PermissionProperties.javaAPI DocJ2ME MIDP 2.04425Thu Nov 07 12:02:24 GMT


public class PermissionProperties extends com.sun.midp.midletsuite.ManifestProperties
Handles the properties in a permissions file. The format of the file is very similar to that of a manifest file. A line that begins with a space is a continuation of the previous line, and the first space ignored. To save code this parser uses lets its super class parse the key and value of property once it has read the entire line, including contuation lines. This means that this parser is lax on reporting illegal characters.

The BNF for the manifest syntax included below is extended as follows:

policy_file = 1*(directive)
directive = (domain_def | alias_def) [newlines]
domain_def = "domain:" *WS domain_id *WS newlines
domain_id = 1*<any Unicode char and continuation, but not newline>

permission = permision_level ":" api_names newlines
api_names: *WS alias_or_name *(*WS "," *WS alias_or_name) *WS
alias_or_name = alias_ref | api_name
alias_ref = <alias_name> ; alias_name must be from a previous
; alias_def in the same policy_file
permission_level = allow | user_permission_levels
user_permision_levels = highest_level ["(" default_level ")"]
highest_level = user_permission_level
default_level = user_permision_level ; cannot be greater the highest_level
user_permission_level = blanket | session | oneshot

allow = "allow" ; allow access without asking the user.
blanket = "blanket" ; Allow access, do not ask again.
; Include session and oneshot when asking.
session = "session" ; Allow access, ask again at next MIDlet suite
; startup. Include oneshot when asking.
oneshot = "oneshot" ; Allow access, ask again at next use.
; If no default provided, default is to deny access.

alias_def = "alias:" *WS alias_name *WS alias_api_names
alias_api_names = api_name
*(*WS "," *WS api_name) *WS newlines
alias_name = java_name
api_name = java_class_name

WS = continuation | SP | HT
continuation = newline SP
newlines = 1*newline ; allow blank lines to be ignored
newline = CR LF | LF | CR <not followed by LF>
CR = <Unicode carriage return (0x000D)>
LF = <Unicode linefeed (0x000A)>
SP = <Unicode space (0x0020)>
HT = <Unicode horizontal-tab (0x0009)>

java_name = 1*<characters allowed in a java_class_name except for
java_class_name = 1*<characters allowed in a Java class name>

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
protected booleancheckKeyChars(java.lang.String key)
Check to see if all the chars in the key of a property are valid.

key key to check
false if a character is not valid for a key

        char[] temp = key.toCharArray();
        int len = temp.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char current = temp[i];

            if (current >= 'A" && current <= 'Z") {

            if (current >= 'a" && current <= 'z") {

            if (current >= '0" && current <= '9") {

            if (i > 0 && (current == '-" || current == '_")) {

            if (i > 0 && (current == '(" || current == ')")) {

            return false;

        return true;
protected voidputProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
Store key:value pair.

key the key to be placed into this property list.
value the value corresponding to key.

	// We call 'addProperty()' because it is valid for a permission
	// file to contain more than one key of the same name.
	addProperty(key, value);