QuadCurve2D.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API44908Fri Aug 26 14:56:52 BST 2005java.awt.geom


public abstract class QuadCurve2D extends Object implements Shape, Cloneable
The QuadCurve2D class defines a quadratic parametric curve segment in (x, y) coordinate space.

This class is only the abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D quadratic curve segment. The actual storage representation of the coordinates is left to the subclass.

1.29, 12/19/03
Jim Graham

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
Constructors Summary
protected QuadCurve2D()
This is an abstract class that cannot be instantiated directly. Type-specific implementation subclasses are available for instantiation and provide a number of formats for storing the information necessary to satisfy the various accessor methods below.


Methods Summary
public java.lang.Objectclone()
Creates a new object of the same class and with the same contents as this object.

a clone of this instance.
OutOfMemoryError if there is not enough memory.

	try {
	    return super.clone();
	} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
	    // this shouldn't happen, since we are Cloneable
	    throw new InternalError();
public booleancontains(double x, double y)
Tests if a specified coordinate is inside the boundary of the shape of this QuadCurve2D.

x, y the specified coordinates
true if the specified coordinate is inside the boundary of the shape of this QuadCurve2D; false otherwise.

	double x1 = getX1();
	double y1 = getY1();
	double xc = getCtrlX();
	double yc = getCtrlY();
	double x2 = getX2();
	double y2 = getY2();

	 * We have a convex shape bounded by quad curve Pc(t)
	 * and ine Pl(t).
	 *     P1 = (x1, y1) - start point of curve
	 *     P2 = (x2, y2) - end point of curve
	 *     Pc = (xc, yc) - control point
	 *     Pq(t) = P1*(1 - t)^2 + 2*Pc*t*(1 - t) + P2*t^2 =
	 *           = (P1 - 2*Pc + P2)*t^2 + 2*(Pc - P1)*t + P1
	 *     Pl(t) = P1*(1 - t) + P2*t
	 *     t = [0:1]
	 *     P = (x, y) - point of interest
	 * Let's look at second derivative of quad curve equation:
	 *     Pq''(t) = 2 * (P1 - 2 * Pc + P2) = Pq''
	 *     It's constant vector.
	 * Let's draw a line through P to be parallel to this
	 * vector and find the intersection of the quad curve
	 * and the line.
	 * Pq(t) is point of intersection if system of equations
	 * below has the solution.
	 *     L(s) = P + Pq''*s == Pq(t)
	 *     Pq''*s + (P - Pq(t)) == 0
	 *     | xq''*s + (x - xq(t)) == 0
	 *     | yq''*s + (y - yq(t)) == 0
	 * This system has the solution if rank of its matrix equals to 1.
	 * That is, determinant of the matrix should be zero.
	 *     (y - yq(t))*xq'' == (x - xq(t))*yq''
	 * Let's solve this equation with 't' variable.
	 * Also let kx = x1 - 2*xc + x2
	 *          ky = y1 - 2*yc + y2
	 *     t0q = (1/2)*((x - x1)*ky - (y - y1)*kx) /
	 *                 ((xc - x1)*ky - (yc - y1)*kx)
	 * Let's do the same for our line Pl(t):
	 *     t0l = ((x - x1)*ky - (y - y1)*kx) /
	 *           ((x2 - x1)*ky - (y2 - y1)*kx)
	 * It's easy to check that t0q == t0l. This fact means
	 * we can compute t0 only one time.
	 * In case t0 < 0 or t0 > 1, we have an intersections outside
	 * of shape bounds. So, P is definitely out of shape.
	 * In case t0 is inside [0:1], we should calculate Pq(t0)
	 * and Pl(t0). We have three points for now, and all of them
	 * lie on one line. So, we just need to detect, is our point
	 * of interest between points of intersections or not.
	 * If the denominator in the t0q and t0l equations is
	 * zero, then the points must be collinear and so the
	 * curve is degenerate and encloses no area.  Thus the
	 * result is false.
	double kx = x1 - 2 * xc + x2;
	double ky = y1 - 2 * yc + y2;
	double dx = x - x1;
	double dy = y - y1;
	double dxl = x2 - x1;
	double dyl = y2 - y1;

