ServerHelper.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API45065Tue Nov 21 07:36:22 GMT 2006com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans


public class ServerHelper extends ConfigAPIHelper
kebbs TODO: We may want to hide the DAS (instance "server") completely from any server list, etc. Currently the DAS is treated like any other server instance; however, the user should be able to specify "server" as a target, thus allowing the PE like deployment. Obviously this needs some thought.

Fields Summary
public static final String
public static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Get MBeanServerConnection for the given configContext and serverName

	// fix me
	// move this code to a common place which is being worked on by Kedar

	// get jmx connector
	JMXConnector conn = getJMXConnector(configContext, instanceName);

	return conn.getMBeanServerConnection();
public static AdminServicegetAdminServiceForServer(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Fetch the AdminService for the given server instance. The server instance must exist or an exception is thrown.

        final Config config = getConfigForServer(configContext, instanceName);
        //Find the admin service element of the config
        final AdminService adminService = config.getAdminService();
        if (adminService == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noAdminService", 
                config.getName(), instanceName));
        return adminService;      
public static java.lang.StringgetAdministrativeDomainName(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns the property value defined under domain element. is used to determine the jmx mbean server name for the AMX mbeans.

ctx config contex
serverName name of the server instance
return property value or null if not defined
ConfigException if an error while parsing domain configuration

        // name of administrative domain name property
        final String ADMIN_DOMAIN_PROP = "";

        // administrative domain name property value
        String aDomainName = null;

        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(ctx);          

        if (domain != null) {
            // administrative domain name
            ElementProperty aDomainNameProp = 
            if (aDomainNameProp != null) {
                aDomainName = aDomainNameProp.getValue();
        return aDomainName;
public static ApplicationRef[]getApplicationReferences(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String serverName)
Return all the application refs of the server

        final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, serverName);
        if (server.getApplicationRef() == null) {
            return new ApplicationRef[0];
        } else {
            return server.getApplicationRef();
public static AppclientModule[]getAssociatedAppclientModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated app client modules bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            AppclientModule[] appclntMods = applications.getAppclientModule();
            for (int i=0; i < appclntMods.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                appclntMods[i].getName()) ) {

        AppclientModule[] associatedApps = new AppclientModule[list.size()];
        return ((AppclientModule[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static ConnectorModule[]getAssociatedConnectorModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated connector modules bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            ConnectorModule[] connMods = applications.getConnectorModule();
            for (int i=0; i < connMods.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                connMods[i].getName()) ) {

        ConnectorModule[] associatedApps = new ConnectorModule[list.size()];
        return ((ConnectorModule[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static EjbModule[]getAssociatedEjbModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated EJB modules bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            EjbModule[] ejbMods = applications.getEjbModule();
            for (int i=0; i < ejbMods.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                ejbMods[i].getName()) ) {

        EjbModule[] associatedApps = new EjbModule[list.size()];
        return ((EjbModule[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static J2eeApplication[]getAssociatedJ2eeApplications(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated J2EE Applications bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            J2eeApplication[] j2eeApps = applications.getJ2eeApplication();
            for (int i=0; i < j2eeApps.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                j2eeApps[i].getName()) ) {

        J2eeApplication[] associatedApps = new J2eeApplication[list.size()];
        return ((J2eeApplication[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static LifecycleModule[]getAssociatedLifecycleModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated Lifecycle modules bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            LifecycleModule[] lcMods = applications.getLifecycleModule();
            for (int i=0; i < lcMods.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                lcMods[i].getName()) ) {

        LifecycleModule[] associatedApps = new LifecycleModule[list.size()];
        return ((LifecycleModule[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static WebModule[]getAssociatedWebModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns all the associated web modules bean for this given sever.

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            WebModule[] webMods = applications.getWebModule();
            for (int i=0; i < webMods.length; i++) {
                if (serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                webMods[i].getName()) ) {

        WebModule[] associatedApps = new WebModule[list.size()];
        return ((WebModule[]) list.toArray(associatedApps));
public static java.lang.StringgetCertNickname(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)
Returns the certificate nick name.

ctx config context
serverName sever instance name
certificate nick name
ConfigException if system jmx connector is not defined

        JmxConnector con = ServerHelper.getServerSystemConnector(ctx, serverName);
        if (con != null) {
            Ssl ssl = con.getSsl();
            if (ssl != null) return ssl.getCertNickname();
public static ConfiggetConfigForServer(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return the configuration of the given server instance. Both the server instance or its configuration must exist or an exception is thrown.

