Paint.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API47732Wed May 06 22:42:00 BST

 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.SpannedString;
import android.text.GraphicsOperations;

 * The Paint class holds the style and color information about how to draw
 * geometries, text and bitmaps.
public class Paint {

    /*package*/ int     mNativePaint;
    private ColorFilter mColorFilter;
    private MaskFilter  mMaskFilter;
    private PathEffect  mPathEffect;
    private Rasterizer  mRasterizer;
    private Shader      mShader;
    private Typeface    mTypeface;
    private Xfermode    mXfermode;

    private static final Style[] sStyleArray = {
        Style.FILL, Style.STROKE, Style.FILL_AND_STROKE
    private static final Cap[] sCapArray = {
        Cap.BUTT, Cap.ROUND, Cap.SQUARE
    private static final Join[] sJoinArray = {
        Join.MITER, Join.ROUND, Join.BEVEL
    private static final Align[] sAlignArray = {
        Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER, Align.RIGHT

    /** bit mask for the flag enabling antialiasing */
    public static final int ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG     = 0x01;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling bitmap filtering */
    public static final int FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG  = 0x02;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling dithering */
    public static final int DITHER_FLAG         = 0x04;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling underline text */
    public static final int UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG = 0x08;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling strike-thru text */
    public static final int STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG = 0x10;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling fake-bold text */
    public static final int FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG = 0x20;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling linear-text (no caching) */
    public static final int LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG    = 0x40;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling subpixel-text */
    public static final int SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG  = 0x80;
    /** bit mask for the flag enabling device kerning for text */
    public static final int DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG  = 0x100;

    // we use this when we first create a paint
    private static final int DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS = DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG;

     * The Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled,
     * stroked, or both (in the same color). The default is FILL.
    public enum Style {
         * Geometry and text drawn with this style will be filled, ignoring all
         * stroke-related settings in the paint.
        FILL            (0),
         * Geometry and text drawn with this style will be stroked, respecting
         * the stroke-related fields on the paint.
        STROKE          (1),
         * Geometry and text drawn with this style will be both filled and
         * stroked at the same time, respecting the stroke-related fields on
         * the paint.
        FILL_AND_STROKE (2);
        Style(int nativeInt) {
            this.nativeInt = nativeInt;
        final int nativeInt;

     * The Cap specifies the treatment for the beginning and ending of
     * stroked lines and paths. The default is BUTT.
    public enum Cap {
         * The stroke ends with the path, and does not project beyond it.
        BUTT    (0),
         * The stroke projects out as a semicircle, with the center at the
         * end of the path.
        ROUND   (1),
         * The stroke projects out as a square, with the center at the end
         * of the path.
        SQUARE  (2);
        private Cap(int nativeInt) {
            this.nativeInt = nativeInt;
        final int nativeInt;

     * The Join specifies the treatment where lines and curve segments
     * join on a stroked path. The default is MITER.
    public enum Join {
         * The outer edges of a join meet at a sharp angle
        MITER   (0),
         * The outer edges of a join meet in a circular arc.
        ROUND   (1),
         * The outer edges of a join meet with a straight line
        BEVEL   (2);
        private Join(int nativeInt) {
            this.nativeInt = nativeInt;
        final int nativeInt;

     * Align specifies how drawText aligns its text relative to the
     * [x,y] coordinates. The default is LEFT.
    public enum Align {
         * The text is drawn to the right of the x,y origin
        LEFT    (0),
         * The text is drawn centered horizontally on the x,y origin
        CENTER  (1),
         * The text is drawn to the left of the x,y origin
        RIGHT   (2);
        private Align(int nativeInt) {
            this.nativeInt = nativeInt;
        final int nativeInt;

     * Create a new paint with default settings.
    public Paint() {
     * Create a new paint with the specified flags. Use setFlags() to change
     * these after the paint is created.
     * @param flags initial flag bits, as if they were passed via setFlags().
    public Paint(int flags) {
        mNativePaint = native_init();
        setFlags(flags | DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS);

     * Create a new paint, initialized with the attributes in the specified
     * paint parameter.
     * @param paint Existing paint used to initialized the attributes of the
     *              new paint.
    public Paint(Paint paint) {
        mNativePaint = native_initWithPaint(paint.mNativePaint);

