DistributedReplicantManagerImpl.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.135844Fri Jul 13 20:52:38 BST 2007org.jboss.ha.framework.server

 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
 * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package org.jboss.ha.framework.server;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;



import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Latch;
import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.ClusterMergeStatus;
import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.ClusterNode;
import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.DistributedReplicantManager;
import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.HAPartition;

 * This class manages replicated objects.
 * @author  <a href="">Bill Burke</a>.
 * @author  <a href="">Sacha Labourey</a>.
 * @author
 * @version $Revision: 61770 $
public class DistributedReplicantManagerImpl
   implements DistributedReplicantManagerImplMBean,
   // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
   protected final static String SERVICE_NAME = "DistributedReplicantManager";
   // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
   protected static int threadID;
   protected ConcurrentReaderHashMap localReplicants = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();
   protected ConcurrentReaderHashMap replicants = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();
   protected ConcurrentReaderHashMap keyListeners = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();
   protected HashMap intraviewIdCache = new HashMap();
   protected HAPartition partition; 
   /** The handler used to send replicant change notifications asynchronously */
   protected AsynchEventHandler asynchHandler;  
   protected Logger log;
   protected MBeanServer mbeanserver;
   protected ObjectName jmxName;
   protected String nodeName = null;
   protected Latch partitionNameKnown = new Latch ();
   protected boolean trace;

   protected Class[] add_types=new Class[]{String.class, String.class, Serializable.class};
   protected Class[] remove_types=new Class[]{String.class, String.class};

   // Static --------------------------------------------------------
   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------       
    * This class manages replicated objects through the given partition
    * @param partition {@link HAPartition} through which replicated objects will be exchanged
   public DistributedReplicantManagerImpl(HAPartition partition, MBeanServer server)
      this.partition = partition;
      this.mbeanserver = server;
      this.log = Logger.getLogger(DistributedReplicantManagerImpl.class.getName() + "." + partition.getPartitionName());
      this.trace = log.isTraceEnabled();

   // Public --------------------------------------------------------
   public void init() throws Exception
      partition.registerRPCHandler(SERVICE_NAME, this);
      partition.subscribeToStateTransferEvents(SERVICE_NAME, this);

     // subscribed this "sub-service" of HAPartition with JMX
      // TODO: In the future (when state transfer issues will be completed), 
      // we will need to redesign the way HAPartitions and its sub-protocols are
      // registered with JMX. They will most probably be independant JMX services.
      String name = "jboss:service=" + SERVICE_NAME + 
                    ",partitionName=" + this.partition.getPartitionName();
      this.jmxName = new;
      this.mbeanserver.registerMBean(this, jmxName);
   public void start() throws Exception
      this.nodeName = this.partition.getNodeName ();
      // Create the asynch listener handler thread
      asynchHandler = new AsynchEventHandler(this, "AsynchKeyChangeHandler");

      partitionNameKnown.release (); // partition name is now known!
   public void stop() throws Exception
      // BES 200604 -- implication of NR's JBLCUSTER-38 change.  Moving to
      // destroy allows restart of HAPartition while local registrations 
      // survive -- stopping partition does not stop all registered services
      // e.g. ejbs; if we maintain their registrations we can pass them to
      // the cluster when we restart.  However, we are leaving all the remote
      // replicants we have registered around, so they will still be included 
      // as targets if anyone contacts our EJB while partition is stopped.
      // Probably OK; if they aren't valid the client will find this out.
//    NR 200505 : [JBCLUSTER-38] move to destroy
//      if (localReplicants != null)
//      {
//         synchronized(localReplicants)
//         {
//            while (! localReplicants.isEmpty ())
//            {               
//               this.remove ((String)localReplicants.keySet().iterator().next ());
//            }
//         }
//      }
      // Stop the asynch handler thread
      catch( Exception e)
         log.warn("Failed to stop asynchHandler", e);
//    NR 200505 : [JBCLUSTER-38] move to destroy
//      this.mbeanserver.unregisterMBean (this.jmxName);

