcher on every node. This could be optimized hugely by writing a capture engine that tracks our position in the tree to update the capture chain without repeated chases up to root.

n target node (that was directly inserted or removed)
e event to be sent to that node and its subtree

        ((NodeImpl) n).dispatchEvent(e);
        if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            NamedNodeMap a = n.getAttributes();
            for (int i = a.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                dispatchingEventToSubtree(a.item(i), e);
        dispatchingEventToSubtree(n.getFirstChild(), e);
protected voiddispatchingEventToSubtree(org.w3c.dom.Node n, e)
Dispatches event to the target node's descendents recursively

n node to dispatch to
e event to be sent to that node and its subtree

    	if (n==null) 
    	// ***** Recursive implementation. This is excessively expensive,
        // and should be replaced in conjunction with optimization
        // mentioned above.
    	((NodeImpl) n).dispatchEvent(e);
        if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            NamedNodeMap a = n.getAttributes();
            for (int i = a.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                dispatchingEventToSubtree(a.item(i), e);
        dispatchingEventToSubtree(n.getFirstChild(), e);   
        dispatchingEventToSubtree(n.getNextSibling(), e);
protected java.util.VectorgetEventListeners( n)
Retreive event listener registered on a given node

        if (eventListeners == null) {
            return null;
        return (Vector) eventListeners.get(n);
public org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementationgetImplementation()
Retrieve information describing the abilities of this particular DOM implementation. Intended to support applications that may be using DOMs retrieved from several different sources, potentially with different underlying representations.

        // Currently implemented as a singleton, since it's hardcoded
        // information anyway.
        return DOMImplementationImpl.getDOMImplementation();
Returns true if the DOM implementation generates mutation events.

        return mutationEvents;
voidinsertedNode( node, newInternal, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a node has been inserted in the tree.

        if (mutationEvents) {
            // MUTATION POST-EVENTS:
            // "Local" events (non-aggregated)
            // New child is told it was inserted, and where
            LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_NODE_INSERTED);
            if ( > 0) {
                MutationEventImpl me = new MutationEventImpl();
                                     true, false, node,
                                     null, null, null, (short) 0);
                dispatchEvent(newInternal, me);

            // If within the Document, tell the subtree it's been added
            // to the Doc.
            lc = LCount.lookup(
            if ( > 0) {
                NodeImpl eventAncestor = node;
                if (savedEnclosingAttr != null)
                    eventAncestor = (NodeImpl)
                if (eventAncestor != null) { // Might have been orphan Attr
                    NodeImpl p = eventAncestor;
                    while (p != null) {
                        eventAncestor = p; // Last non-null ancestor
                        // In this context, ancestry includes
                        // walking back from Attr to Element
                        if (p.getNodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
                            p = (NodeImpl) ((AttrImpl)p).getOwnerElement();
                        else {
                            p = p.parentNode();
                    if (eventAncestor.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE){
                        MutationEventImpl me = new MutationEventImpl();
                        dispatchEventToSubtree(newInternal, me);
            if (!replace) {
                // Subroutine: Transmit DOMAttrModified and DOMSubtreeModified
                // (Common to most kinds of mutation)
                dispatchAggregateEvents(node, savedEnclosingAttr);
        // notify the range of insertions
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
voidinsertedText( node, int offset, int count)
A method to be called when some text was inserted into a text node, so that live objects can be notified.

        // notify ranges
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
                                                                offset, count);
voidinsertingNode( node, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a node is about to be inserted in the tree.

        if (mutationEvents) {
            if (!replace) {
voidmodifiedAttrValue( attr, java.lang.String oldvalue)
A method to be called when an attribute value has been modified

        if (mutationEvents) {
            // MUTATION POST-EVENTS:
            dispatchAggregateEvents(attr, attr, oldvalue,
voidmodifiedCharacterData( node, java.lang.String oldvalue, java.lang.String value, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a character data node has been modified

        if (mutationEvents) {
        	if (!replace) {
        		LCount lc =
        		if ( > 0) {
        			MutationEvent me = new MutationEventImpl();
                                     	true, false, null,
										oldvalue, value, null, (short) 0);
        			dispatchEvent(node, me);
        		// Subroutine: Transmit DOMAttrModified and DOMSubtreeModified,
        		// if required. (Common to most kinds of mutation)
        		dispatchAggregateEvents(node, savedEnclosingAttr);
        	} // End mutation postprocessing
voidmodifyingCharacterData( node, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a character data node has been modified

        if (mutationEvents) {
        	if (!replace) {
protected voidremoveEventListener( node, java.lang.String type, listener, boolean useCapture)
Introduced in DOM Level 2.

