TagFileInfo.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4061Fri May 04 22:34:28 BST 2007javax.servlet.jsp.tagext


public class TagFileInfo extends Object
Tag information for a tag file in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD) and is available only at translation time.
JSP 2.0

Fields Summary
private String
private String
private TagInfo
Constructors Summary
public TagFileInfo(String name, String path, TagInfo tagInfo)
Constructor for TagFileInfo from data in the JSP 2.0 format for TLD. This class is to be instantiated only from the TagLibrary code under request from some JSP code that is parsing a TLD (Tag Library Descriptor). Note that, since TagLibibraryInfo reflects both TLD information and taglib directive information, a TagFileInfo instance is dependent on a taglib directive. This is probably a design error, which may be fixed in the future.

name The unique action name of this tag
path Where to find the .tag file implementing this action, relative to the location of the TLD file.
tagInfo The detailed information about this tag, as parsed from the directives in the tag file. = name;
        this.path = path;
        this.tagInfo = tagInfo;
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetName()
The unique action name of this tag.

The (short) name of the tag.

        return name;
public java.lang.StringgetPath()
Where to find the .tag file implementing this action.

The path of the tag file, relative to the TLD, or "." if the tag file was defined in an implicit tag file.

        return path;
public TagInfogetTagInfo()
Returns information about this tag, parsed from the directives in the tag file.

a TagInfo object containing information about this tag

        return tagInfo;