    /** Restores the paint to its default settings. */
    public void reset() {
     * Copy the fields from src into this paint. This is equivalent to calling
     * get() on all of the src fields, and calling the corresponding set()
     * methods on this.
    public void set(Paint src) {
        if (this != src) {
            // copy over the native settings
            native_set(mNativePaint, src.mNativePaint);
            // copy over our java settings
            mColorFilter    = src.mColorFilter;
            mMaskFilter     = src.mMaskFilter;
            mPathEffect     = src.mPathEffect;
            mRasterizer     = src.mRasterizer;
            mShader         = src.mShader;
            mTypeface       = src.mTypeface;
            mXfermode       = src.mXfermode;

     * Return the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to test flag values.
     * @return the paint's flags (see enums ending in _Flag for bit masks)
    public native int getFlags();

     * Set the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to specific flag values.
     * @param flags The new flag bits for the paint
    public native void setFlags(int flags);

     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit is set
     * AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has
     * no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and
     * setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
     * @return true if the antialias bit is set in the paint's flags.
    public final boolean isAntiAlias() {
        return (getFlags() & ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) != 0;
     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit
     * AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has
     * no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and
     * setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
     * @param aa true to set the antialias bit in the flags, false to clear it
    public native void setAntiAlias(boolean aa);
     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if DITHER_FLAG bit is set
     * Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device
     * are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision
     * colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to
     * distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual
     * artifacts.
     * @return true if the dithering bit is set in the paint's flags.
    public final boolean isDither() {
        return (getFlags() & DITHER_FLAG) != 0;
     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the DITHER_FLAG bit
     * Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device
     * are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision
     * colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to
     * distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual
     * artifacts.
     * @param dither true to set the dithering bit in flags, false to clear it
    public native void setDither(boolean dither);
     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
     * @return true if the lineartext bit is set in the paint's flags
    public final boolean isLinearText() {
        return (getFlags() & LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG) != 0;

     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit
     * @param linearText true to set the linearText bit in the paint's flags,
     *                   false to clear it.
    public native void setLinearText(boolean linearText);

     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
     * @return true if the subpixel bit is set in the paint's flags
    public final boolean isSubpixelText() {
        return (getFlags() & SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG) != 0;
     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit
     * @param subpixelText true to set the subpixelText bit in the paint's
     *                     flags, false to clear it.
    public native void setSubpixelText(boolean subpixelText);
     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
     * @return true if the underlineText bit is set in the paint's flags.
    public final boolean isUnderlineText() {
        return (getFlags() & UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG) != 0;

     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit
     * @param underlineText true to set the underlineText bit in the paint's
     *                      flags, false to clear it.
    public native void setUnderlineText(boolean underlineText);

     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
     * @return true if the strikeThruText bit is set in the paint's flags.
    public final boolean isStrikeThruText() {
        return (getFlags() & STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG) != 0;

     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit
     * @param strikeThruText true to set the strikeThruText bit in the paint's
     *                       flags, false to clear it.
    public native void setStrikeThruText(boolean strikeThruText);

     * Helper for getFlags(), returning true if FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
     * @return true if the fakeBoldText bit is set in the paint's flags.
    public final boolean isFakeBoldText() {
        return (getFlags() & FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG) != 0;

     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit
     * @param fakeBoldText true to set the fakeBoldText bit in the paint's
     *                     flags, false to clear it.
    public native void setFakeBoldText(boolean fakeBoldText);
     * Whether or not the bitmap filter is activated.
     * Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed.
     * Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into
     * device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
     * @see #setFilterBitmap(boolean) setFilterBitmap()
    public final boolean isFilterBitmap() {
        return (getFlags() & FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG) != 0;
     * Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit.
     * Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed.
     * Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into
     * device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
     * @param filter true to set the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit in the paint's
     *               flags, false to clear it.
    public native void setFilterBitmap(boolean filter);

     * Return the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives'
     * geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes
     * FILL_STYLE).
     * @return the paint's style setting (Fill, Stroke, StrokeAndFill)
    public Style getStyle() {
        return sStyleArray[native_getStyle(mNativePaint)];

     * Set the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives'
     * geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes
     * Fill).
     * @param style The new style to set in the paint
    public void setStyle(Style style) {
        native_setStyle(mNativePaint, style.nativeInt);

