JBossManagedConnectionPool.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.135467Fri Jul 13 21:01:18 BST 2007org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager

 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
 * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;

import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException;
import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams;
import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport;

import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap;

 * The JBossManagedConnectionPool mbean configures and supplies pooling of
 * JBossConnectionEventListeners to the BaseConnectionManager2 mbean.<p>
 * It may be replaced by any mbean with a readable ManagedConnectionPool attribute
 * of type ManagedConnectionPool.  Normal pooling parameters are supplied,
 * and the criteria to distinguish ManagedConnections is set in the Criteria attribute.
 * @author <a href="">David Jencks</a>
 * @author <a href="">Adrian Brock</a>
 * @author <a href="">Weston Price</a>
 * @version $Revision: 59880 $
public class JBossManagedConnectionPool extends ServiceMBeanSupport

   /** The log */
   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JBossManagedConnectionPool.class);

   /** The managed connection factory name */
   private ObjectName managedConnectionFactoryName;

   /** The pooling criteria */
   private String criteria;

   /** The pooling strategy */
   private ManagedConnectionPool poolingStrategy;

   /** The pooling parameters */
   private final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams = new InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams();

   /** Whether to use separate pools for transactional and non-transaction use */
   private boolean noTxSeparatePools;

   private String poolJndiName;

   public JBossManagedConnectionPool()

   public ManagedConnectionPool getManagedConnectionPool()
      return poolingStrategy;

   public ObjectName getManagedConnectionFactoryName()
      return managedConnectionFactoryName;

   public void setManagedConnectionFactoryName(ObjectName newManagedConnectionFactoryName)
      this.managedConnectionFactoryName = newManagedConnectionFactoryName;

   public long getAvailableConnectionCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getAvailableConnectionCount();

   public long getMaxConnectionsInUseCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getMaxConnectionsInUseCount();

   public long getInUseConnectionCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getInUseConnectionCount();

   public int getMinSize()
      return poolParams.minSize;

   public void setMinSize(int newMinSize)
      poolParams.minSize = newMinSize;

   public int getMaxSize()
      return poolParams.maxSize;

   public void setMaxSize(int newMaxSize)
      poolParams.maxSize = newMaxSize;

   public int getBlockingTimeoutMillis()
      return poolParams.blockingTimeout;

   public void setBlockingTimeoutMillis(int newBlockingTimeout)
      poolParams.blockingTimeout = newBlockingTimeout;

   public long getIdleTimeoutMinutes()
      return poolParams.idleTimeout / (1000 * 60);

   public void setIdleTimeoutMinutes(long newIdleTimeoutMinutes)
      poolParams.idleTimeout = newIdleTimeoutMinutes * 1000 * 60;

    * Get the IdleTimeout value.
    * @return the IdleTimeout value.
   public long getIdleTimeout()
      return poolParams.idleTimeout;

    * Set the IdleTimeout value.
    * @param newIdleTimeout The new IdleTimeout value.
   public void setIdleTimeout(long newIdleTimeout)
      poolParams.idleTimeout = newIdleTimeout;

   public String getCriteria()
      return criteria;

   public void setCriteria(String newCriteria)
      this.criteria = newCriteria;

   public boolean getNoTxSeparatePools()
      return noTxSeparatePools;

   public void setNoTxSeparatePools(boolean value)
      this.noTxSeparatePools = value;

   public boolean getBackGroundValidation()
      return poolParams.backgroundValidation;

   public void setBackGroundValidation(boolean backgroundValidation)

      poolParams.backgroundValidation = backgroundValidation;


   public long getBackGroundValidationMinutes()

      return poolParams.backgroundInterval / (1000 * 60);

   public void setBackGroundValidationMinutes(long backgroundValidationInterval)

      poolParams.backgroundInterval = backgroundValidationInterval * 1000 * 60;


   public boolean getPreFill()
      return this.poolParams.prefill;

   public void setPreFill(boolean prefill)
      this.poolParams.prefill = prefill;
   public boolean getUseFastFail()
      return this.poolParams.useFastFail;
   public void setUseFastFail(boolean useFastFail)
      this.poolParams.useFastFail = useFastFail;

   public void flush()
      if (poolingStrategy == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("The connection pool is not started");


      if (poolingStrategy instanceof PreFillPoolSupport)
         final PreFillPoolSupport pfs = (PreFillPoolSupport) poolingStrategy;

         if (pfs.shouldPreFill())


   public int getConnectionCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getConnectionCount();

   public int getConnectionCreatedCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getConnectionCreatedCount();

   public int getConnectionDestroyedCount()
      return (poolingStrategy == null) ? 0 : poolingStrategy.getConnectionDestroyedCount();

   public String getName()
      return "JBossManagedConnectionPool";

   public String getPoolJndiName()
      return this.poolJndiName;

   public void setPoolJndiName(String poolName)
      this.poolJndiName = poolName;

   protected void startService() throws Exception
      ManagedConnectionFactory mcf = null;
      if (managedConnectionFactoryName == null)
         throw new DeploymentException("ManagedConnectionFactory not set!");

