DFAContentModel.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API39369Tue Jun 10 00:22:40 BST


public class DFAContentModel extends Object implements ContentModelValidator
$Id:,v 2005/08/01 03:34:24 jeffsuttor Exp $ DFAContentModel is the derivative of ContentModel that does all of the non-trivial element content validation. This class does the conversion from the regular expression to the DFA that it then uses in its validation algorithm.

Note: Upstream work insures that this class will never see a content model with PCDATA in it. Any model with PCDATA is 'mixed' and is handled via the MixedContentModel class since mixed models are very constrained in form and easily handled via a special case. This also makes implementation of this class much easier.

$Id:,v 2005/08/01 03:34:24 jeffsuttor Exp $

Fields Summary
private static String
Epsilon string.
private static String
End-of-content string.
private static final boolean
Set to true to debug content model validation.
private QName[]
This is the map of unique input symbol elements to indices into each state's per-input symbol transition table entry. This is part of the built DFA information that must be kept around to do the actual validation.
private int[]
This is a map of whether the element map contains information related to ANY models.
private int
The element map size.
private boolean
Boolean to distinguish Schema Mixed Content
private int
The NFA position of the special EOC (end of content) node. This is saved away since it's used during the DFA build.
private boolean[]
This is an array of booleans, one per state (there are fTransTableSize states in the DFA) that indicates whether that state is a final state.
private CMStateSet[]
The list of follow positions for each NFA position (i.e. for each non-epsilon leaf node.) This is only used during the building of the DFA, and is let go afterwards.
private CMNode
This is the head node of our intermediate representation. It is only non-null during the building of the DFA (just so that it does not have to be passed all around.) Once the DFA is built, this is no longer required so its nulled out.
private int
The count of leaf nodes. This is an important number that set some limits on the sizes of data structures in the DFA process.
private CMLeaf[]
An array of non-epsilon leaf nodes, which is used during the DFA build operation, then dropped.
private int[]
Array mapping ANY types to the leaf list.
private int[]
This is the transition table that is the main by product of all of the effort here. It is an array of arrays of ints. The first dimension is the number of states we end up with in the DFA. The second dimensions is the number of unique elements in the content model (fElemMapSize). Each entry in the second dimension indicates the new state given that input for the first dimension's start state.

The fElemMap array handles mapping from element indexes to positions in the second dimension of the transition table.

private int
The number of valid entries in the transition table, and in the other related tables such as fFinalStateFlags.
private boolean
Flag that indicates that even though we have a "complicated" content model, it is valid to have no content. In other words, all parts of the content model are optional. For example:
<!ELEMENT AllOptional (Optional*,NotRequired?)>
private QName
Temporary qualified name.
Constructors Summary
public DFAContentModel(CMNode syntaxTree, int leafCount, boolean mixed)
Constructs a DFA content model.

syntaxTree The syntax tree of the content model.
leafCount The number of leaves.

    // Constructors

    // Constructors

        // Store away our index and pools in members
        //fStringPool = stringPool;
        fLeafCount = leafCount;

        // this is for Schema Mixed Content
        fMixed = mixed;

        //  Ok, so lets grind through the building of the DFA. This method
        //  handles the high level logic of the algorithm, but it uses a
        //  number of helper classes to do its thing.
        //  In order to avoid having hundreds of references to the error and
        //  string handlers around, this guy and all of his helper classes
        //  just throw a simple exception and we then pass it along.
Methods Summary
private voidbuildDFA( syntaxTree)
Builds the internal DFA transition table from the given syntax tree.

syntaxTree The syntax tree.
CMException Thrown if DFA cannot be built.

        //  The first step we need to take is to rewrite the content model
        //  using our CMNode objects, and in the process get rid of any
        //  repetition short cuts, converting them into '*' style repetitions
        //  or getting rid of repetitions altogether.
        //  The conversions done are:
        //  x+ -> (x|x*)
        //  x? -> (x|epsilon)
        //  This is a relatively complex scenario. What is happening is that
        //  we create a top level binary node of which the special EOC value
        //  is set as the right side node. The the left side is set to the
        //  rewritten syntax tree. The source is the original content model
        //  info from the decl pool. The rewrite is done by buildSyntaxTree()
        //  which recurses the decl pool's content of the element and builds
        //  a new tree in the process.
        //  Note that, during this operation, we set each non-epsilon leaf
        //  node's DFA state position and count the number of such leafs, which
        //  is left in the fLeafCount member.
        //  The nodeTmp object is passed in just as a temp node to use during
        //  the recursion. Otherwise, we'd have to create a new node on every
        //  level of recursion, which would be piggy in Java (as is everything
        //  for that matter.)

