NonBlankConstraint.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4238Fri May 04 22:35:00 BST


public class NonBlankConstraint extends ConstraintUtils implements Constraint
NonBlankConstraint is a {@link Constraint} to validate non spaces only value. It implements Constraint interface and extends {@link ConstraintUtils} class. match method of this object returns empty Collection if the value being validated is spaces only; else it returns a Collection with a {@link ConstraintFailure} object in it. ConstraintUtils class provides utility methods for formating failure messages and a print method to print this object.
Rajeshwar Patil
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Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public NonBlankConstraint()
Creates a new instance of NonBlankConstraint.

Methods Summary
public java.util.Collectionmatch(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String name)
Validates the given value against this Constraint.

value the value to be validated.
name the element name, value of which is being validated. It is used only in case of Constraint failure, to construct the failure message.
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures. Failure can occur if value being validated contains spaces only.

        Collection failed_constrained_list = new ArrayList();
        if((value != null) && (value.length() != 0)) {
            value = value.trim();
            if(value.length() == 0){
                String failureMessage = formatFailureMessage(toString(), name);
                failed_constrained_list.add(new ConstraintFailure(toString(),
                    value, name, failureMessage, BundleReader.getValue(
                        "MSG_NonBlankConstraint_Failure")));            //NOI18N
        return failed_constrained_list;