        final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);        
        return getConfigByName(configContext, server.getConfigRef()); 
public static ServergetDAS(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext)

        //Now find all server instances that reference that config.
        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);    
        Server das = null;
        for (int i = 0; i <  servers.length; i++) {
            if (isDAS(configContext, servers[i])) {
                if (das == null) {
                    das = servers[i];
                } else {
                    //Throw an exception if we found more than 1 DAS. This is 
                    //more of a sanity check and can be removed if there are 
                    //performance concerns.
                    throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("tooManyDASFound", das.getName(), 
        if (das == null) {
            //Throw an exception if we could not identify the DAS.
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noDASFound"));
        return das;
public static HttpListenergetHttpListener(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext cc, java.lang.String sn, java.lang.String ln)

        final Config cfg           = getConfigForServer(cc, sn);
        final HttpService hs       = cfg.getHttpService();
        final HttpListener hl      = hs.getHttpListenerById(ln);
        return ( hl );
public static HttpListener[]getHttpListeners(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext cc, java.lang.String sn)

        final Config cfg           = getConfigForServer(cc, sn);
        final HttpService hs       = cfg.getHttpService();
        return ( hs.getHttpListener() );
public static configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Get JMX Connector for the given configContext and serverName

	// fix me
	// move this code to a common place which is being worked on by Kedar

	// connection info
	JMXConnectorConfig jcc = getJMXConnectorInfo(configContext, instanceName);

	// url
	JMXServiceURL url = null;
	/* Currently this is totally hacked code. - May 2004.
	   This should clearly use a pool of connectors.
	   The pool of connectors should be created early in the life cycle.
	try {
		url = JmxServiceUrlFactory.forRmiWithJndiInAppserver
		(jcc.getHost(), Integer.parseInt(jcc.getPort()));
	catch(final Exception e) {
		throw new RuntimeException(e);

	final Map env = new HashMap();
	// add user and password based on Abhijit's patch
	env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new String[] {jcc.getUser(), jcc.getPassword()});
	// connection
	JMXConnector conn = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, env);

	return conn;
public static com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.JMXConnectorConfiggetJMXConnectorInfo(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return mbean server connection info for a server instance (including the DAS). This returns the information necessary to connect to the exposed mbean server's connector.

        //Fetch the server instances system jmx connector defined in its configuration.       
        JmxConnector connector = ServerHelper.getServerSystemConnector(
            configContext, instanceName);

        //If the port number is not a number, but instead a property reference of the form
        //${port-number}, we must resolve the property reference manually. The issue is that 
        //this code is running in the DAS, and the port-number system property will not 
        //be defined there. It will only be defined in the server instance.

        //FIXTHIS: This is a HACK since connector.getPort() will return a 
        //port with all the system properties resolved. We need the raw attribute value.
        String portAttribute = connector.getRawAttributeValue(ServerTags.PORT);
        String port = new PropertyResolver(configContext, instanceName).resolve(

        //Now set up client connection info
        Server server = ServerHelper.getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);        
        ElementProperty hostProp = null;
        AdminService adminService = ServerHelper.getAdminServiceForServer(
            configContext, instanceName);

        //If we are connecting to the DAS, then use connector as is. If we are connecting 
        //to a remote server instance then we have to obtain its user, password, host 
        //information from its Node Agent.
        if (ServerHelper.isDAS(configContext, server)) { //DAS            
            hostProp = connector.getElementPropertyByName(HOST_PROPERTY_NAME);   
        } else {                       
            //Take the client connection properties from the node agent referenced by the 
            //given server instance. In other words, the host, user, password used to connect to the 
            //server instance should be identical to the host, user, password used to connect to the
            //server's node agent.
            final JmxConnector agentConnector = NodeAgentHelper.getNodeAgentSystemConnector(
                configContext, server.getNodeAgentRef());                            
            hostProp = agentConnector.getElementPropertyByName(HOST_PROPERTY_NAME);                   