	double t0 = (dx * ky - dy * kx) / (dxl * ky - dyl * kx);
	if (t0 < 0 || t0 > 1 || t0 != t0) {
	    return false;

	double xb = kx * t0 * t0 + 2 * (xc - x1) * t0 + x1;
	double yb = ky * t0 * t0 + 2 * (yc - y1) * t0 + y1;
	double xl = dxl * t0 + x1;
	double yl = dyl * t0 + y1;

	return (x >= xb && x < xl) ||
	       (x >= xl && x < xb) ||
	       (y >= yb && y < yl) ||
	       (y >= yl && y < yb);
public booleancontains(java.awt.geom.Point2D p)
Tests if a specified Point2D is inside the boundary of the shape of this QuadCurve2D.

p the specified Point2D
true if the specified Point2D is inside the boundary of the shape of this QuadCurve2D.

	return contains(p.getX(), p.getY());
public booleancontains(double x, double y, double w, double h)
Tests if the interior of the shape of this QuadCurve2D entirely contains the specified set of rectangular coordinates.

x, y the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the specified rectangular area
w the width of the specified rectangular area
h the height of the specified rectangular area
true if the interior of the shape of this QuadCurve2D entirely contains the specified rectangluar area; false otherwise.

	// Assertion: Quadratic curves closed by connecting their
	// endpoints are always convex.
	return (contains(x, y) &&
		contains(x + w, y) &&
		contains(x + w, y + h) &&
		contains(x, y + h));
public booleancontains(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D r)
Tests if the interior of the shape of this QuadCurve2D entirely contains the specified Rectangle2D.

r the specified Rectangle2D
true if the interior of the shape of this QuadCurve2D entirely contains the specified Rectangle2D; false otherwise.

	return contains(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());
private static intevalQuadratic(double[] vals, int num, boolean include0, boolean include1, double[] inflect, double c1, double ctrl, double c2)

	int j = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	    double t = vals[i];
	    if ((include0 ? t >= 0 : t > 0) &&
		(include1 ? t <= 1 : t < 1) &&
		(inflect == null ||
		 inflect[1] + 2*inflect[2]*t != 0))
		double u = 1 - t;
		vals[j++] = c1*u*u + 2*ctrl*t*u + c2*t*t;
	return j;
private static voidfillEqn(double[] eqn, double val, double c1, double cp, double c2)

	eqn[0] = c1 - val;
	eqn[1] = cp + cp - c1 - c1;
	eqn[2] = c1 - cp - cp + c2;
public java.awt.RectanglegetBounds()
Returns the bounding box of this QuadCurve2D.

a {@link Rectangle} that is the bounding box of the shape of this QuadCurve2D.

	return getBounds2D().getBounds();
public abstract java.awt.geom.Point2DgetCtrlPt()
Returns the control point.

a Point2D that is the control point of this Point2D.

public abstract doublegetCtrlX()
Returns the x coordinate of the control point in double precision.

x coordinate the control point

public abstract doublegetCtrlY()
Returns the y coordinate of the control point in double precision.

the y coordinate of the control point.

public static doublegetFlatness(double x1, double y1, double ctrlx, double ctrly, double x2, double y2)
Returns the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of the quadratic curve specified by the indicated controlpoints.

x1, y1 the coordinates of the starting point
ctrlx, ctrly the coordinates of the control point
x2, y2 the coordinates of the ending point
the flatness of the quadratic curve defined by the specified coordinates.

	return Line2D.ptSegDist(x1, y1, x2, y2, ctrlx, ctrly);
public static doublegetFlatness(double[] coords, int offset)
Returns the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of the quadratic curve specified by the controlpoints stored in the indicated array at the indicated index.

coords an array containing coordinate values
offset the index into coords at which to start getting the coordinate values and assigning them to a quadratic curve
the flatness of a quadratic curve defined by the specified array at the specified offset.