   // NR 200505 : [JBCLUSTER-38] unbind at destroy
   public void destroy() throws Exception
      // now partition can't be resuscitated, so remove local replicants
      if (localReplicants != null)
            String[] keys = new String[localReplicants.size()];
            for(int n = 0; n < keys.length; n ++)
               this.removeLocal(keys[n]); // channel is disconnected, so
                                          // don't try to notify cluster

      this.mbeanserver.unregisterMBean (this.jmxName);
      partition.unregisterRPCHandler(SERVICE_NAME, this);
      partition.unsubscribeFromStateTransferEvents(SERVICE_NAME, this);

   public String listContent () throws Exception
      // we merge all replicants services: local only or not
      java.util.Collection services = this.getAllServices ();

      StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ();
      java.util.Iterator catsIter = services.iterator ();
      result.append ("<pre>");
      while (catsIter.hasNext ())
         String category = (String) ();
         HashMap content = (HashMap)this.replicants.get (category);
         if (content == null)
            content = new HashMap ();
         java.util.Iterator keysIter = content.keySet ().iterator ();
         result.append ("-----------------------------------------------\n");
         result.append ("Service : ").append (category).append ("\n\n");
         Serializable local = lookupLocalReplicant(category);
         if (local == null)
            result.append ("\t- Service is *not* available locally\n");
            result.append ("\t- Service *is* also available locally\n");

         while (keysIter.hasNext ())
            String location = (String) ();            
            result.append ("\t- ").append(location).append ("\n");
         result.append ("\n");
      result.append ("</pre>");
      return result.toString ();
   public String listXmlContent () throws Exception
      // we merge all replicants services: local only or not
      java.util.Collection services = this.getAllServices ();
      StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ();

      result.append ("<ReplicantManager>\n");

      java.util.Iterator catsIter = services.iterator ();
      while (catsIter.hasNext ())
         String category = (String) ();
         HashMap content = (HashMap)this.replicants.get (category);
         if (content == null)
            content = new HashMap ();
         java.util.Iterator keysIter = content.keySet ().iterator ();
         result.append ("\t<Service>\n");
         result.append ("\t\t<ServiceName>").append (category).append ("</ServiceName>\n");

         Serializable local = lookupLocalReplicant(category);
         if (local != null)
            result.append ("\t\t<Location>\n");
            result.append ("\t\t\t<Name local=\"True\">").append (this.nodeName).append ("</Name>\n");
            result.append ("\t\t</Location>\n");

         while (keysIter.hasNext ())
            String location = (String) ();            
            result.append ("\t\t<Location>\n");
            result.append ("\t\t\t<Name local=\"False\">").append (location).append ("</Name>\n");
            result.append ("\t\t</Location>\n");
         result.append ("\t<Service>\n");

      result.append ("<ReplicantManager>\n");
      return result.toString ();

   // HAPartition.HAPartitionStateTransfer implementation ----------------------------------------------
   public Serializable getCurrentState ()
      java.util.Collection services = this.getAllServices ();
      HashMap result = new HashMap ();
      java.util.Iterator catsIter = services.iterator ();                       
      while (catsIter.hasNext ())
         String category = (String) ();
         HashMap content = (HashMap)this.replicants.get (category);
         if (content == null)
            content = new HashMap ();
            content = (HashMap)content.clone ();
         Serializable local = lookupLocalReplicant(category);
         if (local != null)
            content.put (this.nodeName, local);
         result.put (category, content);
      // we add the intraviewid cache to the global result
      Object[] globalResult = new Object[] {result, intraviewIdCache};
      return globalResult;

   public void setCurrentState(Serializable newState)
      Object[] globalState = (Object[])newState;
      HashMap map = (HashMap)globalState[0];
      this.intraviewIdCache = (HashMap)globalState[1];

      if( trace )
         log.trace(nodeName + ": received new state, will republish local replicants");
      MembersPublisher publisher = new MembersPublisher();
   public Collection getAllServices ()
      HashSet services = new HashSet();
      services.addAll (localReplicants.keySet ());
      services.addAll (replicants.keySet ());      
      return services;
   // HAPartition.HAMembershipListener implementation ----------------------------------------------