     * Return the paint's color. Note that the color is a 32bit value
     * containing alpha as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied,
     * meaning that its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of
     * r,g,b. See the Color class for more details.
     * @return the paint's color (and alpha).
    public native int getColor();

     * Set the paint's color. Note that the color is an int containing alpha
     * as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that
     * its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b.
     * See the Color class for more details.
     * @param color The new color (including alpha) to set in the paint.
    public native void setColor(int color);
     * Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value. This is
     * the same as calling getColor() >>> 24. It always returns a value between
     * 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (completely opaque).
     * @return the alpha component of the paint's color.
    public native int getAlpha();

     * Helper to setColor(), that only assigns the color's alpha value,
     * leaving its r,g,b values unchanged. Results are undefined if the alpha
     * value is outside of the range [0..255]
     * @param a set the alpha component [0..255] of the paint's color.
    public native void setAlpha(int a);

     * Helper to setColor(), that takes a,r,g,b and constructs the color int
     * @param a The new alpha component (0..255) of the paint's color.
     * @param r The new red component (0..255) of the paint's color.
     * @param g The new green component (0..255) of the paint's color.
     * @param b The new blue component (0..255) of the paint's color.
    public void setARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b) {
        setColor((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);

     * Return the width for stroking.
     * <p />
     * A value of 0 strokes in hairline mode.
     * Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
     * @return the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's style is
     *         Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public native float getStrokeWidth();

     * Set the width for stroking.
     * Pass 0 to stroke in hairline mode.
     * Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
     * @param width set the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's
     *              style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public native void setStrokeWidth(float width);

     * Return the paint's stroke miter value. Used to control the behavior
     * of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp.
     * @return the paint's miter limit, used whenever the paint's style is
     *         Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public native float getStrokeMiter();

     * Set the paint's stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior
     * of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp. This value must be >= 0.
     * @param miter set the miter limit on the paint, used whenever the paint's
     *              style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public native void setStrokeMiter(float miter);

     * Return the paint's Cap, controlling how the start and end of stroked
     * lines and paths are treated.
     * @return the line cap style for the paint, used whenever the paint's
     *         style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public Cap getStrokeCap() {
        return sCapArray[native_getStrokeCap(mNativePaint)];

     * Set the paint's Cap.
     * @param cap set the paint's line cap style, used whenever the paint's
     *            style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public void setStrokeCap(Cap cap) {
        native_setStrokeCap(mNativePaint, cap.nativeInt);

     * Return the paint's stroke join type.
     * @return the paint's Join.
    public Join getStrokeJoin() {
        return sJoinArray[native_getStrokeJoin(mNativePaint)];

     * Set the paint's Join.
     * @param join set the paint's Join, used whenever the paint's style is
     *             Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
    public void setStrokeJoin(Join join) {
        native_setStrokeJoin(mNativePaint, join.nativeInt);

     * Applies any/all effects (patheffect, stroking) to src, returning the
     * result in dst. The result is that drawing src with this paint will be
     * the same as drawing dst with a default paint (at least from the
     * geometric perspective).
     * @param src input path
     * @param dst output path (may be the same as src)
     * @return    true if the path should be filled, or false if it should be
     *                 drawn with a hairline (width == 0)
    public boolean getFillPath(Path src, Path dst) {
        return native_getFillPath(mNativePaint,,;

     * Get the paint's shader object.
     * @return the paint's shader (or null)
    public Shader getShader() {
        return mShader;

     * Set or clear the shader object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous shader.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param shader May be null. the new shader to be installed in the paint
     * @return       shader
    public Shader setShader(Shader shader) {
        int shaderNative = 0;
        if (shader != null)
            shaderNative = shader.native_instance;
        native_setShader(mNativePaint, shaderNative);
        mShader = shader;
        return shader;

     * Get the paint's colorfilter (maybe be null).
     * @return the paint's colorfilter (maybe be null)
    public ColorFilter getColorFilter() {
        return mColorFilter;

     * Set or clear the paint's colorfilter, returning the parameter.
     * @param filter May be null. The new filter to be installed in the paint
     * @return       filter
    public ColorFilter setColorFilter(ColorFilter filter) {
        int filterNative = 0;
        if (filter != null)
            filterNative = filter.native_instance;
        native_setColorFilter(mNativePaint, filterNative);
        mColorFilter = filter;
        return filter;

