AntStarTeamCheckOut.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.7036753Wed Dec 13 06:16:18 GMT


public class AntStarTeamCheckOut extends
Checks out files from a specific StarTeam server, project, view, and folder.

This program logs in to a StarTeam server and opens up the specified project and view. Then, it searches through that view for the given folder (or, if you prefer, it uses the root folder). Beginning with that folder and optionally continuing recursivesly, AntStarTeamCheckOut compares each file with your include and exclude filters and checks it out only if appropriate.

Checked out files go to a directory you specify under the subfolder named for the default StarTeam path to the view. That is, if you entered /home/cpovirk/work as the target folder, your project was named "OurProject," the given view was named "TestView," and that view is stored by default at "C:\projects\Test," your files would be checked out to /home/cpovirk/work/Test." I avoided using the project name in the path because you may want to keep several versions of the same project on your computer, and I didn't want to use the view name, as there may be many "Test" or "Version 1.0" views, for example. This system's success, of course, depends on what you set the default path to in StarTeam.

You can set AntStarTeamCheckOut to verbose or quiet mode. Also, it has a safeguard against overwriting the files on your computer: If the target directory you specify already exists, the program will throw a BuildException. To override the exception, set force to true.

This program makes use of functions from the StarTeam API. As a result AntStarTeamCheckOut is available only to licensed users of StarTeam and requires the StarTeam SDK to function. You must have starteam-sdk.jar in your classpath to run this program. For more information about the StarTeam API and how to license it, see the link below.
StarBase Web Site
name="starteam" category="scm" ignore="true"

Fields Summary
public static final String
This constant sets the filter to include all files. This default has the same result as setIncludes("*").
public static final String
This disables the exclude filter by default. In other words, no files are excluded. This setting is equivalent to setExcludes(null) .
public static final String
The default folder to search; the root folder. Since AntStarTeamCheckOut searches subfolders, by default it processes an entire view.
private com.starbase.starteam.Folder
This is used when formatting the output. The directory name is displayed only when it changes.
private int
This field keeps count of the number of files checked out.
private String
The name of the server you wish to connect to.
private int
The port on the server used for StarTeam.
private String
The name of your project.
private String
The name of the folder you want to check out files from. All subfolders will be searched, as well.
private String
The view that the files you want are in.
private String
Your username on the StarTeam server.
private String
Your StarTeam password.
private String
The path to the root folder you want to check out to. This is a local directory.
private boolean
If force set to true, AntStarTeamCheckOut will overwrite files in the target directory.
private boolean
When verbose is true, the program will display all files and directories as they are checked out.
private boolean
Set recursion to false to check out files in only the given folder and not in its subfolders.
private String
All files that fit this pattern are checked out.
private String
All files fitting this pattern are ignored.
private String
The file delimitor on the user's system.
private boolean
whether to use the Starteam "default folder" when calculating the target paths to which files are checked out (false) or if targetFolder represents an absolute mapping to folderName.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static voidassertTrue(boolean value, java.lang.String msg)
convenient method to check for conditions

        if (!value) {
            throw new BuildException(msg);
private v, com.starbase.starteam.Folder rootSourceFolder)
Returns a file object that defines the root of the local checkout tree. Depending on the value of targetFolderAbsolute, this will be either the targetFolder exactly as set by the user or the path formed by appending the default folder onto the specified target folder.

v view from which the file is checked out, supplies the "default folder"
rootSourceFolder root folder of the checkout operation in Star Team
an object referencing the local file
#getTargetFolderAbsolute() root = new;

        if (!getTargetFolderAbsolute()) {
            // Create a variable dir that contains the name of
            // the StarTeam folder that is the root folder in this view.
            // Get the default path to the current view.
            String defaultPath = v.getDefaultPath();

            // convert whatever separator char is in starteam to that of the target system.
            defaultPath = defaultPath.replace('/",;
            defaultPath = defaultPath.replace('\\",;

   dir = new;
            String dirName = dir.getName();

            // If it ends with separator then strip it off
            if (dirName.endsWith(delim)) {
                dirName = dirName.substring(0, dirName.length() - 1);

            // Replace the projectName in the file's absolute path to the viewName.
            // This makes the root target of a checkout operation equal to:
            // targetFolder + dirName
            StringTokenizer pathTokenizer
                = new StringTokenizer(rootSourceFolder.getFolderHierarchy(), delim);
            String currentToken = null;
            boolean foundRoot = false;

            while (pathTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                currentToken = pathTokenizer.nextToken();
                if (currentToken.equals(getProjectName()) && !foundRoot) {
                    currentToken = dirName;
                    foundRoot = true; // only want to do this the first time
                root = new, currentToken);

        return root;
protected voidcheckParameters()
Check if the attributes/elements are correct.