   public void membershipChangedDuringMerge(Vector deadMembers, Vector newMembers, Vector allMembers, Vector originatingGroups)
      // Here we only care about deadMembers.  Purge all replicant lists of deadMembers
      // and then notify all listening nodes.
      //"Merging partitions...");"Dead members: " + deadMembers.size());"Originating groups: " + originatingGroups);
      if (newMembers.size() > 0) 
         new MergeMembers().start();
   public void membershipChanged(Vector deadMembers, Vector newMembers, Vector allMembers)
      // Here we only care about deadMembers.  Purge all replicant lists of deadMembers
      // and then notify all listening nodes.
      //"I am (" + nodeName + ") received membershipChanged event:");"Dead members: " + deadMembers.size() + " (" + deadMembers + ")");"New Members : " + newMembers.size()  + " (" + newMembers + ")");"All Members : " + allMembers.size()  + " (" + allMembers + ")");
      // we don't need to merge members anymore
   // AsynchEventHandler.AsynchEventProcessor implementation -----------------
   public void processEvent(Object event)
      KeyChangeEvent kce = (KeyChangeEvent) event;
      notifyKeyListeners(kce.key, kce.replicants);
   static class KeyChangeEvent
      String key;
      List replicants;
   // DistributedReplicantManager implementation ----------------------------------------------              
   public void add(String key, Serializable replicant) throws Exception
      if( trace )
         log.trace("add, key="+key+", value="+replicant);
      partitionNameKnown.acquire (); // we don't propagate until our name is known
      Object[] args = {key, this.nodeName, replicant};
      partition.callMethodOnCluster(SERVICE_NAME, "_add", args, add_types, true);
         localReplicants.put(key, replicant);
         notifyKeyListeners(key, lookupReplicants(key));
   public void remove(String key) throws Exception
      partitionNameKnown.acquire (); // we don't propagate until our name is known
      // optimisation: we don't make a costly network call
      // if there is nothing to remove
      if (localReplicants.containsKey(key))
         Object[] args = {key, this.nodeName};
         partition.callAsynchMethodOnCluster(SERVICE_NAME, "_remove", args, remove_types, true);
   protected void removeLocal(String key)
         List result = lookupReplicants(key);
         if (result == null)
            result = new ArrayList (); // don't pass null but an empty list
         notifyKeyListeners(key, result);
   public Serializable lookupLocalReplicant(String key)
      return (Serializable)localReplicants.get(key);
   public List lookupReplicants(String key)
      Serializable local = lookupLocalReplicant(key);
      HashMap replicant = (HashMap)replicants.get(key);
      if (replicant == null && local == null)
         return null;

      ArrayList rtn = new ArrayList();

      if (replicant == null)
         if (local != null)
         // JBAS-2677. Put the replicants in view order.
         ClusterNode[] nodes = partition.getClusterNodes();
         String replNode;
         Object replVal;
         for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
            replNode = nodes[i].getName();
            if (local != null && nodeName.equals(replNode))
            replVal = replicant.get(replNode);
            if (replVal != null)
      return rtn;
   public List lookupReplicantsNodeNames(String key)
      boolean locallyReplicated = localReplicants.containsKey (key);
      HashMap replicant = (HashMap)replicants.get(key);
      if (replicant == null && !locallyReplicated)
         return null;

      ArrayList rtn = new ArrayList();
      if (replicant == null)
         if (locallyReplicated)
         // JBAS-2677. Put the replicants in view order.
         Set keys = replicant.keySet();
         ClusterNode[] nodes = partition.getClusterNodes();
         String keyOwner;
         for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
            keyOwner = nodes[i].getName();
            if (locallyReplicated && nodeName.equals(keyOwner))
            if (keys.contains(keyOwner))
      return rtn;
   public void registerListener(String key, DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener subscriber)
         ArrayList listeners = (ArrayList)keyListeners.get(key);
         if (listeners == null)
            listeners = new ArrayList();
            keyListeners.put(key, listeners);
   public void unregisterListener(String key, DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener subscriber)
         ArrayList listeners = (ArrayList)keyListeners.get (key);
         if (listeners == null) return;
         if (listeners.size() == 0)