	return Line2D.ptSegDist(coords[offset + 0], coords[offset + 1],
				coords[offset + 4], coords[offset + 5],
				coords[offset + 2], coords[offset + 3]);
public doublegetFlatness()
Returns the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of this QuadCurve2D.

the flatness of this QuadCurve2D.

	return Line2D.ptSegDist(getX1(), getY1(),
				getX2(), getY2(),
				getCtrlX(), getCtrlY());
public static doublegetFlatnessSq(double x1, double y1, double ctrlx, double ctrly, double x2, double y2)
Returns the square of the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of the quadratic curve specified by the indicated controlpoints.

x1, y1 the coordinates of the starting point
ctrlx, ctrly the coordinates of the control point
x2, y2 the coordinates of the ending point
the square of the flatness of the quadratic curve defined by the specified coordinates.

	return Line2D.ptSegDistSq(x1, y1, x2, y2, ctrlx, ctrly);
public static doublegetFlatnessSq(double[] coords, int offset)
Returns the square of the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of the quadratic curve specified by the controlpoints stored in the indicated array at the indicated index.

coords an array containing coordinate values
offset the index into coords at which to to start getting the values from the array and assigning them to a quadratic curve
the flatness of the quadratic curve that is defined by the values in the specified array at the specified index.

	return Line2D.ptSegDistSq(coords[offset + 0], coords[offset + 1],
				  coords[offset + 4], coords[offset + 5],
				  coords[offset + 2], coords[offset + 3]);
public doublegetFlatnessSq()
Returns the square of the flatness, or maximum distance of a controlpoint from the line connecting the endpoints, of this QuadCurve2D.

the square of the flatness of this QuadCurve2D.

	return Line2D.ptSegDistSq(getX1(), getY1(),
				  getX2(), getY2(),
				  getCtrlX(), getCtrlY());
public abstract java.awt.geom.Point2DgetP1()
Returns the start point.

a Point2D that is the start point of this QuadCurve2D.

public abstract java.awt.geom.Point2DgetP2()
Returns the end point.

a Point object that is the end point of this Point2D.

public java.awt.geom.PathIteratorgetPathIterator(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at)
Returns an iteration object that defines the boundary of the shape of this QuadCurve2D. The iterator for this class is not multi-threaded safe, which means that this QuadCurve2D class does not guarantee that modifications to the geometry of this QuadCurve2D object do not affect any iterations of that geometry that are already in process.

at an optional {@link AffineTransform} to apply to the shape boundary
a {@link PathIterator} object that defines the boundary of the shape.

	return new QuadIterator(this, at);
public java.awt.geom.PathIteratorgetPathIterator(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at, double flatness)
Returns an iteration object that defines the boundary of the flattened shape of this QuadCurve2D. The iterator for this class is not multi-threaded safe, which means that this QuadCurve2D class does not guarantee that modifications to the geometry of this QuadCurve2D object do not affect any iterations of that geometry that are already in process.

at an optional AffineTransform to apply to the boundary of the shape
flatness the maximum distance that the control points for a subdivided curve can be with respect to a line connecting the endpoints of this curve before this curve is replaced by a straight line connecting the endpoints.
a PathIterator object that defines the flattened boundary of the shape.

	return new FlatteningPathIterator(getPathIterator(at), flatness);
private static intgetTag(double coord, double low, double high)

     * Determine where coord lies with respect to the range from
     * low to high.  It is assumed that low <= high.  The return
     * value is one of the 5 values BELOW, LOWEDGE, INSIDE, HIGHEDGE,
     * or ABOVE.
	if (coord <= low) {
	    return (coord < low ? BELOW : LOWEDGE);
	if (coord >= high) {
	    return (coord > high ? ABOVE : HIGHEDGE);
	return INSIDE;
public abstract doublegetX1()
Returns the x coordinate of the start point in double in precision.

the x coordinate of the start point.

public abstract doublegetX2()
Returns the x coordinate of the end point in double precision.

the x coordiante of the end point.

public abstract doublegetY1()
Returns the y coordinate of the start point in double precision.

the y coordinate of the start point.

public abstract doublegetY2()
Returns the y coordinate of the end point in double precision.

the y coordinate of the end point.

public booleanintersects(double x, double y, double w, double h)
Tests if the shape of this QuadCurve2D intersects the interior of a specified set of rectangular coordinates.

x, y the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the specified rectangular area
w the width of the specified rectangular area
h the height of the specified rectangular area
true if the shape of this QuadCurve2D intersects the interior of the specified set of rectangular coordinates; false otherwise.

