PackageStringSources.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3916Fri May 04 22:31:06 BST

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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;


	A StringSource for a package which first looks for a class in the the package
	named "PackageStringSource", and then, if not found, attempts to locate
	a ResourceBundle with the name "Strings".
	Also maintains a cache of such sources so that subsequent uses reuse prior ones.
public class PackageStringSources
	static final Map<Class,StringSource> mSources	= new HashMap<Class,StringSource>();
		Get a string source for the specified class, using the specified
		StringSource as its delegate.
		public static StringSource
	get( final Class theClass, final StringSource delegate )
		StringSource	source	= mSources.get( theClass );
		if ( source == null )
			source	= init( theClass, delegate );
			mSources.put( theClass, source );

		return( source );
	private PackageStringSources()	{}
		private static StringSource
	init( final Class theClass,  final StringSource delegate )
		StringSource	source	= null;
		final String	packageName	= theClass.getPackage().getName();
			final String	classname	= packageName + ".PackageStrings";
			final Class	packageStringSourceClass	= ClassUtil.getClassFromName( classname );
			final Constructor	c	= packageStringSourceClass.getConstructor( new Class[] { StringSource.class } );
			source	= (StringSource)c.newInstance( new Object[] { delegate } );
		catch( Exception e )
			// no such class exists
		if ( source == null )
			final ResourceBundle bundle	= ResourceBundle.getBundle( packageName + ".Strings",
										Locale.getDefault(), theClass.getClassLoader());
			source	= new ResourceBundleStringSource( bundle, delegate );
		return( source );