     * Get the paint's xfermode object.
     * @return the paint's xfermode (or null)
    public Xfermode getXfermode() {
        return mXfermode;

     * Set or clear the xfermode object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous xfermode.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param xfermode May be null. The xfermode to be installed in the paint
     * @return         xfermode
    public Xfermode setXfermode(Xfermode xfermode) {
        int xfermodeNative = 0;
        if (xfermode != null)
            xfermodeNative = xfermode.native_instance;
        native_setXfermode(mNativePaint, xfermodeNative);
        mXfermode = xfermode;
        return xfermode;

     * Get the paint's patheffect object.
     * @return the paint's patheffect (or null)
    public PathEffect getPathEffect() {
        return mPathEffect;

     * Set or clear the patheffect object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous patheffect.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param effect May be null. The patheffect to be installed in the paint
     * @return       effect
    public PathEffect setPathEffect(PathEffect effect) {
        int effectNative = 0;
        if (effect != null) {
            effectNative = effect.native_instance;
        native_setPathEffect(mNativePaint, effectNative);
        mPathEffect = effect;
        return effect;

     * Get the paint's maskfilter object.
     * @return the paint's maskfilter (or null)
    public MaskFilter getMaskFilter() {
        return mMaskFilter;

     * Set or clear the maskfilter object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous maskfilter.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param maskfilter May be null. The maskfilter to be installed in the
     *                   paint
     * @return           maskfilter
    public MaskFilter setMaskFilter(MaskFilter maskfilter) {
        int maskfilterNative = 0;
        if (maskfilter != null) {
            maskfilterNative = maskfilter.native_instance;
        native_setMaskFilter(mNativePaint, maskfilterNative);
        mMaskFilter = maskfilter;
        return maskfilter;

     * Get the paint's typeface object.
     * <p />
     * The typeface object identifies which font to use when drawing or
     * measuring text.
     * @return the paint's typeface (or null)
    public Typeface getTypeface() {
        return mTypeface;

     * Set or clear the typeface object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous typeface.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param typeface May be null. The typeface to be installed in the paint
     * @return         typeface
    public Typeface setTypeface(Typeface typeface) {
        int typefaceNative = 0;
        if (typeface != null) {
            typefaceNative = typeface.native_instance;
        native_setTypeface(mNativePaint, typefaceNative);
        mTypeface = typeface;
        return typeface;
     * Get the paint's rasterizer (or null).
     * <p />
     * The raster controls/modifies how paths/text are turned into alpha masks.
     * @return         the paint's rasterizer (or null)
    public Rasterizer getRasterizer() {
        return mRasterizer;

     * Set or clear the rasterizer object.
     * <p />
     * Pass null to clear any previous rasterizer.
     * As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
     * @param rasterizer May be null. The new rasterizer to be installed in
     *                   the paint.
     * @return           rasterizer
    public Rasterizer setRasterizer(Rasterizer rasterizer) {
        int rasterizerNative = 0;
        if (rasterizer != null) {
            rasterizerNative = rasterizer.native_instance;
        native_setRasterizer(mNativePaint, rasterizerNative);
        mRasterizer = rasterizer;
        return rasterizer;
     * Temporary API to expose layer drawing. This draws a shadow layer below
     * the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius.
     * If radius is 0, then the shadow layer is removed.
    public native void setShadowLayer(float radius, float dx, float dy,
                                      int color);

     * Temporary API to clear the shadow layer.
    public void clearShadowLayer() {
        setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);

     * Return the paint's Align value for drawing text. This controls how the
     * text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of
     * the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin
     * specifieds the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
     * @return the paint's Align value for drawing text.
    public Align getTextAlign() {
        return sAlignArray[native_getTextAlign(mNativePaint)];

     * Set the paint's text alignment. This controls how the
     * text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of
     * the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin
     * specifieds the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
     * @param align set the paint's Align value for drawing text.
    public void setTextAlign(Align align) {
        native_setTextAlign(mNativePaint, align.nativeInt);

     * Return the paint's text size.
     * @return the paint's text size.
    public native float getTextSize();

     * Set the paint's text size. This value must be > 0
     * @param textSize set the paint's text size.
    public native void setTextSize(float textSize);

     * Return the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value
     * is 1.0.
     * @return the paint's scale factor in X for drawing/measuring text
    public native float getTextScaleX();

