SimilarityQueries.javaAPI DocApache Lucene 2.0.03744Fri May 26 09:54:02 BST


public final class SimilarityQueries extends Object
Simple similarity measures.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
private SimilarityQueries()

Methods Summary
public static body, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer a, java.lang.String field, java.util.Set stop)
Simple similarity query generators. Takes every unique word and forms a boolean query where all words are optional. After you get this you'll use to to query your {@link IndexSearcher} for similar docs. The only caveat is the first hit returned should be your source document - you'll need to then ignore that.

So, if you have a code fragment like this:
Query q = formSimilaryQuery( "I use Lucene to search fast. Fast searchers are good", new StandardAnalyzer(), "contents", null);

The query returned, in string form, will be '(i use lucene to search fast searchers are good').

The philosophy behind this method is "two documents are similar if they share lots of words". Note that behind the scenes, Lucenes scoring algorithm will tend to give two documents a higher similarity score if the share more uncommon words.

This method is fail-safe in that if a long 'body' is passed in and {@link BooleanQuery#add BooleanQuery.add()} (used internally) throws {@link BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses}, the query as it is will be returned.

body the body of the document you want to find similar documents to
a the analyzer to use to parse the body
field the field you want to search on, probably something like "contents" or "body"
stop optional set of stop words to ignore
a query with all unique words in 'body'
IOException this can't happen...

		TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream( field, new StringReader( body));
		org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token t;
		BooleanQuery tmp = new BooleanQuery();
		Set already = new HashSet(); // ignore dups
		while ( (t = != null)
			String word = t.termText();
			// ignore opt stop words
			if ( stop != null &&
				 stop.contains( word)) continue;
			// ignore dups
			if ( ! already.add( word)) continue;
			// add to query
			TermQuery tq = new TermQuery( new Term( field, word));
				tmp.add( tq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
			catch( BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses too)
				// fail-safe, just return what we have, not the end of the world
		return tmp;