Application.javaAPI DocExample4578Tue Mar 20 16:43:42 GMT 2001None

// Author : George Coxhead
// This program is to be used as the basis for Assignment 1 (COOP)

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import Account;

class Application extends Frame

    private static final int H = 400; //Height of frame
    private static final int W = 300; //Width of frame

    private TextField    theinput;       //Textfield for input
    private TextArea     theoutput;      //Textarea to display output
    private Transaction  thetrans   = new Transaction();
    private Account      theaccount = new Account(); 

    public Application()     //constructor for Application
        setLayout(null);  //nullify the default layout manager so we can place things ourself
        setSize(W, H);
        setTitle("Iternational Bank of George");
        Font font = new Font("Monospaced",Font.PLAIN,12); //create a font for input and output

        // build the input field and add to Frame
        theinput = new TextField();          // create an input field
        theinput.setBounds(10,H-50,W-20,40); //set its co-ordinates within the frame
        theinput.setFont(font);              //set the font 
        add(theinput);                       //add theinput field to the frame
        theinput.addActionListener(thetrans);//add a listener to listen for a transaction event

        // build the output area and add to the frame
        theoutput = new TextArea(10,40);      //create a text area with dimensions
        theoutput.setBounds(10,30,W-20,H-100);//set its co-ordinates within the frame
        theoutput.setFont(font);              //set the font
        add(theoutput);                       //add the output area to the frame

       }    // end of constructor for Application

     // Now create a transaction class as an inner class to Application in order to process
     // the different transactions deposit, withdraw etc
     class Transaction implements ActionListener
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)       // handle the transaction
            String userinput = theinput.getText() + " "; //get some input and make safe
            theinput.setText("");                        //clear the input field
            char transtype  = userinput.charAt(0);       //get the first character it denotes transaction type
            String tranamount = userinput.substring(1);  //Get the rest of the input 

            //We now need to parse tranamount into a double value

             double value = 0.00;      //declare and initialise a variable to hold the parsed value

            // string to number parsing throws a NumberFormatException so we have to handle it
                 value = Double.parseDouble(tranamount);
             catch(NumberFormatException ex)
               //minimal job for the time being

            // We now need to setup the different cases for a transaction (transtype)
            // D Deposit, W Withdraw, C clear theoutput
            double res = 0.0;                     //Variable to hold the value returned by theaccount withdraw method

            switch(transtype)  //setup a switch to handle each transaction type
                //*************** deposit ****************
                case 'D':
                case 'd':
                          theoutput.append( "Not yet implemented\n");

                 //************* Withdraw ***************
                 case 'W':
                 case 'w':
                           theoutput.append( "Not yet implemented\n");

                  //*************** Get the Balance ************
                 case 'B':
                 case 'b':
                      res = 0.00;     //need to call an account method for this
                      theoutput.append("Current Balance : " + res + "\n");

                  //************** Clear output area ************
                 case 'C':
                 case 'c':

                 default :
                    theoutput.append(transtype + "not valid\n");
              }  //end case
          } //end actionPerformed 
       } //end Transaction(inner class)
   } //end Application 

class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
        (new Application()).show(); 