     * Set the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value
     * is 1.0. Values > 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will
     * stretch the text narrower.
     * @param scaleX set the paint's scale in X for drawing/measuring text.
    public native void setTextScaleX(float scaleX);

     * Return the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value
     * is 0.
     * @return         the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text.
    public native float getTextSkewX();

     * Set the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value
     * is 0. For approximating oblique text, use values around -0.25.
     * @param skewX set the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text.
    public native void setTextSkewX(float skewX);

     * Return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the
     * current typeface and text size.
     * @return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the
     *         current typeface and text size.
    public native float ascent();

     * Return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the
     * current typeface and text size.
     * @return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on
     *         the current typeface and text size.
    public native float descent();

     * Class that describes the various metrics for a font at a given text size.
     * Remember, Y values increase going down, so those values will be positive,
     * and values that measure distances going up will be negative. This class
     * is returned by getFontMetrics().
    public static class FontMetrics {
         * The maximum distance above the baseline for the tallest glyph in 
         * the font at a given text size.
        public float   top;
         * The recommended distance above the baseline for singled spaced text.
        public float   ascent;
         * The recommended distance below the baseline for singled spaced text.
        public float   descent;
         * The maximum distance below the baseline for the lowest glyph in 
         * the font at a given text size.
        public float   bottom;
         * The recommended additional space to add between lines of text.
        public float   leading;
     * Return the font's recommended interline spacing, given the Paint's
     * settings for typeface, textSize, etc. If metrics is not null, return the
     * fontmetric values in it.
     * @param metrics If this object is not null, its fields are filled with
     *                the appropriate values given the paint's text attributes.
     * @return the font's recommended interline spacing.
    public native float getFontMetrics(FontMetrics metrics);
     * Allocates a new FontMetrics object, and then calls getFontMetrics(fm)
     * with it, returning the object.
    public FontMetrics getFontMetrics() {
        FontMetrics fm = new FontMetrics();
        return fm;
     * Convenience method for callers that want to have FontMetrics values as
     * integers.
    public static class FontMetricsInt {
        public int   top;
        public int   ascent;
        public int   descent;
        public int   bottom;
        public int   leading;
        @Override public String toString() {
            return "FontMetricsInt: top=" + top + " ascent=" + ascent +
                    " descent=" + descent + " bottom=" + bottom +
                    " leading=" + leading;

     * Return the font's interline spacing, given the Paint's settings for
     * typeface, textSize, etc. If metrics is not null, return the fontmetric
     * values in it. Note: all values have been converted to integers from
     * floats, in such a way has to make the answers useful for both spacing
     * and clipping. If you want more control over the rounding, call
     * getFontMetrics().
     * @return the font's interline spacing.
    public native int getFontMetricsInt(FontMetricsInt fmi);

    public FontMetricsInt getFontMetricsInt() {
        FontMetricsInt fm = new FontMetricsInt();
        return fm;
     * Return the recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and
     * text size.
     * @return  recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and
     *          text size.
    public float getFontSpacing() {
        return getFontMetrics(null);

     * Return the width of the text.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param index The index of the first character to start measuring
     * @param count THe number of characters to measure, beginning with start
     * @return      The width of the text
    public native float measureText(char[] text, int index, int count);

     * Return the width of the text.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param start The index of the first character to start measuring
     * @param end   1 beyond the index of the last character to measure
     * @return      The width of the text
    public native float measureText(String text, int start, int end);

     * Return the width of the text.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @return      The width of the text
    public native float measureText(String text);

     * Return the width of the text.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param start The index of the first character to start measuring
     * @param end   1 beyond the index of the last character to measure
     * @return      The width of the text
    public float measureText(CharSequence text, int start, int end) {
        if (text instanceof String) {
            return measureText((String)text, start, end);
        if (text instanceof SpannedString ||
            text instanceof SpannableString) {
            return measureText(text.toString(), start, end);
        if (text instanceof GraphicsOperations) {
            return ((GraphicsOperations)text).measureText(start, end, this);

        char[] buf = TemporaryBuffer.obtain(end - start);
    	TextUtils.getChars(text, start, end, buf, 0);
    	float result = measureText(buf, 0, end - start);
    	return result;
     * Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth.
     * Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is
     * not null, return in it the actual width measured.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param index The offset into text to begin measuring at
     * @param count The number of maximum number of entries to measure. If count
     *              is negative, then the characters before index are measured
     *              in reverse order. This allows for measuring the end of
     *              string.
     * @param maxWidth The maximum width to accumulate.
     * @param measuredWidth Optional. If not null, returns the actual width
     *                     measured.
     * @return The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <=
     *         abs(count).
    public native int breakText(char[] text, int index, int count,
                                float maxWidth, float[] measuredWidth);

     * Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth.
     * Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is
     * not null, return in it the actual width measured.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param start The offset into text to begin measuring at
     * @param end   The end of the text slice to measure.
     * @param measureForwards If true, measure forwards, starting at start.
     *                        Otherwise, measure backwards, starting with end.
     * @param maxWidth The maximum width to accumulate.
     * @param measuredWidth Optional. If not null, returns the actual width
     *                     measured.
     * @return The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <=
     *         abs(end - start).
    public int breakText(CharSequence text, int start, int end,
                         boolean measureForwards,
                         float maxWidth, float[] measuredWidth) {
        if (start == 0 && text instanceof String && end == text.length()) {
            return breakText((String) text, measureForwards, maxWidth,

        char[] buf = TemporaryBuffer.obtain(end - start);
        int result;

        TextUtils.getChars(text, start, end, buf, 0);

        if (measureForwards) {
            result = breakText(buf, 0, end - start, maxWidth, measuredWidth);
        } else {
            result = breakText(buf, 0, -(end - start), maxWidth, measuredWidth);

        return result;

     * Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth.
     * Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is
     * not null, return in it the actual width measured.
     * @param text  The text to measure
     * @param measureForwards If true, measure forwards, starting at index.
     *                        Otherwise, measure backwards, starting with the
     *                        last character in the string.
     * @param maxWidth The maximum width to accumulate.
     * @param measuredWidth Optional. If not null, returns the actual width
     *                     measured.
     * @return The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <=
     *         abs(count).
    public native int breakText(String text, boolean measureForwards,
                                float maxWidth, float[] measuredWidth);

     * Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
     * @param text     The text to measure
     * @param index    The index of the first char to to measure
     * @param count    The number of chars starting with index to measure
     * @param widths   array to receive the advance widths of the characters.
     *                 Must be at least a large as count.
     * @return         the actual number of widths returned.
    public int getTextWidths(char[] text, int index, int count,
                             float[] widths) {
        if ((index | count) < 0 || index + count > text.length
                || count > widths.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        return native_getTextWidths(mNativePaint, text, index, count, widths);

     * Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
     * @param text     The text to measure
     * @param start    The index of the first char to to measure
     * @param end      The end of the text slice to measure
     * @param widths   array to receive the advance widths of the characters.
     *                 Must be at least a large as (end - start).
     * @return         the actual number of widths returned.
    public int getTextWidths(CharSequence text, int start, int end,
                             float[] widths) {
        if (text instanceof String) {
            return getTextWidths((String) text, start, end, widths);
        if (text instanceof SpannedString ||
            text instanceof SpannableString) {
            return getTextWidths(text.toString(), start, end, widths);
        if (text instanceof GraphicsOperations) {
            return ((GraphicsOperations) text).getTextWidths(start, end,
                                                                 widths, this);

        char[] buf = TemporaryBuffer.obtain(end - start);
    	TextUtils.getChars(text, start, end, buf, 0);
    	int result = getTextWidths(buf, 0, end - start, widths);
    	return result;

     * Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
     * @param text   The text to measure
     * @param start  The index of the first char to to measure
     * @param end    The end of the text slice to measure
     * @param widths array to receive the advance widths of the characters.
     *               Must be at least a large as the text.
     * @return       the number of unichars in the specified text.
    public int getTextWidths(String text, int start, int end, float[] widths) {
        if ((start | end | (end - start) | (text.length() - end)) < 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        if (end - start > widths.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        return native_getTextWidths(mNativePaint, text, start, end, widths);
     * Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
     * @param text   The text to measure
     * @param widths array to receive the advance widths of the characters.
     *               Must be at least a large as the text.
     * @return       the number of unichars in the specified text.
    public int getTextWidths(String text, float[] widths) {
        return getTextWidths(text, 0, text.length(), widths);