   public int getReplicantsViewId(String key)   
      Integer result = (Integer)this.intraviewIdCache.get (key);
      if (result == null)
         return 0;
         return result.intValue ();      
   public boolean isMasterReplica (String key)
      if( trace )
         log.trace("isMasterReplica, key="+key);
      // if I am not a replicat, I cannot be the master...
      if (!localReplicants.containsKey (key))
         if( trace )
            log.trace("no localReplicants, key="+key+", isMasterReplica=false");
         return false;

      Vector allNodes = this.partition.getCurrentView ();
      HashMap repForKey = (HashMap)replicants.get(key);
      if (repForKey==null)
         if( trace )
            log.trace("no replicants, key="+key+", isMasterReplica=true");
         return true;
      Vector replicaNodes = new Vector ((repForKey).keySet ());          
      boolean isMasterReplica = false;
      for (int i=0; i<allNodes.size (); i++)
         String aMember = (String)allNodes.elementAt (i);
         if( trace )
            log.trace("Testing member: "+aMember);
         if (replicaNodes.contains (aMember))
            if( trace )
               log.trace("Member found in replicaNodes, isMasterReplica=false");
         else if (aMember.equals (this.nodeName))
            if( trace )
               log.trace("Member == nodeName, isMasterReplica=true");
            isMasterReplica = true;
      return isMasterReplica;

   // DistributedReplicantManager cluster callbacks ----------------------------------------------              
    * Cluster callback called when a new replicant is added on another node
    * @param key Replicant key
    * @param nodeName Node that add the current replicant
    * @param replicant Serialized representation of the replicant
   public void _add(String key, String nodeName, Serializable replicant)
      if( trace )
         log.trace("_add(" + key + ", " + nodeName);
         addReplicant(key, nodeName, replicant);
         // Notify listeners asynchronously
         KeyChangeEvent kce = new KeyChangeEvent();
         kce.key = key;
         kce.replicants = lookupReplicants(key);
      catch (Exception ex)
         log.error("_add failed", ex);
    * Cluster callback called when a replicant is removed by another node
    * @param key Name of the replicant key
    * @param nodeName Node that wants to remove its replicant for the give key
   public void _remove(String key, String nodeName)
         if (removeReplicant (key, nodeName)) {
            // Notify listeners asynchronously
            KeyChangeEvent kce = new KeyChangeEvent();
            kce.key = key;
            kce.replicants = lookupReplicants(key);
      catch (Exception ex)
         log.error("_remove failed", ex);
   protected boolean removeReplicant (String key, String nodeName) throws Exception
         HashMap replicant = (HashMap)replicants.get(key);
         if (replicant == null) return false;
         Object removed = replicant.remove(nodeName);
         if (removed != null)
            Collection values = replicant.values();               
            if (values.size() == 0)
            return true;
      return false;
    * Cluster callback called when a node wants to know our complete list of local replicants
    * @throws Exception Thrown if a cluster communication exception occurs
    * @return A java array of size 2 containing the name of our node in this cluster and the serialized representation of our state
   public Object[] lookupLocalReplicants() throws Exception
      partitionNameKnown.acquire (); // we don't answer until our name is known
      Object[] rtn = {this.nodeName, localReplicants};
      if( trace )
         log.trace ("lookupLocalReplicants called ("+ rtn[0] + "). Return: " + localReplicants.size ());
      return rtn;
   // Package protected ---------------------------------------------
   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------
   protected int calculateReplicantsHash (List members)
      int result = 0;
      Object obj = null;
      for (int i=0; i<members.size (); i++)
         obj = members.get (i);
         if (obj != null)
            result+= obj.hashCode (); // no explicit overflow with int addition
      return result;
   protected int updateReplicantsHashId (String key)
      // we first get a list of all nodes names that replicate this key
      List nodes = this.lookupReplicantsNodeNames (key);
      int result = 0;
      if ( (nodes == null) || (nodes.size () == 0) )
         // no nore replicants for this key: we uncache our view id
         this.intraviewIdCache.remove (key);
         result = this.calculateReplicantsHash (nodes);
         this.intraviewIdCache.put (key, new Integer (result));
      return result;
   // DistributedReplicantManager API
    * Add a replicant to the replicants map.
    * @param key replicant key name
    * @param nodeName name of the node that adds this replicant
    * @param replicant Serialized representation of the replica
   protected void addReplicant(String key, String nodeName, Serializable replicant)
      addReplicant(replicants, key, nodeName, replicant);
    * Logic for adding replicant to any map.
    * @param map structure in which adding the new replicant
    * @param key name of the replicant key
    * @param nodeName name of the node adding the replicant
    * @param replicant serialized representation of the replicant that is added
   protected void addReplicant(Map map, String key, String nodeName, Serializable replicant)
         HashMap rep = (HashMap)map.get(key);
         if (rep == null)
            if( trace )
               log.trace("_adding new HashMap");
            rep = new HashMap();
            map.put(key, rep);
         rep.put(nodeName, replicant);         
   protected Vector getKeysReplicatedByNode (String nodeName)
      Vector result = new Vector ();
      synchronized (replicants)
         Iterator keysIter = replicants.keySet ().iterator ();
         while (keysIter.hasNext ())
            String key = (String) ();
            HashMap values = (HashMap)replicants.get (key);
            if ( (values != null) && values.containsKey (nodeName) )
               result.add (key);
      return result;
    * Indicates if the a replicant already exists for a given key/node pair
    * @param key replicant key name
    * @param nodeName name of the node
    * @return a boolean indicating if a replicant for the given node exists for the given key
   protected boolean replicantEntryAlreadyExists (String key, String nodeName)
      return replicantEntryAlreadyExists (replicants, key, nodeName);
    * Indicates if the a replicant already exists for a given key/node pair in the give data structure
   protected boolean replicantEntryAlreadyExists (Map map, String key, String nodeName)
         HashMap rep = (HashMap)map.get(key);
         if (rep == null)
            return false;
            return rep.containsKey (nodeName);
    * Notifies, through a callback, the listeners for a given replicant that the set of replicants has changed
    * @param key The replicant key name
    * @param newReplicants The new list of replicants
   protected void notifyKeyListeners(String key, List newReplicants)
      if( trace )

