NoteStructureSubRecord.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.13672Mon Jan 01 18:59:10 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hssf.record


public class NoteStructureSubRecord extends SubRecord
Represents a NoteStructure (0xD) sub record.

The docs say nothing about it. The length of this record is always 26 bytes.

Yegor Kozlov

Fields Summary
public static final short
private byte[]
Constructors Summary
public NoteStructureSubRecord()
Construct a new NoteStructureSubRecord and fill its data with the default values

        //all we know is that the the length of <code>NoteStructureSubRecord</code> is always 22 bytes
        reserved = new byte[22];
public NoteStructureSubRecord(RecordInputStream in)
Constructs a NoteStructureSubRecord and sets its fields appropriately.

Methods Summary
protected voidfillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
Read the record data from the supplied RecordInputStream

        //just grab the raw data
        reserved = in.readRemainder();
public intgetRecordSize()
Size of record

        return 4 + reserved.length;
public shortgetSid()

id of this record.

        return sid;
public intserialize(int offset, byte[] data)
Serialize the record data into the supplied array of bytes

offset offset in the data
data the data to serialize into
size of the record

        LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, (short)(getRecordSize() - 4));
        System.arraycopy(reserved, 0, data, offset + 4, getRecordSize() - 4);

        return getRecordSize();
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Convert this record to string. Used by BiffViewer and other utulities.

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
        buffer.append("[ftNts ]" + nl);
        buffer.append("  size     = ").append(getRecordSize()).append(nl);
        buffer.append("  reserved = ").append(HexDump.toHex(reserved)).append(nl);
        buffer.append("[/ftNts ]" + nl);
        return buffer.toString();
protected voidvalidateSid(short id)
Checks the sid matches the expected side for this record

id the expected sid.

        if (id != sid)
            throw new RecordFormatException("Not a Note Structure record");