Charsets.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API4765Thu Mar 12 22:22:44 GMT


public final class Charsets extends Object
Defines the same class as the java.nio.charset.Charsets which was added in Dalvik VM. This hack, provides a replacement for that class which can't be loaded in the standard JVM since it's in the java package and standard JVM doesn't have it. An implementation of the native methods in the original class has been added.

Extracted from API level 18, file: platform/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/nio/charset/Charsets

Fields Summary
public static final Charset
A cheap and type-safe constant for the ISO-8859-1 Charset.
public static final Charset
A cheap and type-safe constant for the US-ASCII Charset.
public static final Charset
A cheap and type-safe constant for the UTF-8 Charset.
Constructors Summary
private Charsets()

Methods Summary
public static voidasciiBytesToChars(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, char[] chars)
Decodes the given US-ASCII bytes into the given char[]. Equivalent to but faster than: for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { char ch = (char) (data[start++] & 0xff); value[i] = (ch <= 0x7f) ? ch : REPLACEMENT_CHAR; }

        if (bytes == null || chars == null) {
        final char REPLACEMENT_CHAR = (char)0xffd;
        int start = offset;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            char ch = (char) (bytes[start++] & 0xff);
            chars[i] = (ch <= 0x7f) ? ch : REPLACEMENT_CHAR;
public static voidisoLatin1BytesToChars(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, char[] chars)
Decodes the given ISO-8859-1 bytes into the given char[]. Equivalent to but faster than: for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { value[i] = (char) (data[start++] & 0xff); }

        if (bytes == null || chars == null) {
        int start = offset;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            chars[i] = (char) (bytes[start++] & 0xff);
public static byte[]toAsciiBytes(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
Returns a new byte array containing the bytes corresponding to the given characters, encoded in US-ASCII. Unrepresentable characters are replaced by (byte) '?'.

        CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(length);
        cb.put(chars, offset, length);
        return US_ASCII.encode(cb).array();
public static byte[]toBigEndianUtf16Bytes(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
Returns a new byte array containing the bytes corresponding to the given characters, encoded in UTF-16BE. All characters are representable in UTF-16BE.

        byte[] result = new byte[length * 2];
        int end = offset + length;
        int resultIndex = 0;
        for (int i = offset; i < end; ++i) {
            char ch = chars[i];
            result[resultIndex++] = (byte) (ch >> 8);
            result[resultIndex++] = (byte) ch;
        return result;
public static byte[]toIsoLatin1Bytes(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
Returns a new byte array containing the bytes corresponding to the given characters, encoded in ISO-8859-1. Unrepresentable characters are replaced by (byte) '?'.

        CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(length);
        cb.put(chars, offset, length);
        return ISO_8859_1.encode(cb).array();
public static byte[]toUtf8Bytes(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
Returns a new byte array containing the bytes corresponding to the given characters, encoded in UTF-8. All characters are representable in UTF-8.

        CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(length);
        cb.put(chars, offset, length);
        return UTF_8.encode(cb).array();