         //We are getting the actual mcf instance itself.  This will require
         //some work if the mcf is an xmbean of itself.
         mcf = (ManagedConnectionFactory) server.getAttribute(managedConnectionFactoryName, "McfInstance");
      catch (Exception e)
      getServer().addNotificationListener(managedConnectionFactoryName, this, new NotificationFilter()
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -9211456539783257343L;

         public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification n)
            return RARDeployment.MCF_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION.equals(n.getType())
                  && managedConnectionFactoryName.equals(n.getSource());
      }, null);

      if ("ByContainerAndApplication".equals(criteria))
         poolingStrategy = new PoolBySubjectAndCri(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);
      else if ("ByContainer".equals(criteria))
         poolingStrategy = new PoolBySubject(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);
      else if ("ByApplication".equals(criteria))
         poolingStrategy = new PoolByCri(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);
      else if ("ByNothing".equals(criteria))
         poolingStrategy = new OnePool(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);
         throw new DeploymentException("Unknown pooling criteria: " + criteria);


   protected void stopService() throws Exception
      if (poolingStrategy != null)

      getServer().removeNotificationListener(managedConnectionFactoryName, this);
      poolingStrategy = null;

   public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback)

   public static class SubPoolContext
      /** The subpool */
      private InternalManagedConnectionPool subPool;

      /** The track by transaction transaction local */
      private TransactionLocal trackByTx;

       * Create a new SubPoolContext.
       * @param tm the transaction manager
       * @param mcf the managed connection factory
       * @param clf the connection listener factory
       * @param subject the subject
       * @param cri the connection request info
       * @param poolParams the pool parameters
       * @param log the log
      public SubPoolContext(TransactionManager tm, ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, ConnectionListenerFactory clf,
            Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, PoolParams poolParams, Logger log)
         subPool = new InternalManagedConnectionPool(mcf, clf, subject, cri, poolParams, log);
         if (tm != null)
            trackByTx = new TransactionLocal(tm);

       * Get the sub pool
       * @return the sub pool
      public InternalManagedConnectionPool getSubPool()
         return subPool;

       * Get the track by transaction
       * @return the transaction local
      public TransactionLocal getTrackByTx()
         return trackByTx;

       * Initialize the subpool context
      public void initialize()

    * The base pool implementation
   public abstract static class BasePool implements ManagedConnectionPool, PreFillPoolSupport
      /** The subpools */
      private final Map subPools = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();

      /** The managed connection factory */
      private final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf;

      /** The connection listener factory */
      private ConnectionListenerFactory clf;

      /** The pool parameters */
      protected final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams;

      /** Whether to use separate pools for transactional and non-transaction use */
      protected boolean noTxSeparatePools;

      /** The logger */
      private final Logger log;

      /** Is trace enabled */
      private boolean traceEnabled = false;

      /** The poolName */
      private String poolName;

      public BasePool(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams,
            final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)

         this(mcf, null, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);


       * Create a new base pool
       * @param mcf the managed connection factory
       * @param poolParams the pooling parameters
       * @param log the log
      public BasePool(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final String poolName,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         this.mcf = mcf;
         this.poolParams = poolParams;
         this.noTxSeparatePools = noTxSeparatePools;
         this.log = log;
         this.traceEnabled = log.isTraceEnabled();
         this.poolName = poolName;

       * Retrieve the key for this request
       * @param subject the subject 
       * @param cri the connection request information
       * @return the key
       * @throws ResourceException for any error
      protected abstract Object getKey(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
            throws ResourceException;

      public ManagedConnectionFactory getManagedConnectionFactory()
         return mcf;

      public void setConnectionListenerFactory(ConnectionListenerFactory clf)
         this.clf = clf;

      public ConnectionListener getConnection(Transaction trackByTransaction, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
            throws ResourceException
         // Determine the pool key for this request
         boolean separateNoTx = false;
         if (noTxSeparatePools)
            separateNoTx = clf.isTransactional();
         Object key = getKey(subject, cri, separateNoTx);
         SubPoolContext subPool = getSubPool(key, subject, cri);

         InternalManagedConnectionPool mcp = subPool.getSubPool();

         // Are we doing track by connection?
         TransactionLocal trackByTx = subPool.getTrackByTx();

         // Simple case
         if (trackByTransaction == null || trackByTx == null)
            ConnectionListener cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
            if (traceEnabled)
               dump("Got connection from pool " + cl);
            return cl;