BuildException if there was a problem.

        // Check all of the properties that are required.
        assertTrue(getServerName() != null, "ServerName must be set.");
        assertTrue(getServerPort() != -1, "ServerPort must be set.");
        assertTrue(getProjectName() != null, "ProjectName must be set.");
        assertTrue(getViewName() != null, "ViewName must be set.");
        assertTrue(getUsername() != null, "Username must be set.");
        assertTrue(getPassword() != null, "Password must be set.");
        assertTrue(getTargetFolder() != null, "TargetFolder must be set.");

        // Because of the way I create the full target path, there
        // must be NO slash at the end of targetFolder and folderName
        // However, if the slash or backslash is the only character, leave it alone
        if ((getTargetFolder().endsWith("/")
                || getTargetFolder().endsWith("\\"))
             && getTargetFolder().length() > 1) {
            setTargetFolder(getTargetFolder().substring(0, getTargetFolder().length() - 1));

        // Check to see if the target directory exists. dirExist = new;

        if (dirExist.isDirectory() && !getForce()) {
            throw new BuildException("Target directory exists. Set \"force\" "
                 + "to \"true\" to continue anyway.");
public voidexecute()
Do the execution.

BuildException if there was a problem.

        log("DEPRECATED - The starteam task is deprecated.  Use stcheckout instead.",

        // Connect to the StarTeam server, and log on.
        Server s = getServer();

        try {
            // Search the items on this server.
        } finally {
            // Disconnect from the server.
        // after you are all of the properties are ok, do your thing
        // with StarTeam.  If there are any kind of exceptions then
        // send the message to the project log.

        // Tell how many files were checked out.
        log(checkedOut + " files checked out.");
protected java.lang.StringformatForDisplay(com.starbase.starteam.Property p, java.lang.Object value)
Formats a property value for display to the user.

p An item property to format.
value the object to format.
A string containing the property, which is truncated to 35 characters for display.

        if (p.getTypeCode() == Property.Types.TEXT) {
            String str = value.toString();

            if (str.length() > 35) {
                str = str.substring(0, 32) + "...";
            return "\"" + str + "\"";
        } else {
            if (p.getTypeCode() == Property.Types.ENUMERATED) {
                return "\"" + p.getEnumDisplayName(((Integer) value).intValue()) + "\"";
            } else {
                return value.toString();
public java.lang.StringgetExcludes()
Gets the patterns from the exclude filter. Rather that duplicate the details of AntStarTeanCheckOut's filtering here, refer to these links:

A string of filter patterns separated by spaces.
#setExcludes(String excludes)
#setIncludes(String includes)

        return excludes;
public java.lang.StringgetFolderName()
Gets the folderName attribute.

The subfolder from which to check out files. All subfolders will be searched, as well.
#setFolderName(String folderName)

        return folderName;
public booleangetForce()
Gets the force attribute.

whether to continue if the target directory exists.

        return force;
public java.lang.StringgetIncludes()
Gets the patterns from the include filter. Rather that duplicate the details of AntStarTeanCheckOut's filtering here, refer to these links:

A string of filter patterns separated by spaces.
#setIncludes(String includes)
#setExcludes(String excludes)

        return includes;
public java.lang.StringgetPassword()
Gets the password attribute.

The password given by the user.
#setPassword(String password)

        return password;
protected com.starbase.starteam.PropertygetPrimaryDescriptor(com.starbase.starteam.Type t)
Get the primary descriptor of the given item type. Returns null if there isn't one. In practice, all item types have a primary descriptor.

t An item type. At this point it will always be "file".
The specified item's primary descriptor.

        Property[] properties = t.getProperties();

        for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
            Property p = properties[i];

            if (p.isPrimaryDescriptor()) {
                return p;
        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetProjectName()
Gets the projectName attribute.

The StarTeam project to search.
#setProjectName(String projectName)

        return projectName;
public booleangetRecursion()
Gets the recursion attribute, which tells AntStarTeamCheckOut whether to search subfolders when checking out files.

whether to search subfolders when checking out files.

        return recursion;
protected com.starbase.starteam.PropertygetSecondaryDescriptor(com.starbase.starteam.Type t)
Get the secondary descriptor of the given item type. Returns null if there isn't one.

t An item type. At this point it will always be "file".
The specified item's secondary descriptor. There may not be one for every file.