        String adminUser = IdentityManager.getUser();
        String adminPassword = IdentityManager.getPassword();
        if (adminUser == null || adminPassword == null || hostProp == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("missingInstanceConnectorAuth", 

        return new JMXConnectorConfig(hostProp.getValue(), port,                 
            adminUser, adminPassword, connector.getProtocol());
public static conn)

        final String sport = conn.getPort();
        int port;
        //the protocol is assumed here.
        String local = null;
        try {
              port = Integer.parseInt(sport);
              local = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); //UHE should have been a RuntimeException
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        final String address = SystemPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS.equals(conn.getAddress()) ? local : conn.getAddress();
        final JMXServiceURL url = JmxServiceUrlFactory.forJconsoleOverRmiWithJndiInAppserver(address, port);
        return ( url );
public static ResourceRef[]getResourceReferences(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String serverName)
Return all the resource refs of the server

        final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, serverName);
        if (server.getResourceRef() == null) {
            return new ResourceRef[0];
        } else {
            return server.getResourceRef();
public static ServergetServerByName(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return the server associated with the given instanceName. An exception is thrown if the instanceName does not correspond to a server instance, or does not exist.

        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);        
        final Server server = domain.getServers().getServerByName(instanceName);
        if (server == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noSuchInstance", 
        return server;
public static JmxConnectorgetServerSystemConnector(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return the system jmx connector for the specified server instance. The specified server instance and its connector must exist or an exception is thrown.

        //Find the admin service element of the config
        final AdminService adminService = getAdminServiceForServer(configContext, instanceName);        
        final String systemConnectorName = adminService.getSystemJmxConnectorName();
        final JmxConnector connector = adminService.getJmxConnectorByName(
        if (connector == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noInstanceSystemConnector", instanceName, 
        return connector;
public static java.lang.StringgetServersAsString(Server[] servers)
Return the given server array as a comma separated string


        String result = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            result += servers[i].getName();
            if (i < servers.length - 1) {
                result += ",";
        return result;
public static Server[]getServersInCluster(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String clusterName)
Return the clusters in the given clusterName or a zero length list. The cluster (and each of its instances) must exist or an exception is thrown.

        //first ensure that the cluster exists
        Cluster cluster = ClusterHelper.getClusterByName(configContext, clusterName);
        //Now fetch the server instances in the cluster.    
        ServerRef[] serverRefs = cluster.getServerRef();
        Server[] result = new Server[serverRefs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i <  serverRefs.length; i++) {
            try {
                result[i] = getServerByName(configContext, serverRefs[i].getRef());
            } catch (ConfigException ex) {
                throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noSuchClusterInstance", 
                    clusterName, serverRefs[i].getRef()));
        return result;
public static Server[]getServersInDomain(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext)
Return all the servers in the domain. We do not check for null since we assume at least one server instance ("server") in the domain.

        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);          
        return domain.getServers().getServer();        
public static Server[]getServersInDomainExcludingDAS(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext cc)
Returns all the server instances (clustered or not) in the domain excluding the DAS itself. Thus if in a domain without servers in it, it guarantees to return an empty array.

Array of Server objects

         final Server[] as = getServersInDomain(cc);
         final List list = new ArrayList();
         for(int i = 0 ; i < as.length ; i++) {
             if (as[i] != null) 
                 if (!isDAS(cc, as[i])) list.add(as[i]);
         final Server[] nodas = new Server[list.size()];
         return ( (Server[]) list.toArray(nodas) );
public static Server[]getServersOfANodeAgent(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String agentName)
Return all the servers associated with the given node agent or a zero length list. The node agent must exist or an exception is thrown.

        //First ensure that the config exists
        NodeAgent controller = NodeAgentHelper.getNodeAgentByName(configContext, agentName);
        //Next fetch all the server instances that reference the node agent
        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (!isDAS(configContext, servers[i]) && 
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getServersReferencingApplication(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String appName)
Return the server instances referencing the given configName or a zero length list.

        //Now find all server instances that reference the application
        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (serverReferencesApplication(servers[i], appName)) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getServersReferencingConfig(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String configName)
Return the server instances referencing the given configName or a zero length list.

        //First ensure that the config exists
        Config config = getConfigByName(configContext, configName);
        //Now find all server instances that reference that config.
        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (servers[i].getConfigRef().equals(configName)) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getServersReferencingConnectorPool(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String poolName)
Returns all servers referencing the given connector connection pool. There is no explicit reference from a server to a connector connection pool. This implementation examines the connector resource references to return the associated servers.

ctx config context
poolName name of the connector connection pool
servers associated to the connector connection pool
ConfigException if an error while parsing domain.xml

        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(ctx);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (ResourceHelper.isConnectorPoolReferenced(ctx, poolName,
                                            servers[i].getName())) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getServersReferencingJdbcPool(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String poolName)
Returns all servers referencing the given JDBC pool. There is no explicit reference from a server to a jdbc pool. This implementation examines the jdbc resource refs to return the associated servers.

ctx config context
poolName name of the jdbc pool
servers associated to the pool
ConfigException if an error while parsing domain.xml

        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(ctx);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (ResourceHelper.isJdbcPoolReferenced(ctx, poolName,
                                            servers[i].getName())) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getServersReferencingResource(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String resName)
Return the server instances referencing the given configName or a zero length list.

