ConnectionCache.javaAPI DocExample3628Tue May 29 16:57:06 BST


public interface ConnectionCache
A connection cache manages a group of connections which may be re-used for sending and receiving messages.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidclose(C conn)
Close a connection, regardless of its state. This may cause requests to fail to be sent, and responses to be lost. Intended for handling serious errors, such as loss of framing on a TCP stream, that require closing the connection.

public java.lang.StringgetCacheType()
User-provided indentifier for an instance of the OutboundConnectionCache.

public inthighWaterMark()
Threshold at which connection reclamation begins.

public longnumberOfBusyConnections()
Number of non-idle connections. Normally, busy+idle==total, but this may not be strictly true due to concurrent updates to the connection cache.

public longnumberOfConnections()
Total number of connections currently managed by the cache.

public longnumberOfIdleConnections()
Number of idle connections; that is, connections for which the number of get/release or responseReceived/responseProcessed calls are equal.

public longnumberOfReclaimableConnections()
Number of idle connections that are reclaimable. Such connections are not in use, and are not waiting to handle any responses.

public intnumberToReclaim()
Number of connections to reclaim each time reclamation starts.