	// Trivially reject non-existant rectangles
	if (w < 0 || h < 0) {
	    return false;

	// Trivially accept if either endpoint is inside the rectangle
	// (not on its border since it may end there and not go inside)
	// Record where they lie with respect to the rectangle.
	//     -1 => left, 0 => inside, 1 => right
	double x1 = getX1();
	double y1 = getY1();
	int x1tag = getTag(x1, x, x+w);
	int y1tag = getTag(y1, y, y+h);
	if (x1tag == INSIDE && y1tag == INSIDE) {
	    return true;
	double x2 = getX2();
	double y2 = getY2();
	int x2tag = getTag(x2, x, x+w);
	int y2tag = getTag(y2, y, y+h);
	if (x2tag == INSIDE && y2tag == INSIDE) {
	    return true;
	double ctrlx = getCtrlX();
	double ctrly = getCtrlY();
	int ctrlxtag = getTag(ctrlx, x, x+w);
	int ctrlytag = getTag(ctrly, y, y+h);

	// Trivially reject if all points are entirely to one side of
	// the rectangle.
	if (x1tag < INSIDE && x2tag < INSIDE && ctrlxtag < INSIDE) {
	    return false;	// All points left
	if (y1tag < INSIDE && y2tag < INSIDE && ctrlytag < INSIDE) {
	    return false;	// All points above
	if (x1tag > INSIDE && x2tag > INSIDE && ctrlxtag > INSIDE) {
	    return false;	// All points right
	if (y1tag > INSIDE && y2tag > INSIDE && ctrlytag > INSIDE) {
	    return false;	// All points below

	// Test for endpoints on the edge where either the segment
	// or the curve is headed "inwards" from them
	// Note: These tests are a superset of the fast endpoint tests
	//       above and thus repeat those tests, but take more time
	//       and cover more cases
	if (inwards(x1tag, x2tag, ctrlxtag) &&
	    inwards(y1tag, y2tag, ctrlytag))
	    // First endpoint on border with either edge moving inside
	    return true;
	if (inwards(x2tag, x1tag, ctrlxtag) &&
	    inwards(y2tag, y1tag, ctrlytag))
	    // Second endpoint on border with either edge moving inside
	    return true;

	// Trivially accept if endpoints span directly across the rectangle
	boolean xoverlap = (x1tag * x2tag <= 0);
	boolean yoverlap = (y1tag * y2tag <= 0);
	if (x1tag == INSIDE && x2tag == INSIDE && yoverlap) {
	    return true;
	if (y1tag == INSIDE && y2tag == INSIDE && xoverlap) {
	    return true;

	// We now know that both endpoints are outside the rectangle
	// but the 3 points are not all on one side of the rectangle.
	// Therefore the curve cannot be contained inside the rectangle,
	// but the rectangle might be contained inside the curve, or
	// the curve might intersect the boundary of the rectangle.

	double[] eqn = new double[3];
	double[] res = new double[3];
	if (!yoverlap) {
	    // Both y coordinates for the closing segment are above or
	    // below the rectangle which means that we can only intersect
	    // if the curve crosses the top (or bottom) of the rectangle
	    // in more than one place and if those crossing locations
	    // span the horizontal range of the rectangle.
	    fillEqn(eqn, (y1tag < INSIDE ? y : y+h), y1, ctrly, y2);
	    return (solveQuadratic(eqn, res) == 2 &&
		    evalQuadratic(res, 2, true, true, null,
				  x1, ctrlx, x2) == 2 &&
		    getTag(res[0], x, x+w) * getTag(res[1], x, x+w) <= 0);

