MonitoringEventListener.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4526Fri May 04 22:33:34 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.event


public interface MonitoringEventListener implements com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventListener
Listener interface to handle monitoring events.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidgetMonitoringData(MonitoringEvent event)
Get monitoring data for the component specified in the event. This method is called whenever a monitoring event with action of MonitoringEvent.GET_MONITOR_DATA is received.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidlistMonitorable(MonitoringEvent event)
Get list of monitorable(s) for the component specified in the event. This method is called whenever a monitoring event with action of MonitoringEvent.LIST_MONITORABLE is received.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidsetMonitoringData(MonitoringEvent event)
Set monitoring data for the component specified in the event. This method is called whenever a monitoring event with action of MonitoringEvent.SET_MONITOR_DATA is received.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidstartMonitoring(MonitoringEvent event)
Start monitoring on the component specified by the event. This method is called whenever a monitoring event with action of MonitoringEvent.START_MONITORING is received.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidstopMonitoring(MonitoringEvent event)
Stop monitoring on the component specified by the event. This method is called whenever a monitoring event with action of MonitoringEvent.STOP_MONITORING is received.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.