Deregister an event listener previously registered with this Node. A listener must be independently removed from the Capturing and Bubbling roles. Redundant removals (of listeners not currently registered for this role) are ignored.

node node to remove listener from
type Event name (NOT event group!) to listen for.
listener Who gets called when event is dispatched
useCapture True iff listener is registered on capturing phase rather than at-target or bubbling

        // If this couldn't be a valid listener registration, ignore request
        if (type == null || type.equals("") || listener == null)
        Vector nodeListeners = getEventListeners(node);
        if (nodeListeners == null)

        // Note that addListener has previously ensured that 
        // each listener may be registered only once per type per phase.
        // count-down is OK for deletions!
        for (int i = nodeListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            LEntry le = (LEntry) nodeListeners.elementAt(i);
            if (le.useCapture == useCapture && le.listener == listener && 
                le.type.equals(type)) {
                // Storage management: Discard empty listener lists
                if (nodeListeners.size() == 0)
                    setEventListeners(node, null);

                // Remove active listener
                LCount lc = LCount.lookup(type);
                if (useCapture) {
                else {

                break;  // Found it; no need to loop farther.
voidremoveNodeIterator(org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator nodeIterator)
This is not called by the developer client. The developer client uses the detach() function on the NodeIterator itself.

This function is called from the NodeIterator#detach().

        if (nodeIterator == null) return;
        if (iterators == null) return;

voidremoveRange(org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range range)
Not a client function. Called by Range.detach(), so a Range can remove itself from the list of Ranges.

        if (range == null) return;
        if (ranges == null) return;

voidremovedAttrNode( attr, oldOwner, java.lang.String name)
A method to be called when an attribute node has been removed

        // We can't use the standard dispatchAggregate, since it assumes
        // that the Attr is still attached to an owner. This code is
        // similar but dispatches to the previous owner, "element".
        if (mutationEvents) {
    	    // If we have to send DOMAttrModified (determined earlier),
            // do so.
            LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_ATTR_MODIFIED);
            if ( > 0) {
                MutationEventImpl me= new MutationEventImpl();
                                     true, false, attr,
                                     attr.getNodeValue(), null, name,
                dispatchEvent(oldOwner, me);

            // We can hand off to process DOMSubtreeModified, though.
            // Note that only the Element needs to be informed; the
            // Attr's subtree has not been changed by this operation.
            dispatchAggregateEvents(oldOwner, null, null, (short) 0);
voidremovedNode( node, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a node has been removed from the tree.

        if (mutationEvents) {
            // MUTATION POST-EVENTS:
            // Subroutine: Transmit DOMAttrModified and DOMSubtreeModified,
            // if required. (Common to most kinds of mutation)
            if (!replace) {
                dispatchAggregateEvents(node, savedEnclosingAttr);
        } // End mutation postprocessing
voidremovingNode( node, oldChild, boolean replace)
A method to be called when a node is about to be removed from the tree.

        // notify iterators
        if (iterators != null) {
            int size = iterators.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {

        // notify ranges
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {

        // mutation events
        if (mutationEvents) {
            // If we're within the scope of an Attr and DOMAttrModified 
            // was requested, we need to preserve its previous value for
            // that event.
            if (!replace) {
            // Child is told that it is about to be removed
            LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_NODE_REMOVED);
            if ( > 0) {
                MutationEventImpl me= new MutationEventImpl();
                                     true, false, node, null,
                                     null, null, (short) 0);
                dispatchEvent(oldChild, me);

