BootstrapResolverImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API4337Fri Aug 26 14:54:32 BST


public class BootstrapResolverImpl extends Object implements

Fields Summary
private org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate
Constructors Summary
public BootstrapResolverImpl( orb, String host, int port)

	wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb, 
	    CORBALogDomains.ORB_RESOLVER ) ;

	// Create a new IOR with the magic of INIT
	byte[] initialKey = "INIT".getBytes() ;
	ObjectKey okey = orb.getObjectKeyFactory().create(initialKey) ;

	IIOPAddress addr = IIOPFactories.makeIIOPAddress( orb, host, port ) ;
	IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = IIOPFactories.makeIIOPProfileTemplate(
	    orb, GIOPVersion.V1_0, addr);
	IORTemplate iortemp = IORFactories.makeIORTemplate( okey.getTemplate() ) ;
	iortemp.add( ptemp ) ;

	IOR initialIOR = iortemp.makeIOR( (, 
	    "", okey.getId() ) ;

	bootstrapDelegate = ORBUtility.makeClientDelegate( initialIOR ) ;	
Methods Summary
private org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStreaminvoke(java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.String parameter)
For the BootStrap operation we do not expect to have more than one parameter. We do not want to extend BootStrap protocol any further, as INS handles most of what BootStrap can handle in a portable way.

InputStream which contains the response from the BootStrapOperation.

	boolean remarshal = true;

	// Invoke.

	InputStream inStream = null;

	// If there is a location forward then you will need
	// to invoke again on the updated information.
	// Just calling this same routine with the same host/port
	// does not take the location forward info into account.

	while (remarshal) {
	    org.omg.CORBA.Object objref = null ;
	    remarshal = false;

	    OutputStream os = (OutputStream) bootstrapDelegate.request( objref, 
		operationName, true);

            if ( parameter != null ) {
                os.write_string( parameter );

	    try {
		// The only reason a null objref is passed is to get the version of
		// invoke used by streams.  Otherwise the PortableInterceptor
		// call stack will become unbalanced since the version of
		// invoke which only takes the stream does not call 
		// PortableInterceptor ending points.
		// Note that the first parameter is ignored inside invoke.

		inStream = bootstrapDelegate.invoke( objref, os);
	    } catch (ApplicationException e) {
		throw wrapper.bootstrapApplicationException( e ) ;
	    } catch (RemarshalException e) {
		// XXX log this
		remarshal = true;

        return inStream;
public java.util.Setlist()

	InputStream inStream = null ;
	java.util.Set result = new java.util.HashSet() ;

	try {
	    inStream = invoke( "list", null ) ;

	    int count =	inStream.read_long();
	    for (int i=0; i < count; i++) 
		result.add( inStream.read_string() ) ;

	    // NOTE: do note trap and ignore errors.
	    // Let them flow out.
	} finally {
	    bootstrapDelegate.releaseReply( null, inStream ) ;

	return result ;
public org.omg.CORBA.Objectresolve(java.lang.String identifier)

	InputStream inStream = null ;
	org.omg.CORBA.Object result = null ;

	try { 
	    inStream = invoke( "get", identifier ) ;

	    result = inStream.read_Object();

	    // NOTE: do note trap and ignore errors.
	    // Let them flow out.
	} finally {
	    bootstrapDelegate.releaseReply( null, inStream ) ;

	return result ;