	/* MODIFIED (Jan, 2001) 
	 * Use following rules.
	 *   nullable(x+) := nullable(x), first(x+) := first(x),  last(x+) := last(x)
	 *   nullable(x?) := true, first(x?) := first(x),  last(x?) := last(x)
	 * The same computation of follow as x* is applied to x+
	 * The modification drastically reduces computation time of
	 * "(a, (b, a+, (c, (b, a+)+, a+, (d,  (c, (b, a+)+, a+)+, (b, a+)+, a+)+)+)+)+"

        fQName.setValues(null, fEOCString, fEOCString, null);
        CMLeaf nodeEOC = new CMLeaf(fQName);
        fHeadNode = new CMBinOp
            , syntaxTree
            , nodeEOC

        //  And handle specially the EOC node, which also must be numbered
        //  and counted as a non-epsilon leaf node. It could not be handled
        //  in the above tree build because it was created before all that
        //  started. We save the EOC position since its used during the DFA
        //  building loop.
        fEOCPos = fLeafCount;

        //  Ok, so now we have to iterate the new tree and do a little more
        //  work now that we know the leaf count. One thing we need to do is
        //  to calculate the first and last position sets of each node. This
        //  is cached away in each of the nodes.
        //  Along the way we also set the leaf count in each node as the
        //  maximum state count. They must know this in order to create their
        //  first/last pos sets.
        //  We also need to build an array of references to the non-epsilon
        //  leaf nodes. Since we iterate it in the same way as before, this
        //  will put them in the array according to their position values.
        fLeafList = new CMLeaf[fLeafCount];
        fLeafListType = new int[fLeafCount];
        postTreeBuildInit(fHeadNode, 0);

        //  And, moving onward... We now need to build the follow position
        //  sets for all the nodes. So we allocate an array of state sets,
        //  one for each leaf node (i.e. each DFA position.)
        fFollowList = new CMStateSet[fLeafCount];
        for (int index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
            fFollowList[index] = new CMStateSet(fLeafCount);
        //  And finally the big push... Now we build the DFA using all the
        //  states and the tree we've built up. First we set up the various
        //  data structures we are going to use while we do this.
        //  First of all we need an array of unique element names in our
        //  content model. For each transition table entry, we need a set of
        //  contiguous indices to represent the transitions for a particular
        //  input element. So we need to a zero based range of indexes that
        //  map to element types. This element map provides that mapping.
        fElemMap = new QName[fLeafCount];
        fElemMapType = new int[fLeafCount];
        fElemMapSize = 0;
        for (int outIndex = 0; outIndex < fLeafCount; outIndex++)
            fElemMap[outIndex] = new QName();

            if ( (fLeafListType[outIndex] & 0x0f) != 0 ) {
                if (fLeafNameTypeVector == null) {
                    fLeafNameTypeVector = new ContentLeafNameTypeVector();

            // Get the current leaf's element index
            final QName element = fLeafList[outIndex].getElement();

            // See if the current leaf node's element index is in the list
            int inIndex = 0;
            for (; inIndex < fElemMapSize; inIndex++)
                if (fElemMap[inIndex].rawname == element.rawname) {

            // If it was not in the list, then add it, if not the EOC node
            if (inIndex == fElemMapSize) {
                fElemMapType[fElemMapSize] = fLeafListType[outIndex];
        // set up the fLeafNameTypeVector object if there is one.
        if (fLeafNameTypeVector != null) {
            fLeafNameTypeVector.setValues(fElemMap, fElemMapType, fElemMapSize);

	* Optimization(Jan, 2001); We sort fLeafList according to 
	* elemIndex which is *uniquely* associated to each leaf.  
	* We are *assuming* that each element appears in at least one leaf.

	int[] fLeafSorter = new int[fLeafCount + fElemMapSize];
	int fSortCount = 0;

	for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++) {
	    for (int leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < fLeafCount; leafIndex++) {
		    final QName leaf = fLeafList[leafIndex].getElement();
		    final QName element = fElemMap[elemIndex];
		    if (leaf.rawname == element.rawname) {
			    fLeafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
	    fLeafSorter[fSortCount++] = -1;