        Property[] properties = t.getProperties();

        for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
            Property p = properties[i];

            if (p.isDescriptor() && !p.isPrimaryDescriptor()) {
                return p;
        return null;
protected com.starbase.starteam.ServergetServer()
Creates and logs in to a StarTeam server.

A StarTeam server.

        // Simplest constructor, uses default encryption algorithm and compression level.
        Server s = new Server(getServerName(), getServerPort());

        // Optional; logOn() connects if necessary.

        // Logon using specified user name and password.
        s.logOn(getUsername(), getPassword());

        return s;
public java.lang.StringgetServerName()
Gets the serverName attribute.

The StarTeam server to log in to.
#setServerName(String serverName)

        return serverName;
public intgetServerPort()
Gets the serverPort attribute.

A string containing the port on the StarTeam server to use.

        return serverPort;
public java.lang.StringgetTargetFolder()
Gets the targetFolder attribute.

The target path on the local machine to check out to.
#setTargetFolder(String targetFolder)

        return targetFolder;
public booleangetTargetFolderAbsolute()
returns whether the StarTeam default path is factored into calculated target path locations (false) or whether targetFolder is an absolute mapping to the root folder named by folderName

returns true if absolute mapping is used, false if it is not used.

        return this.targetFolderAbsolute;
public java.lang.StringgetUsername()
Gets the username attribute.

The username given by the user.
#setUsername(String username)

        return username;
public booleangetVerbose()
Gets the verbose attribute.

whether to display all files as it checks them out.
#setVerbose(boolean verbose)

        return verbose;
public java.lang.StringgetViewName()
Gets the viewName attribute.

The view to find the specified folder in.
#setViewName(String viewName)

        return viewName;
protected booleanmatchPatterns(java.lang.String patterns, java.lang.String pName)
Convenient method to see if a string match a one pattern in given set of space-separated patterns.

patterns the space-separated list of patterns.
pName the name to look for matching.
whether the name match at least one pattern.

        if (patterns == null) {
            return false;
        StringTokenizer exStr = new StringTokenizer(patterns, " ");

        while (exStr.hasMoreTokens()) {
            if (DirectoryScanner.match(exStr.nextToken(), pName)) {
                return true;
        return false;
protected voidrunFolder(com.starbase.starteam.Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p, com.starbase.starteam.View v, com.starbase.starteam.Type t, com.starbase.starteam.Folder f, tgt)
Searches for files in the given folder. This method is recursive and thus searches all subfolders.

s A StarTeam server.
p A valid project on the server.
v A view name from the specified project.
t An item type which is currently always "file".
f The folder to search.
tgt Target folder on local machine

        // Process all items in this folder.
        Item[] items = f.getItems(t.getName());

        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            runItem(s, p, v, t, f, items[i], tgt);

        // Process all subfolders recursively if recursion is on.
        if (getRecursion()) {
            Folder[] subfolders = f.getSubFolders();

            for (int i = 0; i < subfolders.length; i++) {
                runFolder(s, p, v, t, subfolders[i],
                          new, subfolders[i].getName()));
protected voidrunItem(com.starbase.starteam.Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p, com.starbase.starteam.View v, com.starbase.starteam.Type t, com.starbase.starteam.Folder f, com.starbase.starteam.Item item, tgt)
Check out one file if it matches the include filter but not the exclude filter.

s A StarTeam server.
p A valid project on the server.
v A view name from the specified project.
t An item type which is currently always "file".
f The folder the file is localed in.
item The file to check out.
tgt target folder on local machine

        // Get descriptors for this item type.
        Property p1 = getPrimaryDescriptor(t);
        Property p2 = getSecondaryDescriptor(t);

        String pName = (String) item.get(p1.getName());

        if (!shouldCheckout(pName)) {

        if (getVerbose()) {
            // Show folder only if changed.
            boolean bShowHeader = (f != prevFolder);

            if (bShowHeader) {
                // We want to display the folder the same way you would
                // enter it on the command line ... so we remove the
                // View name (which is also the name of the root folder,
                // and therefore shows up at the start of the path).
                String strFolder = f.getFolderHierarchy();
                int i = strFolder.indexOf(delim);

                if (i >= 0) {
                    strFolder = strFolder.substring(i + 1);
                log("            Folder: \"" + strFolder + "\"");
                prevFolder = f;

                // If we displayed the project, view, item type, or folder,
                // then show the list of relevant item properties.
                StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer("                Item");

                if (p2 != null) {

            // Finally, show the Item properties ...
            // Always show the ItemID.
            StringBuffer itemLine = new StringBuffer("                ");


            // Show the primary descriptor.
            // There should always be one.
            itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p1, item.get(p1.getName())));

            // Show the secondary descriptor, if there is one.
            // Some item types have one, some don't.
            if (p2 != null) {
                itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p2, item.get(p2.getName())));

            // Show if the file is locked.
            int locker = item.getLocker();

            if (locker > -1) {
                itemLine.append(",\tLocked by ").append(locker);
            } else {
                itemLine.append(",\tNot locked");

        // Check it out; also ugly.