        //Now find all server instances that reference the application
        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
            if (serverReferencesResource(servers[i], resName)) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static Server[]getStandAloneServers(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, boolean excludeDASInstance)
Return the list of stand-alone instances Based on DTD each stand-alone instances points to a named config. If the server instance is part of a cluster then it will not have a config.

        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);        
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();        
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {            
            if (isDAS(configContext, servers[i]) && excludeDASInstance) {
            if (isServerStandAlone(configContext, servers[i].getName())) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static AppclientModule[]getUnAssociatedAppclientModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            AppclientModule[] appclntMods = applications.getAppclientModule();
            for (int i=0; i < appclntMods.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                appclntMods[i].getName()) ) {

        AppclientModule[] unassociatedApps = new AppclientModule[list.size()];
        return ((AppclientModule[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static ConnectorModule[]getUnAssociatedConnectorModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            ConnectorModule[] connMods = applications.getConnectorModule();
            for (int i=0; i < connMods.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                connMods[i].getName()) ) {

        ConnectorModule[] unassociatedApps = new ConnectorModule[list.size()];
        return ((ConnectorModule[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static EjbModule[]getUnAssociatedEjbModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            EjbModule[] ejbMods = applications.getEjbModule();
            for (int i=0; i < ejbMods.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                ejbMods[i].getName()) ) {

        EjbModule[] unassociatedApps = new EjbModule[list.size()];
        return ((EjbModule[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static J2eeApplication[]getUnAssociatedJ2eeApplications(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            J2eeApplication[] j2eeApps = applications.getJ2eeApplication();
            for (int i=0; i < j2eeApps.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                j2eeApps[i].getName()) ) {

        J2eeApplication[] unassociatedApps = new J2eeApplication[list.size()];
        return ((J2eeApplication[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static LifecycleModule[]getUnAssociatedLifecycleModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            LifecycleModule[] lcMods = applications.getLifecycleModule();
            for (int i=0; i < lcMods.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                lcMods[i].getName()) ) {

        LifecycleModule[] unassociatedApps = new LifecycleModule[list.size()];
        return ((LifecycleModule[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static WebModule[]getUnAssociatedWebModules(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String serverName)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        Applications applications = domain.getApplications();

        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        Server s = servers.getServerByName(serverName);
        if (s != null) {
            WebModule[] webMods = applications.getWebModule();
            for (int i=0; i < webMods.length; i++) {
                if (!serverReferencesApplication(ctx, serverName, 
                                                webMods[i].getName()) ) {

        WebModule[] unassociatedApps = new WebModule[list.size()];
        return ((WebModule[]) list.toArray(unassociatedApps));
public static Server[]getUnclusteredServers(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, boolean excludeDASInstance)
Returns an array of unclustered servers. Note that the difference between an unclustered server and a standalone server is that an unclustered server may share its config with other servers whereas a standalone server must not share its config with other servers.

        Server[] servers = getServersInDomain(configContext);        
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();        
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {            
            if (isDAS(configContext, servers[i]) && excludeDASInstance) {
            if (!isServerClustered(configContext, servers[i])) {
        return (Server[])result.toArray(new Server[result.size()]);
public static java.lang.StringgetUrlString(HttpListener ls)

        String url = ls.isSecurityEnabled() ? "https://" : "http://";
        final String address = SystemPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS.equals(ls.getAddress()) ? "localhost" : ls.getAddress();
        url = url + address + ":" + ls.getPort();
        return ( url );
public static booleanisAServer(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return true if the given server instance is a server instance.