	// Y ranges overlap.  Now we examine the X ranges
	if (!xoverlap) {
	    // Both x coordinates for the closing segment are left of
	    // or right of the rectangle which means that we can only
	    // intersect if the curve crosses the left (or right) edge
	    // of the rectangle in more than one place and if those
	    // crossing locations span the vertical range of the rectangle.
	    fillEqn(eqn, (x1tag < INSIDE ? x : x+w), x1, ctrlx, x2);
	    return (solveQuadratic(eqn, res) == 2 &&
		    evalQuadratic(res, 2, true, true, null,
				  y1, ctrly, y2) == 2 &&
		    getTag(res[0], y, y+h) * getTag(res[1], y, y+h) <= 0);

	// The X and Y ranges of the endpoints overlap the X and Y
	// ranges of the rectangle, now find out how the endpoint
	// line segment intersects the Y range of the rectangle
	double dx = x2 - x1;
	double dy = y2 - y1;
	double k = y2 * x1 - x2 * y1;
	int c1tag, c2tag;
	if (y1tag == INSIDE) {
	    c1tag = x1tag;
	} else {
	    c1tag = getTag((k + dx * (y1tag < INSIDE ? y : y+h)) / dy, x, x+w);
	if (y2tag == INSIDE) {
	    c2tag = x2tag;
	} else {
	    c2tag = getTag((k + dx * (y2tag < INSIDE ? y : y+h)) / dy, x, x+w);
	// If the part of the line segment that intersects the Y range
	// of the rectangle crosses it horizontally - trivially accept
	if (c1tag * c2tag <= 0) {
	    return true;

	// Now we know that both the X and Y ranges intersect and that
	// the endpoint line segment does not directly cross the rectangle.
	// We can almost treat this case like one of the cases above
	// where both endpoints are to one side, except that we will
	// only get one intersection of the curve with the vertical
	// side of the rectangle.  This is because the endpoint segment
	// accounts for the other intersection.
	// (Remember there is overlap in both the X and Y ranges which
	//  means that the segment must cross at least one vertical edge
	//  of the rectangle - in particular, the "near vertical side" -
	//  leaving only one intersection for the curve.)
	// Now we calculate the y tags of the two intersections on the
	// "near vertical side" of the rectangle.  We will have one with
	// the endpoint segment, and one with the curve.  If those two
	// vertical intersections overlap the Y range of the rectangle,
	// we have an intersection.  Otherwise, we don't.

	// c1tag = vertical intersection class of the endpoint segment
	// Choose the y tag of the endpoint that was not on the same
	// side of the rectangle as the subsegment calculated above.
	// Note that we can "steal" the existing Y tag of that endpoint
	// since it will be provably the same as the vertical intersection.
	c1tag = ((c1tag * x1tag <= 0) ? y1tag : y2tag);

	// c2tag = vertical intersection class of the curve
	// We have to calculate this one the straightforward way.
	// Note that the c2tag can still tell us which vertical edge
	// to test against.
	fillEqn(eqn, (c2tag < INSIDE ? x : x+w), x1, ctrlx, x2);
	int num = solveQuadratic(eqn, res);

	// Note: We should be able to assert(num == 2); since the
	// X range "crosses" (not touches) the vertical boundary,
	// but we pass num to evalQuadratic for completeness.
	evalQuadratic(res, num, true, true, null, y1, ctrly, y2);

	// Note: We can assert(num evals == 1); since one of the
	// 2 crossings will be out of the [0,1] range.
	c2tag = getTag(res[0], y, y+h);

	// Finally, we have an intersection if the two crossings
	// overlap the Y range of the rectangle.
	return (c1tag * c2tag <= 0);
public booleanintersects(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D r)
Tests if the shape of this QuadCurve2D intersects the interior of a specified Rectangle2D.

r the specified Rectangle2D
true if the shape of this QuadCurve2D intersects the interior of the specified Rectangle2D; false otherwise.