	/* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */

        //  Next lets create some arrays, some that that hold transient
        //  information during the DFA build and some that are permament.
        //  These are kind of sticky since we cannot know how big they will
        //  get, but we don't want to use any Java collections because of
        //  performance.
        //  Basically they will probably be about fLeafCount*2 on average,
        //  but can be as large as 2^(fLeafCount*2), worst case. So we start
        //  with fLeafCount*4 as a middle ground. This will be very unlikely
        //  to ever have to expand, though it if does, the overhead will be
        //  somewhat ugly.
        int curArraySize = fLeafCount * 4;
        CMStateSet[] statesToDo = new CMStateSet[curArraySize];
        fFinalStateFlags = new boolean[curArraySize];
        fTransTable = new int[curArraySize][];

        //  Ok we start with the initial set as the first pos set of the
        //  head node (which is the seq node that holds the content model
        //  and the EOC node.)
        CMStateSet setT = fHeadNode.firstPos();

        //  Init our two state flags. Basically the unmarked state counter
        //  is always chasing the current state counter. When it catches up,
        //  that means we made a pass through that did not add any new states
        //  to the lists, at which time we are done. We could have used a
        //  expanding array of flags which we used to mark off states as we
        //  complete them, but this is easier though less readable maybe.
        int unmarkedState = 0;
        int curState = 0;

        //  Init the first transition table entry, and put the initial state
        //  into the states to do list, then bump the current state.
        fTransTable[curState] = makeDefStateList();
        statesToDo[curState] = setT;

	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001); This is faster for
	     * a large content model such as, "(t001+|t002+|.... |t500+)".

	java.util.Hashtable stateTable = new java.util.Hashtable();

	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */

        //  Ok, almost done with the algorithm... We now enter the
        //  loop where we go until the states done counter catches up with
        //  the states to do counter.
        while (unmarkedState < curState)
            //  Get the first unmarked state out of the list of states to do.
            //  And get the associated transition table entry.
            setT = statesToDo[unmarkedState];
            int[] transEntry = fTransTable[unmarkedState];

            // Mark this one final if it contains the EOC state
            fFinalStateFlags[unmarkedState] = setT.getBit(fEOCPos);

            // Bump up the unmarked state count, marking this state done

            // Loop through each possible input symbol in the element map
            CMStateSet newSet = null;
	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */
            int sorterIndex = 0;
	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */
            for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
                //  Build up a set of states which is the union of all of
                //  the follow sets of DFA positions that are in the current
                //  state. If we gave away the new set last time through then
                //  create a new one. Otherwise, zero out the existing one.
                if (newSet == null)
                    newSet = new CMStateSet(fLeafCount);

	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */
                int leafIndex = fLeafSorter[sorterIndex++];

                while (leafIndex != -1) {
	        // If this leaf index (DFA position) is in the current set...
                    if (setT.getBit(leafIndex))
                        //  If this leaf is the current input symbol, then we
                        //  want to add its follow list to the set of states to
                        //  transition to from the current state.

                   leafIndex = fLeafSorter[sorterIndex++];
	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */

                //  If this new set is not empty, then see if its in the list
                //  of states to do. If not, then add it.
                if (!newSet.isEmpty())
                    //  Search the 'states to do' list to see if this new
                    //  state set is already in there.

	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */
	    Integer stateObj = (Integer)stateTable.get(newSet);
	    int stateIndex = (stateObj == null ? curState : stateObj.intValue());
	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */

                    // If we did not find it, then add it
                    if (stateIndex == curState)
                        //  Put this new state into the states to do and init
                        //  a new entry at the same index in the transition
                        //  table.
                        statesToDo[curState] = newSet;
                        fTransTable[curState] = makeDefStateList();

	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */
                        stateTable.put(newSet, new Integer(curState));
	    /* Optimization(Jan, 2001) */

                        // We now have a new state to do so bump the count

                        //  Null out the new set to indicate we adopted it.
                        //  This will cause the creation of a new set on the
                        //  next time around the loop.
                        newSet = null;

                    //  Now set this state in the transition table's entry
                    //  for this element (using its index), with the DFA
                    //  state we will move to from the current state when we
                    //  see this input element.
                    transEntry[elemIndex] = stateIndex;

                    // Expand the arrays if we're full
                    if (curState == curArraySize)
                        //  Yikes, we overflowed the initial array size, so
                        //  we've got to expand all of these arrays. So adjust
                        //  up the size by 50% and allocate new arrays.
                        final int newSize = (int)(curArraySize * 1.5);
                        CMStateSet[] newToDo = new CMStateSet[newSize];
                        boolean[] newFinalFlags = new boolean[newSize];
                        int[][] newTransTable = new int[newSize][];