         // Track by transaction
         catch (Throwable t)
            JBossResourceException.rethrowAsResourceException("Unable to get connection from the pool for tx="
                  + trackByTransaction, t);
            // Already got one
            ConnectionListener cl = (ConnectionListener) trackByTx.get(trackByTransaction);
            if (cl != null)
               if (traceEnabled)
                  dump("Previous connection tracked by transaction " + cl + " tx=" + trackByTransaction);
               return cl;

         // Need a new one for this transaction
         // This must be done outside the tx local lock, otherwise
         // the tx timeout won't work and get connection can do a lot of other work
         // with many opportunities for deadlocks.
         // Instead we do a double check after we got the transaction to see
         // whether another thread beat us to the punch.
         ConnectionListener cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
         if (traceEnabled)
            dump("Got connection from pool tracked by transaction " + cl + " tx=" + trackByTransaction);

         // Relock and check/set status
         catch (Throwable t)
            mcp.returnConnection(cl, false);
            if (traceEnabled)
               dump("Had to return connection tracked by transaction " + cl + " tx=" + trackByTransaction + " error="
                     + t.getMessage());
            JBossResourceException.rethrowAsResourceException("Unable to get connection from the pool for tx="
                  + trackByTransaction, t);
            // Check we weren't racing with another transaction
            ConnectionListener other = (ConnectionListener) trackByTx.get(trackByTransaction);
            if (other != null)
               mcp.returnConnection(cl, false);
               if (traceEnabled)
                  dump("Another thread already got a connection tracked by transaction " + other + " tx="
                        + trackByTransaction);
               return other;

            // This is the connection for this transaction
            if (traceEnabled)
               dump("Using connection from pool tracked by transaction " + cl + " tx=" + trackByTransaction);
            return cl;

      public boolean shouldPreFill()
         return getPreFill();

      public void prefill()

         prefill(null, null, false);


      public void prefill(boolean noTxSeperatePool)

         prefill(null, null, noTxSeperatePool);


      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         if (getPreFill())

            log.debug("Attempting to prefill pool for pool with jndi name" + poolName);


               getSubPool(getKey(subject, cri, noTxSeparatePools), subject, cri);

            catch (Throwable t)
               //No real need to throw here being that pool remains in the same state as before.
               log.error("Unable to prefill pool with jndi name" + getPoolName(), t);




      public void returnConnection(ConnectionListener cl, boolean kill) throws ResourceException
         InternalManagedConnectionPool mcp = (InternalManagedConnectionPool) cl.getContext();
         mcp.returnConnection(cl, kill);
         if (traceEnabled)
            dump("Returning connection to pool " + cl);

       * Return the inuse count
       * @return the count
      public int getInUseConnectionCount()
         int count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getConnectionInUseCount();
         return count;

      public int getConnectionCount()
         int count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getConnectionCount();
         return count;

      public String getPoolName()
         return poolName;

      public boolean getPreFill()
         return this.poolParams.prefill;


      public int getConnectionCreatedCount()
         int count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getConnectionCreatedCount();
         return count;

      public int getConnectionDestroyedCount()
         int count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getConnectionDestroyedCount();
         return count;

      public long getAvailableConnectionCount()
         long count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            if (subPools.size() == 0)
               return poolParams.maxSize;
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getAvailableConnections();
         return count;

      public int getMaxConnectionsInUseCount()
         int count = 0;
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);
               count += subPool.getSubPool().getMaxConnectionsInUseCount();
         return count;

      public void shutdown()
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);

      public void flush()

         for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)

            SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);


       * For testing
      protected void shutdownWithoutClear()
         synchronized (subPools)
            for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext);

       * Get any transaction manager associated with the pool
       * @return the transaction manager
      protected TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
         if (clf != null)
            return clf.getTransactionManagerInstance();
            return null;

       * Determine the correct pool for this request,
       * creates a new one when necessary
       * @param key the key to the pool
       * @param subject the subject of the pool
       * @param cri the connection request info
       * @return the subpool context
       * @throws ResourceException for any error
      protected SubPoolContext getSubPool(Object key, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
            throws ResourceException
         SubPoolContext subPool = (SubPoolContext) subPools.get(key);
         if (subPool == null)
            TransactionManager tm = getTransactionManager();
            subPool = new SubPoolContext(tm, mcf, clf, subject, cri, poolParams, log);
            synchronized (subPools)
               if (subPools.containsKey(key))
                  subPool = (SubPoolContext) subPools.get(key);
                  subPools.put(key, subPool);
         return subPool;

      protected SubPoolContext getSubPool(Object key)

         return null;

       * Dump the stats to the trace log
       * @param info some context
      private void dump(String info)
         if (traceEnabled)
            StringBuffer toLog = new StringBuffer(100);
            toLog.append(info).append(" [InUse/Available/Max]: [");

