SmallBall.javaAPI DocJ2ME MIDP 2.03741Thu Nov 07 12:02:18 GMT 2002example.manyballs

 * @(#)	1.11 02/07/25 @(#)
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

package example.manyballs;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

 * A SmallBall is a lightweight animated ball that runs in it's own thread.
 * It moves within a rectangular region, bouncing off the walls.
class SmallBall implements Runnable {

	// random number generator
	static java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random(); 

	// controls the speed of all balls; delay in centiseconds
	static int delay = 20;
	static void slower() {
		delay += 10;
		if (delay > 100) delay = 100;

	static void faster() {
		delay -= 10;
		if (delay < 0) delay = 0;

	// the matrix to transform the direction based on the
	// current direction and which wall was hit
	static int[][] matrix = {
		{  1, -1,  -1, 1,   1, 1 },
		{ -1, -1,   1, 1,  -1, 1 },
		{  1, 1,  -1, -1,   1, -1 },
		{ -1, 1,   1, -1,  -1, -1 }

	// the region in which the ball moves
	int top, left, width, height;

	// the position and radius of the ball
	int posX, posY;
	int radius = 5, ballSize = radius*2;

	// the direction of the ball is controlled by these two variables
	int deltaX;
	int deltaY;

	// a handle onto the singleton Graphics object
	Graphics g;
	Canvas canvas;

	// public variables to control the behaviour of the thread
	public boolean stop;

	 * Constructor defines the region in which the ball moves as well
	 * as its starting position.
	SmallBall(Canvas c, int left, int top, int width, int height) {
		canvas = c;
		this.left = left + 1;  = top + 1;		
		this.width = width - (2 * radius + 2);
		this.height = height - (2 * radius + 2);
		// use positive random #s
		this.posX = (random.nextInt()>>>1) % (this.width-20) + 10;
		this.posY = (random.nextInt()>>>1) % (this.height-20) + 10;

		deltaX = random.nextInt() & 1;
		deltaY = random.nextInt() & 1;
		if (deltaX == 0) deltaX = -1;
		if (deltaY == 0) deltaY = -1;

	 * Starts the ball running.
	public void run() {
	    //	    System.out.println("starting... " + this);
		int right = left + width;
		int bottom = top + height;

		stop = false;
		while (!stop) {

			ballSize = radius * 2;

			// calculate a direction of the ball 
                        // as an integer in the range
			// -2 .. 2 (excluding 0)
			int direction = deltaX + deltaY;
			if (direction == 0) direction = deltaX + 2*deltaY;

			// is the current position colliding with any wall
			int collision = 0;
			if (posX <= left || posX >= right) collision++;
			if (posY <= top || posY >= bottom) collision += 2;

			// change the direction appropriately 
                        // if there was a collision
			if (collision != 0) {
				collision = (collision - 1) * 2;

				deltaX = matrix[direction+2][collision];
				deltaY = matrix[direction+2][collision+1];

			// calculate the new position and queue a repaint
			posX = posX + deltaX;
			posY = posY + deltaY;
			canvas.repaint(posX - 1, posY - 1,
                                       ballSize + 2, ballSize + 2);

			// use the delay to control the speed of the ball
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {}

     * Paint the ball.
    void paint(Graphics g) {
	g.fillArc(posX, posY, ballSize, ballSize, 0, 360);

    boolean inside(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
        return (posX <= x2) 
            && (posY <= y2)
            && ((posX + ballSize) >= x1) 
            && ((posY + ballSize) >= y1);

    public String toString() {
	return super.toString() + " x = " + posX + ", y = " + posY;
