Pass3aVerifier.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API44230Fri Aug 26 14:55:26 BST


public final class Pass3aVerifier extends PassVerifier
This PassVerifier verifies a class file according to pass 3, static part as described in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd edition. More detailed information is to be found at the do_verify() method's documentation.
$Id:,v 2001/10/29 20:00:37 jvanzyl Exp $
Enver Haase

Fields Summary
private Verifier
The Verifier that created this.
private int
The method number to verify. This is the index in the array returned by JavaClass.getMethods().
The one and only InstructionList object used by an instance of this class. It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees.
The one and only Code object used by an instance of this class. It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees.
Constructors Summary
public Pass3aVerifier(Verifier owner, int method_no)
Should only be instantiated by a Verifier.

		myOwner = owner;
		this.method_no = method_no;
Methods Summary
private static booleancontains(int[] ints, int i)
A small utility method returning if a given int i is in the given int[] ints.

		for (int j=0; j<ints.length; j++){
			if (ints[j]==i) return true;
		return false;
private voiddelayedPass2Checks()
These are the checks that could be done in pass 2 but are delayed to pass 3 for performance reasons. Also, these checks need access to the code array of the Code attribute of a Method so it's okay to perform them here. Also see the description of the do_verify() method.

ClassConstraintException if the verification fails.

		int[] instructionPositions = instructionList.getInstructionPositions();
		int codeLength = code.getCode().length;

		// LineNumberTable //
		LineNumberTable lnt = code.getLineNumberTable();
		if (lnt != null){
			LineNumber[] lineNumbers = lnt.getLineNumberTable();
			IntList offsets = new IntList();
			lineNumber_loop: for (int i=0; i < lineNumbers.length; i++){ // may appear in any order.
				for (int j=0; j < instructionPositions.length; j++){
					// TODO: Make this a binary search! The instructionPositions array is naturally ordered!
					int offset = lineNumbers[i].getStartPC();
					if (instructionPositions[j] == offset){
						if (offsets.contains(offset)){
							addMessage("LineNumberTable attribute '"+code.getLineNumberTable()+"' refers to the same code offset ('"+offset+"') more than once which is violating the semantics [but is sometimes produced by IBM's 'jikes' compiler].");
						continue lineNumber_loop;
				throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has a LineNumberTable attribute '"+code.getLineNumberTable()+"' referring to a code offset ('"+lineNumbers[i].getStartPC()+"') that does not exist.");

		// LocalVariableTable(s) //
		/* We cannot use code.getLocalVariableTable() because there could be more
		   than only one. This is a bug in BCEL. */
		Attribute[] atts = code.getAttributes();
		for (int a=0; a<atts.length; a++){
			if (atts[a] instanceof LocalVariableTable){
				LocalVariableTable lvt = (LocalVariableTable) atts[a];
				if (lvt != null){
					LocalVariable[] localVariables = lvt.getLocalVariableTable();
					for (int i=0; i<localVariables.length; i++){
						int startpc = localVariables[i].getStartPC();
						int length  = localVariables[i].getLength();
						if (!contains(instructionPositions, startpc)){
							throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has a LocalVariableTable attribute '"+code.getLocalVariableTable()+"' referring to a code offset ('"+startpc+"') that does not exist.");
						if ( (!contains(instructionPositions, startpc+length)) && (startpc+length != codeLength) ){
							throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has a LocalVariableTable attribute '"+code.getLocalVariableTable()+"' referring to a code offset start_pc+length ('"+(startpc+length)+"') that does not exist.");
		// ExceptionTable //
		// In BCEL's "classfile" API, the startPC/endPC-notation is
		// inclusive/exclusive as in the Java Virtual Machine Specification.
		// WARNING: This is not true for BCEL's "generic" API.
		CodeException[] exceptionTable = code.getExceptionTable();
		for (int i=0; i<exceptionTable.length; i++){
			int startpc = exceptionTable[i].getStartPC();
			int endpc = exceptionTable[i].getEndPC();
			int handlerpc = exceptionTable[i].getHandlerPC();
			if (startpc >= endpc){
				throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+exceptionTable[i]+"' that has its start_pc ('"+startpc+"') not smaller than its end_pc ('"+endpc+"').");
			if (!contains(instructionPositions, startpc)){
				throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+exceptionTable[i]+"' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its start_pc ('"+startpc+"').");
			if ( (!contains(instructionPositions, endpc)) && (endpc != codeLength)){
				throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+exceptionTable[i]+"' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its end_pc ('"+startpc+"') [that is also not equal to code_length ('"+codeLength+"')].");
			if (!contains(instructionPositions, handlerpc)){
				throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+exceptionTable[i]+"' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its handler_pc ('"+handlerpc+"').");
public VerificationResultdo_verify()
Pass 3a is the verification of static constraints of JVM code (such as legal targets of branch instructions). This is the part of pass 3 where you do not need data flow analysis. JustIce also delays the checks for a correct exception table of a Code attribute and correct line number entries in a LineNumberTable attribute of a Code attribute (which conceptually belong to pass 2) to this pass. Also, most of the check for valid local variable entries in a LocalVariableTable attribute of a Code attribute is delayed until this pass. All these checks need access to the code array of the Code attribute.