	return intersects(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());
private static booleaninwards(int pttag, int opt1tag, int opt2tag)

	switch (pttag) {
	case BELOW:
	case ABOVE:
	    return false;
	case LOWEDGE:
	    return (opt1tag >= INSIDE || opt2tag >= INSIDE);
	case INSIDE:
	    return true;
	    return (opt1tag <= INSIDE || opt2tag <= INSIDE);
public abstract voidsetCurve(double x1, double y1, double ctrlx, double ctrly, double x2, double y2)
Sets the location of the endpoints and controlpoint of this curve to the specified double coordinates.

x1, y1 the coordinates of the starting point
ctrlx, ctrly the coordinates of the control point
x2, y2 the coordinates of the ending point

public voidsetCurve(double[] coords, int offset)
Sets the location of the endpoints and controlpoints of this QuadCurve2D to the double coordinates at the specified offset in the specified array.

coords the array containing coordinate values
offset the index into the array from which to start getting the coordinate values and assigning them to this QuadCurve2D

	setCurve(coords[offset + 0], coords[offset + 1],
		 coords[offset + 2], coords[offset + 3],
		 coords[offset + 4], coords[offset + 5]);
public voidsetCurve(java.awt.geom.Point2D p1, java.awt.geom.Point2D cp, java.awt.geom.Point2D p2)
Sets the location of the endpoints and controlpoint of this QuadCurve2D to the specified Point2D coordinates.

p1 the starting point
cp the control point
p2 the ending point

	setCurve(p1.getX(), p1.getY(),
		 cp.getX(), cp.getY(),
		 p2.getX(), p2.getY());
public voidsetCurve(java.awt.geom.Point2D[] pts, int offset)
Sets the location of the endpoints and controlpoints of this QuadCurve2D to the coordinates of the Point2D objects at the specified offset in the specified array.

pts an array containing Point2D that define coordinate values
offset the index into pts at which to start getting the coordinate values and assigning them to this QuadCurve2D

	setCurve(pts[offset + 0].getX(), pts[offset + 0].getY(),
		 pts[offset + 1].getX(), pts[offset + 1].getY(),
		 pts[offset + 2].getX(), pts[offset + 2].getY());
public voidsetCurve(java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D c)
Sets the location of the endpoints and controlpoint of this QuadCurve2D to the same as those in the specified QuadCurve2D.

c the specified QuadCurve2D

	setCurve(c.getX1(), c.getY1(),
		 c.getCtrlX(), c.getCtrlY(),
		 c.getX2(), c.getY2());
public static intsolveQuadratic(double[] eqn)
Solves the quadratic whose coefficients are in the eqn array and places the non-complex roots back into the same array, returning the number of roots. The quadratic solved is represented by the equation:
eqn = {C, B, A};
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
A return value of -1 is used to distinguish a constant equation, which might be always 0 or never 0, from an equation that has no zeroes.

eqn the array that contains the quadratic coefficients
the number of roots, or -1 if the equation is a constant

	return solveQuadratic(eqn, eqn);
public static intsolveQuadratic(double[] eqn, double[] res)
Solves the quadratic whose coefficients are in the eqn array and places the non-complex roots into the res array, returning the number of roots. The quadratic solved is represented by the equation:
eqn = {C, B, A};
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
A return value of -1 is used to distinguish a constant equation, which might be always 0 or never 0, from an equation that has no zeroes.

eqn the specified array of coefficients to use to solve the quadratic equation
res the array that contains the non-complex roots resulting from the solution of the quadratic equation
the number of roots, or -1 if the equation is a constant.

	double a = eqn[2];
	double b = eqn[1];
	double c = eqn[0];
	int roots = 0;
	if (a == 0.0) {
	    // The quadratic parabola has degenerated to a line.
	    if (b == 0.0) {
		// The line has degenerated to a constant.
		return -1;
	    res[roots++] = -c / b;
	} else {
	    // From Numerical Recipes, 5.6, Quadratic and Cubic Equations
	    double d = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
	    if (d < 0.0) {
		// If d < 0.0, then there are no roots
		return 0;
	    d = Math.sqrt(d);
	    // For accuracy, calculate one root using:
	    //     (-b +/- d) / 2a
	    // and the other using:
	    //     2c / (-b +/- d)
	    // Choose the sign of the +/- so that b+d gets larger in magnitude
	    if (b < 0.0) {
		d = -d;
	    double q = (b + d) / -2.0;
	    // We already tested a for being 0 above
	    res[roots++] = q / a;
	    if (q != 0.0) {
		res[roots++] = c / q;
	return roots;
public voidsubdivide(java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D left, java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D right)
Subdivides this QuadCurve2D and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the left and right curve parameters. Either or both of the left and right objects can be the same as this QuadCurve2D or null.