        // Change the item to be checked out to a StarTeam File.
        com.starbase.starteam.File remote = (com.starbase.starteam.File) item;

        // The local file name is simply the local target path (tgt) which has
        // been passed recursively down from the top of the tree, with the item's name appended. local = new, (String) item.get(p1.getName()));

        try {
            remote.checkoutTo(local, Item.LockType.UNCHANGED, false, true, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BuildException("Failed to checkout '" + local + "'", e);
protected voidrunProject(com.starbase.starteam.Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p)
Searches for the given view in the project.

s A StarTeam server.
p A valid project on the given server.

        View[] views = p.getViews();

        for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
            View v = views[i];

            if (v.getName().equals(getViewName())) {
                if (getVerbose()) {
                    log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim + getViewName() + delim);
                runType(s, p, v, s.typeForName(s.getTypeNames().FILE));
protected voidrunServer(com.starbase.starteam.Server s)
Searches for the specified project on the server.

s A StarTeam server.

        com.starbase.starteam.Project[] projects = s.getProjects();

        for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
            com.starbase.starteam.Project p = projects[i];

            if (p.getName().equals(getProjectName())) {
                if (getVerbose()) {
                    log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim);
                runProject(s, p);
protected voidrunType(com.starbase.starteam.Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p, com.starbase.starteam.View v, com.starbase.starteam.Type t)
Searches for folders in the given view.

s A StarTeam server.
p A valid project on the server.
v A view name from the specified project.
t An item type which is currently always "file".

        // This is ugly; checking for the root folder.
        Folder f = v.getRootFolder();

        if (getFolderName() != null) {
            if (getFolderName().equals("\\") || getFolderName().equals("/")) {
            } else {
                f = StarTeamFinder.findFolder(v.getRootFolder(), getFolderName());
                assertTrue(null != f, "ERROR: " + getProjectName() + delim
                    + getViewName() + delim + v.getRootFolder() + delim
                    + getFolderName() + delim
                    + " does not exist.");

        if (getVerbose() && getFolderName() != null) {
            log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim + getViewName()
                + delim + getFolderName() + delim + "\n");

        // For performance reasons, it is important to pre-fetch all the
        // properties we'll need for all the items we'll be searching.

        // We always display the ItemID (OBJECT_ID) and primary descriptor.
        int nProperties = 2;

        // We'll need this item type's primary descriptor.
        Property p1 = getPrimaryDescriptor(t);

        // Does this item type have a secondary descriptor?
        // If so, we'll need it.
        Property p2 = getSecondaryDescriptor(t);

        if (p2 != null) {

        // Now, build an array of the property names.
        String[] strNames = new String[nProperties];
        int iProperty = 0;

        strNames[iProperty++] = s.getPropertyNames().OBJECT_ID;
        strNames[iProperty++] = p1.getName();
        if (p2 != null) {
            strNames[iProperty++] = p2.getName();

        // Pre-fetch the item properties and cache them.
        f.populateNow(t.getName(), strNames, -1);

        // Now, search for items in the selected folder.
        runFolder(s, p, v, t, f, calcTargetFolder(v, f));

        // Free up the memory used by the cached items.
        f.discardItems(t.getName(), -1);
public voidsetExcludes(java.lang.String excludes)
Sets the exclude filter. When filtering files, AntStarTeamCheckOut uses an unmodified version of DirectoryScanner's match method, so here are the patterns straight from the Ant source code:

Matches a string against a pattern. The pattern contains two special characters:
'*' which means zero or more characters,
'?' which means one and only one character.

Separate multiple exlcude filters by spaces , not commas as Ant uses. For example, if you want to check out all files except .XML and .HTML files, you would put the following line in your program: setExcludes("*.XML *.HTML"); Finally, note that filters have no effect on the directories that are scanned; you could not skip over all files in directories whose names begin with "project," for instance.