                        // Copy over all of the existing content
                        for (int expIndex = 0; expIndex < curArraySize; expIndex++)
                            newToDo[expIndex] = statesToDo[expIndex];
                            newFinalFlags[expIndex] = fFinalStateFlags[expIndex];
                            newTransTable[expIndex] = fTransTable[expIndex];

                        // Store the new array size
                        curArraySize = newSize;
                        statesToDo = newToDo;
                        fFinalStateFlags = newFinalFlags;
                        fTransTable = newTransTable;

        // Check to see if we can set the fEmptyContentIsValid flag.
        fEmptyContentIsValid = ((CMBinOp)fHeadNode).getLeft().isNullable();

        //  And now we can say bye bye to the temp representation since we've
        //  built the DFA.
            dumpTree(fHeadNode, 0);
        fHeadNode = null;
        fLeafList = null;
        fFollowList = null;

private voidcalcFollowList( nodeCur)
Calculates the follow list of the current node.

nodeCur The curent node.
CMException Thrown if follow list cannot be calculated.

        // Recurse as required
        if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE)
            // Recurse only
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ)
            // Recurse first

            //  Now handle our level. We use our left child's last pos
            //  set and our right child's first pos set, so go ahead and
            //  get them ahead of time.
            final CMStateSet last  = ((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getLeft().lastPos();
            final CMStateSet first = ((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getRight().firstPos();

            //  Now, for every position which is in our left child's last set
            //  add all of the states in our right child's first set to the
            //  follow set for that position.
            for (int index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
                if (last.getBit(index))
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE)
            // Recurse first

            //  Now handle our level. We use our own first and last position
            //  sets, so get them up front.
            final CMStateSet first = nodeCur.firstPos();
            final CMStateSet last  = nodeCur.lastPos();

            //  For every position which is in our last position set, add all
            //  of our first position states to the follow set for that
            //  position.
            for (int index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
                if (last.getBit(index))
         else if ((nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE)
              ||  (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE))
            throw new RuntimeException("ImplementationMessages.VAL_NIICM");
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE
	    || nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE)
            // Recurse first

            //  Now handle our level. We use our own first and last position
            //  sets, so get them up front.
            final CMStateSet first = nodeCur.firstPos();
            final CMStateSet last  = nodeCur.lastPos();

            //  For every position which is in our last position set, add all
            //  of our first position states to the follow set for that
            //  position.
            for (int index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
                if (last.getBit(index))
        else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE) {
            // Recurse only
private voiddumpTree( nodeCur, int level)
Dumps the tree of the current node to standard output.

nodeCur The current node.
level The maximum levels to output.
CMException Thrown on error.

        for (int index = 0; index < level; index++)
            System.out.print("   ");

        int type = nodeCur.type();
        if ((type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE)
        ||  (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ))
            if (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE)
                System.out.print("Choice Node ");
                System.out.print("Seq Node ");

            if (nodeCur.isNullable())
                System.out.print("Nullable ");

            System.out.print(" lastPos=");

            dumpTree(((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getLeft(), level+1);
            dumpTree(((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getRight(), level+1);
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE)
            System.out.print("Rep Node ");

            if (nodeCur.isNullable())
                System.out.print("Nullable ");

            System.out.print(" lastPos=");

            dumpTree(((CMUniOp)nodeCur).getChild(), level+1);
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF)
                "Leaf: (pos="
                + ((CMLeaf)nodeCur).getPosition()
                + "), "
                + ((CMLeaf)nodeCur).getElement()
                + "(elemIndex="
                + ((CMLeaf)nodeCur).getElement()
                + ") "

            if (nodeCur.isNullable())
                System.out.print(" Nullable ");

            System.out.print(" lastPos=");
            throw new RuntimeException("ImplementationMessages.VAL_NIICM");
private int[]makeDefStateList()
-1 is used to represent bad transitions in the transition table entry for each state. So each entry is initialized to an all -1 array. This method creates a new entry and initializes it.

        int[] retArray = new int[fElemMapSize];
        for (int index = 0; index < fElemMapSize; index++)
            retArray[index] = -1;
        return retArray;
private intpostTreeBuildInit( nodeCur, int curIndex)
Post tree build initialization.