left the QuadCurve2D object for storing the left or first half of the subdivided curve
right the QuadCurve2D object for storing the right or second half of the subdivided curve

	subdivide(this, left, right);
public static voidsubdivide(java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D src, java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D left, java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D right)
Subdivides the quadratic curve specified by the src parameter and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the left and right curve parameters. Either or both of the left and right objects can be the same as the src object or null.

src the quadratic curve to be subdivided
left the QuadCurve2D object for storing the left or first half of the subdivided curve
right the QuadCurve2D object for storing the right or second half of the subdivided curve

	double x1 = src.getX1();
	double y1 = src.getY1();
	double ctrlx = src.getCtrlX();
	double ctrly = src.getCtrlY();
	double x2 = src.getX2();
	double y2 = src.getY2();
	double ctrlx1 = (x1 + ctrlx) / 2.0;
	double ctrly1 = (y1 + ctrly) / 2.0;
	double ctrlx2 = (x2 + ctrlx) / 2.0;
	double ctrly2 = (y2 + ctrly) / 2.0;
	ctrlx = (ctrlx1 + ctrlx2) / 2.0;
	ctrly = (ctrly1 + ctrly2) / 2.0;
	if (left != null) {
	    left.setCurve(x1, y1, ctrlx1, ctrly1, ctrlx, ctrly);
	if (right != null) {
	    right.setCurve(ctrlx, ctrly, ctrlx2, ctrly2, x2, y2);
public static voidsubdivide(double[] src, int srcoff, double[] left, int leftoff, double[] right, int rightoff)
Subdivides the quadratic curve specified by the coordinates stored in the src array at indices srcoff through srcoff + 5 and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the two result arrays at the corresponding indices. Either or both of the left and right arrays can be null or a reference to the same array and offset as the src array. Note that the last point in the first subdivided curve is the same as the first point in the second subdivided curve. Thus, it is possible to pass the same array for left and right and to use offsets such that rightoff equals leftoff + 4 in order to avoid allocating extra storage for this common point.

src the array holding the coordinates for the source curve
srcoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the the 6 source coordinates
left the array for storing the coordinates for the first half of the subdivided curve
leftoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the the 6 left coordinates
right the array for storing the coordinates for the second half of the subdivided curve
rightoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the the 6 right coordinates

	double x1 = src[srcoff + 0];
	double y1 = src[srcoff + 1];
	double ctrlx = src[srcoff + 2];
	double ctrly = src[srcoff + 3];
	double x2 = src[srcoff + 4];
	double y2 = src[srcoff + 5];
	if (left != null) {
	    left[leftoff + 0] = x1;
	    left[leftoff + 1] = y1;
	if (right != null) {
	    right[rightoff + 4] = x2;
	    right[rightoff + 5] = y2;
	x1 = (x1 + ctrlx) / 2.0;
	y1 = (y1 + ctrly) / 2.0;
	x2 = (x2 + ctrlx) / 2.0;
	y2 = (y2 + ctrly) / 2.0;
	ctrlx = (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
	ctrly = (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
	if (left != null) {
	    left[leftoff + 2] = x1;
	    left[leftoff + 3] = y1;
	    left[leftoff + 4] = ctrlx;
	    left[leftoff + 5] = ctrly;
	if (right != null) {
	    right[rightoff + 0] = ctrlx;
	    right[rightoff + 1] = ctrly;
	    right[rightoff + 2] = x2;
	    right[rightoff + 3] = y2;