NoCertCheckX509TrustManager.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4000Fri May 04 22:36:24 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.https


public class NoCertCheckX509TrustManager extends SunOneBasicX509TrustManager
An implementation of {@link X509TrustManager} that provides basic support for Trust Management. This implementation does not prompt for confirmation of the server certificate, but blindly accepts it and enters it into the .asadmintruststore.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public NoCertCheckX509TrustManager(Object alias)
Creates an instance of the NoCertCheckX509TrustManager

alias The toString() of the alias object concatenated with a date/time stamp is used as the alias of the trusted server certificate in the client side .asadmintruststore. When null only a date / timestamp is used as an alias.

        super(alias, null);
public NoCertCheckX509TrustManager()
Creates an instance of the NoCertCheckX509TrustManager A date/time stamp is used of the trusted server certificate in the client side .asadmintruststore

Methods Summary
protected booleanpromptForConfirmation()

true if the cert should be displayed and the user asked to confirm it. A return valie of false indicates that the cert will be implicitly trusted and added to the asadmin truststore.

        return false;