        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);          
        final Server server = domain.getServers().getServerByName(instanceName);
        return (server != null ? true : false);
public static booleanisClusterAdminSupported(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext cc)
Investigates if the given ${link Server} has a JVM Option that determines if DAS runtime is capable of handling clusters.

cc ConfigContext represeting the domain.xml
NullPointerException if any parameter is null
ConfigException if there is any error in config processing

        final String dn = getDAS(cc).getName();
        final Config c = getConfigForServer(cc, dn);
        final String[] opts = c.getJavaConfig().getJvmOptions();
        boolean cas = false;
        for (final String opt : opts) {
            if (opt.trim().indexOf(SystemPropertyConstants.CLUSTER_AWARE_FEATURE_FACTORY_CLASS) != -1) {
               cas = true;
        return (cas);
public static booleanisDAS(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, Server server)
Returns true if the given server is the Domain Administration Server. There is a large assumption being made here that the DAS is the only server instance with out a node controller ref. NOTE: This method has unused paramenters (configContext) and an unnecessary ConfigException. This is to support a more complete check in the future (e.g. checking the to see if the server is the 0th element, or checking the admin-service of the server's configuration) should we determine that checking for an empty node controller ref is not sufficient.s

        if (server.getNodeAgentRef() == null) {            
            return true;
        return false;        
public static booleanisDAS(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Returns true if the given server is the Domain Administration Server.

        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);          
        final Server server = domain.getServers().getServerByName(instanceName);
        return isDAS(configContext, server);
public static booleanisServerClustered(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, Server server)
Return true if the given server instance is part of a cluster.

        //Return the server only if it is part of a cluster (i.e. only if a cluster
        //has a reference to it).
        final String instanceName = server.getName();
        final Cluster[] clusters = ClusterHelper.getClustersInDomain(configContext);
        for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
            final ServerRef[] servers = clusters[i].getServerRef();
            for (int j = 0; j < servers.length; j++) {
                if (servers[j].getRef().equals(instanceName)) {
                    // check to see if the server exists as a sanity check. 
                    // NOTE: we are not checking for duplicate server instances here.
                    return true;                    
        return false;
public static booleanisServerClustered(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return true if the given server instance is part of a cluster.

        return isServerClustered(configContext, 
            getServerByName(configContext, instanceName)); 
public static booleanisServerStandAlone(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName)
Return true if the server is standalone. A standalone server has a configuration named serverName>-config and it configuration is referenced by the server only. No other clusters or servers may refer to its configuration.

       final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);
       final String configName = server.getConfigRef();
       if (isConfigurationNameStandAlone(configName, instanceName)) {
            if (!isServerClustered(configContext, server)) {           
                if (isConfigurationReferencedByServerOnly(configContext, configName, instanceName)) {
                   return true;
       return false;
public static booleanserverReferencesApplication(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName, java.lang.String appName)
Return true if the given server instance references the stated application.

        final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);         
        return serverReferencesApplication(server, appName);
public static booleanserverReferencesApplication(Server server, java.lang.String appName)

        final ApplicationRef ref = server.getApplicationRefByRef(appName);
        return (ref == null) ? false : true;
public static booleanserverReferencesJdbcConPool(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext ctx, java.lang.String instanceName, java.lang.String poolName)

        final Server server = getServerByName(ctx, instanceName);         
        return serverReferencesJdbcConPool(server, poolName);
public static booleanserverReferencesJdbcConPool(Server server, java.lang.String poolName)

        final ResourceRef ref = server.getResourceRefByRef(poolName);
        return (ref == null) ? false : true;
public static booleanserverReferencesResource(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext configContext, java.lang.String instanceName, java.lang.String resourceName)
Return true if the given server instance references the stated resource.

        final Server server = getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);         
        return serverReferencesResource(server, resourceName);
public static booleanserverReferencesResource(Server server, java.lang.String resourceName)

        final ResourceRef ref = server.getResourceRefByRef(resourceName);
        return (ref == null) ? false : true;
public static booleanserverUsesNss(com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext cc, java.lang.String sn)
Investigates if the given ${link Server} has a JVM Option that determines if runtime uses NSS. Note that this is the best case effort because of how the config is designed. The idea is to get all the JVM options and look for presence of NSS related property and absence of JKS related property.

cc ConfigContext represeting the domain.xml
sn String representing the name of the server
NullPointerException if any parameter is null
ConfigException if there is any error in config processing

        final Config c = getConfigForServer(cc, sn);
        final String[] opts = c.getJavaConfig().getJvmOptions();
        boolean nss = false, jks = false;
        for (final String opt : opts) {
            if (opt.trim().indexOf(SystemPropertyConstants.NSS_DB_PROPERTY) != -1) {
               nss = true;
            if (opt.trim().indexOf(SystemPropertyConstants.KEYSTORE_PROPERTY) != -1) {
               jks = true;
        return (nss && !jks);