Form21h.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API3925Thu Mar 12 22:18:30 GMT


public final class Form21h extends
Instruction format {@code 21h}. See the instruction format spec for details.

Fields Summary
public static final
{@code non-null;} unique instance of this class
Constructors Summary
private Form21h()
Constructs an instance. This class is not publicly instantiable. Use {@link #THE_ONE}.

        // This space intentionally left blank.
Methods Summary
public intcodeSize()

        return 2;
public java.util.BitSetcompatibleRegs( insn)

        RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getRegisters();
        BitSet bits = new BitSet(1);

        bits.set(0, unsignedFitsInByte(regs.get(0).getReg()));
        return bits;
public java.lang.StringinsnArgString( insn)

        RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getRegisters();
        CstLiteralBits value = (CstLiteralBits) ((CstInsn) insn).getConstant();

        return regs.get(0).regString() + ", " + literalBitsString(value);
public java.lang.StringinsnCommentString( insn, boolean noteIndices)

        RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getRegisters();
        CstLiteralBits value = (CstLiteralBits) ((CstInsn) insn).getConstant();

                    (regs.get(0).getCategory() == 1) ? 32 : 64);
public booleanisCompatible( insn)

        RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getRegisters();
        if (!((insn instanceof CstInsn) &&
              (regs.size() == 1) &&
              unsignedFitsInByte(regs.get(0).getReg()))) {
            return false;

        CstInsn ci = (CstInsn) insn;
        Constant cst = ci.getConstant();

        if (!(cst instanceof CstLiteralBits)) {
            return false;

        CstLiteralBits cb = (CstLiteralBits) cst;

        // Where the high bits are depends on the category of the target.
        if (regs.get(0).getCategory() == 1) {
            int bits = cb.getIntBits();
            return ((bits & 0xffff) == 0);
        } else {
            long bits = cb.getLongBits();
            return ((bits & 0xffffffffffffL) == 0);
public voidwriteTo( out, insn)

        RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getRegisters();
        CstLiteralBits cb = (CstLiteralBits) ((CstInsn) insn).getConstant();
        short bits;

        // Where the high bits are depends on the category of the target.
        if (regs.get(0).getCategory() == 1) {
            bits = (short) (cb.getIntBits() >>> 16);
        } else {
            bits = (short) (cb.getLongBits() >>> 48);

        write(out, opcodeUnit(insn, regs.get(0).getReg()), bits);