     * Return the path (outline) for the specified text.
     * Note: just like Canvas.drawText, this will respect the Align setting in
     * the paint.
     * @param text     The text to retrieve the path from
     * @param index    The index of the first character in text
     * @param count    The number of characterss starting with index
     * @param x        The x coordinate of the text's origin
     * @param y        The y coordinate of the text's origin
     * @param path     The path to receive the data describing the text. Must
     *                 be allocated by the caller.
    public void getTextPath(char[] text, int index, int count,
                            float x, float y, Path path) {
        if ((index | count) < 0 || index + count > text.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        native_getTextPath(mNativePaint, text, index, count, x, y,;

     * Return the path (outline) for the specified text.
     * Note: just like Canvas.drawText, this will respect the Align setting
     * in the paint.
     * @param text  The text to retrieve the path from
     * @param start The first character in the text
     * @param end   1 past the last charcter in the text
     * @param x     The x coordinate of the text's origin
     * @param y     The y coordinate of the text's origin
     * @param path  The path to receive the data describing the text. Must
     *              be allocated by the caller.
    public void getTextPath(String text, int start, int end,
                            float x, float y, Path path) {
        if ((start | end | (end - start) | (text.length() - end)) < 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        native_getTextPath(mNativePaint, text, start, end, x, y,;
     * Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that
     * encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0).
     * @param text  String to measure and return its bounds
     * @param start Index of the first char in the string to measure
     * @param end   1 past the last char in the string measure
     * @param bounds Returns the unioned bounds of all the text. Must be
     *               allocated by the caller.
    public void getTextBounds(String text, int start, int end, Rect bounds) {
        if ((start | end | (end - start) | (text.length() - end)) < 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        if (bounds == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("need bounds Rect");
        nativeGetStringBounds(mNativePaint, text, start, end, bounds);
     * Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that
     * encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0).
     * @param text  Array of chars to measure and return their unioned bounds
     * @param index Index of the first char in the array to measure
     * @param count The number of chars, beginning at index, to measure
     * @param bounds Returns the unioned bounds of all the text. Must be
     *               allocated by the caller.
    public void getTextBounds(char[] text, int index, int count, Rect bounds) {
        if ((index | count) < 0 || index + count > text.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        if (bounds == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("need bounds Rect");
        nativeGetCharArrayBounds(mNativePaint, text, index, count, bounds);
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

    private static native int native_init();
    private static native int native_initWithPaint(int paint);
    private static native void native_reset(int native_object);
    private static native void native_set(int native_dst, int native_src);
    private static native int native_getStyle(int native_object);
    private static native void native_setStyle(int native_object, int style);
    private static native int native_getStrokeCap(int native_object);
    private static native void native_setStrokeCap(int native_object, int cap);
    private static native int native_getStrokeJoin(int native_object);
    private static native void native_setStrokeJoin(int native_object,
                                                    int join);
    private static native boolean native_getFillPath(int native_object,
                                                     int src, int dst);
    private static native int native_setShader(int native_object, int shader);
    private static native int native_setColorFilter(int native_object,
                                                    int filter);
    private static native int native_setXfermode(int native_object,
                                                 int xfermode);
    private static native int native_setPathEffect(int native_object,
                                                   int effect);
    private static native int native_setMaskFilter(int native_object,
                                                   int maskfilter);
    private static native int native_setTypeface(int native_object,
                                                 int typeface);
    private static native int native_setRasterizer(int native_object,
                                                   int rasterizer);

    private static native int native_getTextAlign(int native_object);
    private static native void native_setTextAlign(int native_object,
                                                   int align);

    private static native float native_getFontMetrics(int native_paint,
                                                      FontMetrics metrics);
    private static native int native_getTextWidths(int native_object,
                            char[] text, int index, int count, float[] widths);
    private static native int native_getTextWidths(int native_object,
                            String text, int start, int end, float[] widths);
    private static native void native_getTextPath(int native_object,
                char[] text, int index, int count, float x, float y, int path);
    private static native void native_getTextPath(int native_object,
                String text, int start, int end, float x, float y, int path);
    private static native void nativeGetStringBounds(int nativePaint,
                                String text, int start, int end, Rect bounds);
    private static native void nativeGetCharArrayBounds(int nativePaint,
                                char[] text, int index, int count, Rect bounds);
    private static native void finalizer(int nativePaint);