InvalidMethodException if the method to verify does not exist.

		if (myOwner.doPass2().equals(VerificationResult.VR_OK)){
			// Okay, class file was loaded correctly by Pass 1
			// and satisfies static constraints of Pass 2.
			JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName());
			Method[] methods = jc.getMethods();
			if (method_no >= methods.length){
				throw new InvalidMethodException("METHOD DOES NOT EXIST!");
			Method method = methods[method_no];
			code = method.getCode();
			// No Code? Nothing to verify!
			if ( method.isAbstract() || method.isNative() ){ // IF mg HAS NO CODE (static constraint of Pass 2)
				return VerificationResult.VR_OK;

			// TODO:
			// We want a very sophisticated code examination here with good explanations
			// on where to look for an illegal instruction or such.
			// Only after that we should try to build an InstructionList and throw an
			// AssertionViolatedException if after our examination InstructionList building
			// still fails.
			// That examination should be implemented in a byte-oriented way, i.e. look for
			// an instruction, make sure its validity, count its length, find the next
			// instruction and so on.
				instructionList = new InstructionList(method.getCode().getCode());
			catch(RuntimeException re){
				return new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, "Bad bytecode in the code array of the Code attribute of method '"+method+"'.");

			// Start verification.
			VerificationResult vr = VerificationResult.VR_OK; //default
			catch(ClassConstraintException cce){
				vr = new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, cce.getMessage());
				return vr;
			catch(StaticCodeConstraintException scce){
				vr = new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, scce.getMessage());
			return vr;
		else{ //did not pass Pass 2.
			return VerificationResult.VR_NOTYET;
public intgetMethodNo()
Returns the method number as supplied when instantiating.

		return method_no;
private voidpass3StaticInstructionChecks()
These are the checks if constraints are satisfied which are described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on the instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1).

StaticCodeConstraintException if the verification fails.

		// Code array must not be empty:
		// Enforced in pass 2 (also stated in the static constraints of the Code
		// array in vmspec2), together with pass 1 (reading code_length bytes and
		// interpreting them as code[]). So this must not be checked again here.

		if (! (code.getCode().length < 65536)){// contradicts vmspec2 page 152 ("Limitations"), but is on page 134.
			throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException("Code array in code attribute '"+code+"' too big: must be smaller than 65536 bytes.");

		// First opcode at offset 0: okay, that's clear. Nothing to do.
		// Only instances of the instructions documented in Section 6.4 may appear in
		// the code array.
		// For BCEL's sake, we cannot handle WIDE stuff, but hopefully BCEL does its job right :)
		// The last byte of the last instruction in the code array must be the byte at index
		// code_length-1 : See the do_verify() comments. We actually don't iterate through the
		// byte array, but use an InstructionList so we cannot check for this. But BCEL does
		// things right, so it's implicitely okay.
		// TODO: Check how BCEL handles (and will handle) instructions like IMPDEP1, IMPDEP2,
		//       BREAKPOINT... that BCEL knows about but which are illegal anyway.
		//       We currently go the safe way here.
		InstructionHandle ih = instructionList.getStart();
		while (ih != null){
			Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
			if (i instanceof IMPDEP1){
				throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException("IMPDEP1 must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!");
			if (i instanceof IMPDEP2){
				throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException("IMPDEP2 must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!");
			if (i instanceof BREAKPOINT){
				throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException("BREAKPOINT must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!");
			ih = ih.getNext();
		// The original verifier seems to do this check here, too.
		// An unreachable last instruction may also not fall through the
		// end of the code, which is stupid -- but with the original
		// verifier's subroutine semantics one cannot predict reachability.
		Instruction last = instructionList.getEnd().getInstruction();
		if (! ((last instanceof ReturnInstruction)	||
					(last instanceof RET)    							||
					(last instanceof GotoInstruction)			||
					(last instanceof ATHROW) )) // JSR / JSR_W would possibly RETurn and then fall off the code!
			throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException("Execution must not fall off the bottom of the code array. This constraint is enforced statically as some existing verifiers do - so it may be a false alarm if the last instruction is not reachable.");
private voidpass3StaticInstructionOperandsChecks()
These are the checks for the satisfaction of constraints which are described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on the operands of instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1). BCEL parses the code array to create an InstructionList and therefore has to check some of these constraints. Additional checks are also implemented here.

StaticCodeConstraintException if the verification fails.

		// When building up the InstructionList, BCEL has already done all those checks
		// mentioned in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, as
		// "static constraints on the operands of instructions in the code array".
		// TODO: see the do_verify() comments. Maybe we should really work on the
		//       byte array first to give more comprehensive messages.
		// TODO: Review Exception API, possibly build in some "offending instruction" thing
		//       when we're ready to insulate the offending instruction by doing the
		//       above thing.

		// TODO: Implement as much as possible here. BCEL does _not_ check everything.

		ConstantPoolGen cpg = new ConstantPoolGen(Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()).getConstantPool());
		InstOperandConstraintVisitor v = new InstOperandConstraintVisitor(cpg);
		// Checks for the things BCEL does _not_ handle itself.
		InstructionHandle ih = instructionList.getStart();
		while (ih != null){
			Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
			// An "own" constraint, due to JustIce's new definition of what "subroutine" means.
			if (i instanceof JsrInstruction){
				InstructionHandle target = ((JsrInstruction) i).getTarget();
				if (target == instructionList.getStart()){
					throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException("Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may have a top-level instruction (such as the very first instruction, which is targeted by instruction '"+ih+"' as its target.");
				if (!(target.getInstruction() instanceof ASTORE)){
					throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException("Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may target anything else than an ASTORE instruction. Instruction '"+ih+"' targets '"+target+"'.");
			// vmspec2, page 134-137
			ih = ih.getNext();