      // we first update the intra-view id for this particular key
      int newId = updateReplicantsHashId (key);
      ArrayList listeners = (ArrayList)keyListeners.get(key);
      if (listeners == null)
         if( trace )
            log.trace("listeners is null");
      // ArrayList's iterator is not thread safe
      DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener[] toNotify = null;
         toNotify = new DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener[listeners.size()];
         toNotify = (DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener[]) listeners.toArray(toNotify);
      if( trace )
         log.trace("notifying " + toNotify.length + " listeners for key change: " + key);
      for (int i = 0; i < toNotify.length; i++)
         if (toNotify[i] != null)
            toNotify[i].replicantsChanged(key, newReplicants, newId);

   protected void republishLocalReplicants()
         if( trace )
            log.trace("Start Re-Publish local replicants in DRM");

         HashMap localReplicants;
         synchronized (this.localReplicants)
            localReplicants = new HashMap(this.localReplicants);

         Iterator entries = localReplicants.entrySet().iterator();
         while( entries.hasNext() )
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            Object replicant = entry.getValue();
            if (replicant != null)
               if( trace )
                  log.trace("publishing, key=" + key + ", value=" + replicant);

               Object[] args = {key, this.nodeName, replicant};

               partition.callAsynchMethodOnCluster(SERVICE_NAME, "_add", args, add_types, true);
               notifyKeyListeners(key, lookupReplicants(key));
         if( trace )
            log.trace("End Re-Publish local replicants");
      catch (Exception e)
         log.error("Re-Publish failed", e);