        // Set the maximum states on this node

        // Recurse as required
        if ((nodeCur.type() & 0x0f) == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY ||
            (nodeCur.type() & 0x0f) == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL ||
            (nodeCur.type() & 0x0f) == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER) {
            // REVISIT: Don't waste these structures.
            QName qname = new QName(null, null, null, ((CMAny)nodeCur).getURI());
            fLeafList[curIndex] = new CMLeaf(qname, ((CMAny)nodeCur).getPosition());
            fLeafListType[curIndex] = nodeCur.type();
        else if ((nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE)
        ||  (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ))
            curIndex = postTreeBuildInit(((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getLeft(), curIndex);
            curIndex = postTreeBuildInit(((CMBinOp)nodeCur).getRight(), curIndex);
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE
	     || nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE
	     || nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE)
            curIndex = postTreeBuildInit(((CMUniOp)nodeCur).getChild(), curIndex);
         else if (nodeCur.type() == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF)
            //  Put this node in the leaf list at the current index if its
            //  a non-epsilon leaf.
             final QName node = ((CMLeaf)nodeCur).getElement();
            if (node.localpart != fEpsilonString) {
                fLeafList[curIndex] = (CMLeaf)nodeCur;
                fLeafListType[curIndex] = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF;
            throw new RuntimeException("ImplementationMessages.VAL_NIICM: type="+nodeCur.type());
        return curIndex;
public intvalidate([] children, int offset, int length)
Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model. This method can also be called to do 'what if' testing of content models just to see if they would be valid.

A value of -1 in the children array indicates a PCDATA node. All other indexes will be positive and represent child elements. The count can be zero, since some elements have the EMPTY content model and that must be confirmed.

children The children of this element. Each integer is an index within the StringPool of the child element name. An index of -1 is used to indicate an occurrence of non-whitespace character data.
offset Offset into the array where the children starts.
length The number of entries in the children array.
The value -1 if fully valid, else the 0 based index of the child that first failed. If the value returned is equal to the number of children, then the specified children are valid but additional content is required to reach a valid ending state.


        // A DFA content model must *always* have at least 1 child
        // so a failure is given if no children present.
        // Defect 782: This is an incorrect statement because a DFA
        // content model is also used for constructions such as:
        //     (Optional*,NotRequired?)
        // where a perfectly valid content would be NO CHILDREN.
        // Therefore, if there are no children, we must check to
        // see if the CMNODE_EOC marker is a valid start state! -Ac
        if (length == 0) {
            if (DEBUG_VALIDATE_CONTENT) {
                System.out.println("!!! no children");
                for (int i = 0; i < fElemMap.length; i++) {
                    String uri = fElemMap[i].uri;
                    String localpart = fElemMap[i].localpart;
                                       localpart+" ("+
                                       uri+", "+

            return fEmptyContentIsValid ? -1 : 0;

        } // if child count == 0

        //  Lets loop through the children in the array and move our way
        //  through the states. Note that we use the fElemMap array to map
        //  an element index to a state index.
        int curState = 0;
        for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < length; childIndex++)
            // Get the current element index out
            final QName curElem = children[offset + childIndex];
            // ignore mixed text
            if (fMixed && curElem.localpart == null) {

            // Look up this child in our element map
            int elemIndex = 0;
            for (; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
                int type = fElemMapType[elemIndex] & 0x0f ;
                if (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF) {
                    //System.out.println("fElemMap["+elemIndex+"]: "+fElemMap[elemIndex]);
                    if (fElemMap[elemIndex].rawname == curElem.rawname) {
                else if (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY) {
                    String uri = fElemMap[elemIndex].uri;
                    if (uri == null || uri == curElem.uri) {
                else if (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL) {
                    if (curElem.uri == null) {
                else if (type == XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER) {
                    if (fElemMap[elemIndex].uri != curElem.uri) {

            // If we didn't find it, then obviously not valid
            if (elemIndex == fElemMapSize) {
                if (DEBUG_VALIDATE_CONTENT) {
                    System.out.println("!!! didn't find it");

                    System.out.println("curElem : " +curElem );
                    for (int i=0; i<fElemMapSize; i++) {
                        System.out.println("fElemMap["+i+"] = " +fElemMap[i] );
                        System.out.println("fElemMapType["+i+"] = " +fElemMapType[i] );

                return childIndex;

            //  Look up the next state for this input symbol when in the
            //  current state.
            curState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];

            // If its not a legal transition, then invalid
            if (curState == -1) {
                if (DEBUG_VALIDATE_CONTENT) 
                    System.out.println("!!! not a legal transition");
                return childIndex;

        //  We transitioned all the way through the input list. However, that
        //  does not mean that we ended in a final state. So check whether
        //  our ending state is a final state.
            System.out.println("curState="+curState+", childCount="+length);
        if (!fFinalStateFlags[curState])
            return length;

        // success!
        return -1;