MonitorableResourcePool.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3708Fri May 04 22:35:14 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.resource


public interface MonitorableResourcePool implements ResourcePool
An interface that adds 8.1 monitoring capabilities to the ResourcePool interface
Sivakumar Thyagarajan

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public longgetCurrentConnRequestWaitTime()

public longgetMaxConnRequestWaitTime()

public longgetMaxNumConnFree()

public longgetMaxNumConnUsed()
Return the maximum number of connections ever used in this pool

public longgetMinConnRequestWaitTime()

public longgetMinNumConnFree()

public longgetMinNumConnUsed()

public longgetNumConnAcquired()

public longgetNumConnCreated()

public longgetNumConnDestroyed()

public longgetNumConnFailedValidation()
Return the number of connections that have failed validation

public longgetNumConnFree()
Return the number of free connections in the pool

public longgetNumConnInUse()
Return the number of connections in use

public longgetNumConnNotSuccessfullyMatched()

public longgetNumConnReleased()

public longgetNumConnSuccessfullyMatched()

public longgetNumConnTimedOut()
Return the number of threads that have time out after waiting to obtain a connection from the pool.

public longgetNumPotentialConnLeak()

public intgetNumThreadWaiting()
Return the number of threads that are waiting to obtain a connection from the pool

public longgetTotalConnectionRequestWaitTime()