            // If within Document, child's subtree is informed that it's
            // losing that status
            lc = LCount.lookup(
            if ( > 0) {
                NodeImpl eventAncestor = this;
                if(savedEnclosingAttr != null)
                    eventAncestor = (NodeImpl)
                if (eventAncestor != null) { // Might have been orphan Attr
                    for (NodeImpl p = eventAncestor.parentNode();
                         p != null; p = p.parentNode()) {
                        eventAncestor = p; // Last non-null ancestor
                    if (eventAncestor.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE){
                        MutationEventImpl me = new MutationEventImpl();
                                             false, false, null,
                                             null, null, null, (short) 0);
                        dispatchEventToSubtree(oldChild, me);
        } // End mutation preprocessing
voidrenamedAttrNode(org.w3c.dom.Attr oldAt, org.w3c.dom.Attr newAt)
A method to be called when an attribute node has been renamed

	// REVISIT: To be implemented!!!
voidrenamedElement(org.w3c.dom.Element oldEl, org.w3c.dom.Element newEl)
A method to be called when an element has been renamed

	// REVISIT: To be implemented!!!
voidreplacedCharacterData( node, java.lang.String oldvalue, java.lang.String value)
A method to be called when a character data node has been replaced

    	//now that we have finished replacing data, we need to perform the same actions
    	//that are required after a character data node has been modified
    	//send the value of false for replace parameter so that mutation
    	//events if appropriate will be initiated
    	modifiedCharacterData(node, oldvalue, value, false);
voidreplacedNode( node)
A method to be called when a node has been replaced in the tree.

        if (mutationEvents) {
            dispatchAggregateEvents(node, savedEnclosingAttr);
voidreplacedText( node)
A method to be called when some text was changed in a text node, so that live objects can be notified.

        // notify ranges
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
voidreplacingData( node)
A method to be called when character data is about to be replaced in the tree.

    	if (mutationEvents) {
voidreplacingNode( node)
A method to be called when a node is about to be replaced in the tree.

        if (mutationEvents) {
protected voidsaveEnclosingAttr( node)
NON-DOM INTERNAL: Pre-mutation context check, in preparation for later generating DOMAttrModified events. Determines whether this node is within an Attr

node node to get enclosing attribute for
either a description of that Attr, or null if none such.

        savedEnclosingAttr = null;
        // If we're within the scope of an Attr and DOMAttrModified 
        // was requested, we need to preserve its previous value for
        // that event.
        LCount lc = LCount.lookup(MutationEventImpl.DOM_ATTR_MODIFIED);
        if ( > 0) {
            NodeImpl eventAncestor = node;
            while (true) {
                if (eventAncestor == null)
                int type = eventAncestor.getNodeType();
                if (type == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
                    EnclosingAttr retval = new EnclosingAttr();
                    retval.node = (AttrImpl) eventAncestor;
                    retval.oldvalue = retval.node.getNodeValue();
                    savedEnclosingAttr = retval;
                else if (type == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
                    eventAncestor = eventAncestor.parentNode();
                else if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE)
                    eventAncestor = eventAncestor.parentNode();
                // Any other parent means we're not in an Attr
voidsetAttrNode( attr, previous)
A method to be called when an attribute node has been set

        if (mutationEvents) {
            // MUTATION POST-EVENTS:
            if (previous == null) {
                dispatchAggregateEvents(attr.ownerNode, attr, null,
            else {
                dispatchAggregateEvents(attr.ownerNode, attr,
protected voidsetEventListeners( n, java.util.Vector listeners)
Store event listener registered on a given node This is another place where we could use weak references! Indeed, the node here won't be GC'ed as long as some listener is registered on it, since the eventsListeners table will have a reference to the node.

        if (eventListeners == null) {
            eventListeners = new Hashtable();
        if (listeners == null) {
            if (eventListeners.isEmpty()) {
                // stop firing events when there isn't any listener
                mutationEvents = false;
        } else {
            eventListeners.put(n, listeners);
            // turn mutation events on
            mutationEvents = true;
voidsetMutationEvents(boolean set)
Sets whether the DOM implementation generates mutation events upon operations.

        mutationEvents = set;
voidsplitData(org.w3c.dom.Node node, org.w3c.dom.Node newNode, int offset)
A method to be called when a text node has been split, so that live objects can be notified.

        // notify ranges
        if (ranges != null) {
            int size = ranges.size();
            for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
                                                              newNode, offset);