   // Group membership API

   protected void mergeMembers()
      boolean isAlreadyMerging = ClusterMergeStatus.isMergeInProcess();
         log.debug("Start merging members in DRM service...");
         java.util.HashSet notifies = new java.util.HashSet ();
         ArrayList rsp = partition.callMethodOnCluster(SERVICE_NAME,
                                        new Object[]{}, new Class[]{}, true);
         if (rsp.size() == 0)
            log.debug("No responses from other nodes during the DRM merge process.");
            log.debug("The DRM merge process has received " + rsp.size() + " answers");
         for (int i = 0; i < rsp.size(); i++)
            Object o = rsp.get(i);
            if (o == null)
               log.warn("As part of the answers received during the DRM merge process, a NULL message was received!");
            else if (o instanceof Throwable)
               log.warn("As part of the answers received during the DRM merge process, a Throwable was received!", (Throwable) o);
            Object[] objs = (Object[]) o;
            String node = (String)objs[0];
            Map replicants = (Map)objs[1];
            Iterator keys = replicants.keySet().iterator();
            //FIXME: We don't remove keys in the merge process but only add new keys!
            while (keys.hasNext())
               String key = (String);
               // done to reduce duplicate notifications
               if (!replicantEntryAlreadyExists  (key, node))
                  addReplicant(key, node, (Serializable)replicants.get(key));
                  notifies.add (key);
            Vector currentStatus = getKeysReplicatedByNode (node);
            if (currentStatus.size () > replicants.size ())
               // The merge process needs to remove some (now)
               // unexisting keys
               for (int currentKeysId=0, currentKeysMax=currentStatus.size (); currentKeysId<currentKeysMax; currentKeysId++)
                  String theKey = (String)currentStatus.elementAt (currentKeysId);
                  if (!replicants.containsKey (theKey))
                     removeReplicant (theKey, node);
         Iterator notifIter = notifies.iterator ();
         while (notifIter.hasNext ())
            String key = (String) ();
            notifyKeyListeners(key, lookupReplicants(key));
         log.debug ("..Finished merging members in DRM service");

      catch (Exception ex)
         log.error("merge failed", ex);
         if (!isAlreadyMerging)

    * get rid of dead members from replicant list
    * return true if anything was purged.
   protected void purgeDeadMembers(Vector deadMembers)
      if (deadMembers.size() <= 0)

      log.debug("purgeDeadMembers, "+deadMembers);
            Iterator keys = replicants.keySet().iterator();
            while (keys.hasNext())
               String key = (String);
               HashMap replicant = (HashMap)replicants.get(key);
               boolean modified = false;
               for (int i = 0; i < deadMembers.size(); i++)
                  String node = deadMembers.elementAt(i).toString();
                  log.debug("trying to remove deadMember " + node + " for key " + key);
                  Object removed = replicant.remove(node);
                  if (removed != null) 
                     log.debug(node + " was removed");
                     modified = true;
                     log.debug(node + " was NOT removed!!!");
               if (modified)
                  notifyKeyListeners(key, lookupReplicants(key));
      catch (Exception ex)
         log.error("purgeDeadMembers failed", ex);

   protected void cleanupKeyListeners()

   protected synchronized static int nextThreadID()
      return threadID ++;

   // Private -------------------------------------------------------
   // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------

   protected class MergeMembers extends Thread
      public MergeMembers()
         super("DRM Async Merger#"+nextThreadID());

       * Called when the service needs to merge with another partition. This
       * process is performed asynchronously
      public void run()
         log.debug("Sleeping for 50ms before mergeMembers");
            // if this thread invokes a cluster method call before
            // membershipChanged event completes, it could timeout/hang
            // we need to discuss this with Bela.
         catch (Exception ignored)

   protected class MembersPublisher extends Thread
      public MembersPublisher()
         super("DRM Async Publisher#"+nextThreadID());

       * Called when service needs to re-publish its local replicants to other
       * cluster members after this node has joined the cluster.
      public void run()
         log.debug("DRM: Sleeping before re-publishing for 50ms just in case");
            // if this thread invokes a cluster method call before
            // membershipChanged event completes, it could timeout/hang
            // we need to discuss this with Bela.
         catch (Exception ignored)