Treatment of overlapping inlcudes and excludes: To give a simplistic example suppose that you set your include filter to "*.htm *.html" and your exclude filter to "index.*". What happens to index.html? AntStarTeamCheckOut will not check out index.html, as it matches an exclude filter ("index.*"), even though it matches the include filter, as well.

Please also read the following sections before using filters:

excludes A string of filter patterns to exclude. Separate the patterns by spaces.
#setIncludes(String includes)

        this.excludes = excludes;
public voidsetFolderName(java.lang.String folderName)
Sets the folderName attribute to the given value. To search the root folder, use a slash or backslash, or simply don't set a folder at all.

folderName The subfolder from which to check out files.

        this.folderName = folderName;
public voidsetForce(boolean force)
Sets the force attribute to the given value.

force if true, it overwrites files in the target directory. By default it set to false as a safeguard. Note that if the target directory does not exist, this setting has no effect.

        this.force = force;
public voidsetIncludes(java.lang.String includes)
Sets the include filter. When filtering files, AntStarTeamCheckOut uses an unmodified version of DirectoryScanner's match method, so here are the patterns straight from the Ant source code:

Matches a string against a pattern. The pattern contains two special characters:
'*' which means zero or more characters,
'?' which means one and only one character.

Separate multiple inlcude filters by spaces , not commas as Ant uses. For example, if you want to check out all .java and .class\ files, you would put the following line in your program: setIncludes("*.java *.class"); Finally, note that filters have no effect on the directories that are scanned; you could not check out files from directories with names beginning only with "build," for instance. Of course, you could limit AntStarTeamCheckOut to a particular folder and its subfolders with the setFolderName(String folderName) command.

Treatment of overlapping inlcudes and excludes: To give a simplistic example suppose that you set your include filter to "*.htm *.html" and your exclude filter to "index.*". What happens to index.html? AntStarTeamCheckOut will not check out index.html, as it matches an exclude filter ("index.*"), even though it matches the include filter, as well.

Please also read the following sections before using filters:

includes A string of filter patterns to include. Separate the patterns by spaces.
#setExcludes(String excludes)

        this.includes = includes;
public voidsetPassword(java.lang.String password)
Sets the password attribute to the given value.

password Your password for the specified StarTeam server.

        this.password = password;
public voidsetProjectName(java.lang.String projectName)
Sets the projectName attribute to the given value.

projectName The StarTeam project to search.

        this.projectName = projectName;
public voidsetRecursion(boolean recursion)
Turns recursion on or off.

recursion if it is true, the default, subfolders are searched recursively for files to check out. Otherwise, only files specified by folderName are scanned.

        this.recursion = recursion;
public voidsetServerName(java.lang.String serverName)
Sets the serverName attribute to the given value.

serverName The name of the server you wish to connect to.

        this.serverName = serverName;
public voidsetServerPort(int serverPort)
Sets the serverPort attribute to the given value. The given value must be a valid integer, but it must be a string object.

serverPort A string containing the port on the StarTeam server to use.

        this.serverPort = serverPort;
public voidsetTargetFolder(java.lang.String targetFolder)
Sets the targetFolder attribute to the given value.

targetFolder The target path on the local machine to check out to.

        this.targetFolder = targetFolder;
public voidsetTargetFolderAbsolute(boolean targetFolderAbsolute)
sets the property that indicates whether or not the Star Team "default folder" is to be used when calculation paths for items on the target (false) or if targetFolder is an absolute mapping to the root folder named by foldername.

targetFolderAbsolute true if the absolute mapping is to be used. false (the default) if the "default folder" is to be factored in.

        this.targetFolderAbsolute = targetFolderAbsolute;
public voidsetUsername(java.lang.String username)
Sets the username attribute to the given value.

username Your username for the specified StarTeam server.

        this.username = username;
public voidsetVerbose(boolean verbose)
Sets the verbose attribute to the given value.

verbose whether to display all files as it checks them out. By default it is false, so the program only displays the total number of files unless you override this default.

        this.verbose = verbose;
public voidsetViewName(java.lang.String viewName)
Sets the viewName attribute to the given value.

viewName The view to find the specified folder in.

        this.viewName = viewName;
protected booleanshouldCheckout(java.lang.String pName)
Look if the file should be checked out. Don't check it out if It fits no include filters and It fits an exclude filter.

pName the item name to look for being included.
whether the file should be checked out or not.

        boolean includeIt = matchPatterns(getIncludes(), pName);
        boolean excludeIt = matchPatterns(getExcludes(), pName);

        return (includeIt && !excludeIt);