AddonVersion.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3575Fri May 04 22:30:22 BST 2007com.sun.appserv.addons


public interface AddonVersion
AddonVersion object represents the version in terms of major, minor and patch level.

For ex. am_components_installer_01_02_03.jar or am_components_configurator_01_02_03.jar

If no version is present in the name, it'll be assumed that the major is 00, minor is 00 and patch level is 00.

This class provides methods to get the components of version major, minor and patch level as int and the full version as string ex. 01_02_03

Sreenivas Munnangi

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public intgetMajor()
Get the majr version, for example. If the addon is named as am_components_installer_01_02_03.jar then the value of 1 will be returned.

int major

public intgetMinor()
Get the minor version, for example. If the addon is named as am_components_installer_01_02_03.jar then the value of 2 will be returned.

int minor

public intgetPatch()
Get the patch version, for example. If the addon is named as am_components_installer_01_02_03.jar then the value of 3 will be returned.

int patch

public java.lang.StringgetVersion()
Get the full version as string, for example. If the addon is named as am_components_installer_01_02_03.jar then the version output will be "01_02_03" in String format.

String version