    * Pooling by subject and connection request information
   public static class PoolBySubjectAndCri extends BasePool

      public PoolBySubjectAndCri(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         this(mcf, null, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);


      public PoolBySubjectAndCri(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final String poolName,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         super(mcf, poolName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      protected Object getKey(final Subject subject, final ConnectionRequestInfo cri, final boolean separateNoTx)
            throws ResourceException
         return new SubjectCriKey(subject, cri, separateNoTx);

      public void prefill()
         prefill(null, null, false);

      public void prefill(boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         prefill(null, null, noTxSeperatePool);

      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
         prefill(subject, cri, false);


      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         if (getPreFill())
            log.warn("Prefill pool option was selected for pool with JNDI name " + getPoolName()
                  + " that does not support this feature.");
                  .warn("Please verify your *-ds.xml file that corresponds with this resource and either remove the <prefill>true|false</prefill element or explicitly set this value to false.");



    * Pool by subject and criteria
   private static class SubjectCriKey
      /** Identifies no subject */
      private static final Subject NOSUBJECT = new Subject();

      /** Identifies no connection request information */
      private static final Object NOCRI = new Object();

      /** The subject */
      private final Subject subject;

      /** The connection request information */
      private final Object cri;

      /** The cached hashCode */
      private int hashCode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

      /** Separate no tx */
      private boolean separateNoTx;

      SubjectCriKey(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
         this.subject = (subject == null) ? NOSUBJECT : subject;
         this.cri = (cri == null) ? NOCRI : cri;
         this.separateNoTx = separateNoTx;

      public int hashCode()
         if (hashCode == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            hashCode = SubjectActions.hashCode(subject) ^ cri.hashCode();
         return hashCode;

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
         if (this == obj)
            return true;
         if (obj == null || (obj instanceof SubjectCriKey) == false)
            return false;
         SubjectCriKey other = (SubjectCriKey) obj;
         return SubjectActions.equals(subject, other.subject) && cri.equals(other.cri)
               && separateNoTx == other.separateNoTx;

    * Pool by subject
   public static class PoolBySubject extends BasePool
      public PoolBySubject(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         this(mcf, null, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      public PoolBySubject(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final String poolJndiName,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         super(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      protected Object getKey(final Subject subject, final ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
         return new SubjectKey(subject, separateNoTx);

      public void prefill()
         prefill(null, null, false);

      public void prefill(boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         prefill(null, null, noTxSeperatePool);

      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
         prefill(subject, cri, false);


      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         if (getPreFill())
            log.warn("Prefill pool option was selected for pool with JNDI name " + getPoolName()
                  + " that does not support this feature.");
                  .warn("Please verify your *-ds.xml file that corresponds with this resource and either remove the <prefill>true|false</prefill element or explicitly set this value to false.");


    * Pool by subject
   private static class SubjectKey
      /** Identifies no subject */
      private static final Subject NOSUBJECT = new Subject();

      /** The subject */
      private final Subject subject;

      /** Separate no tx */
      private boolean separateNoTx;

      /** The cached hashCode */
      private int hashCode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

      SubjectKey(Subject subject, boolean separateNoTx)
         this.subject = (subject == null) ? NOSUBJECT : subject;
         this.separateNoTx = separateNoTx;

      public int hashCode()
         if (hashCode == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            hashCode = SubjectActions.hashCode(subject);
         return hashCode;

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
         if (this == obj)
            return true;
         if (obj == null || (obj instanceof SubjectKey) == false)
            return false;
         SubjectKey other = (SubjectKey) obj;
         return SubjectActions.equals(subject, other.subject) && separateNoTx == other.separateNoTx;


    * Pool by connection request information
   public static class PoolByCri extends BasePool

      public PoolByCri(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams,
            final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         this(mcf, null, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      public PoolByCri(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final String poolJndiName,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         super(mcf, poolJndiName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      protected Object getKey(final Subject subject, final ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
         return new CriKey(cri, separateNoTx);

      public void prefill()
         prefill(null, null, false);

      public void prefill(boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         prefill(null, null, noTxSeperatePool);

      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
         prefill(subject, cri, false);


      public void prefill(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean noTxSeperatePool)
         if (getPreFill())
            log.warn("Prefill pool option was selected for pool with JNDI name " + getPoolName()
                  + " that does not support this feature.");
                  .warn("Please verify your *-ds.xml file that corresponds with this resource and either remove the <prefill>true|false</prefill element or explicitly set this value to false.");


    * Pool by subject and criteria
   private static class CriKey
      /** Identifies no connection request information */
      private static final Object NOCRI = new Object();

      /** The connection request information */
      private final Object cri;

      /** Separate no tx */
      private boolean separateNoTx;

      /** The cached hashCode */
      private int hashCode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

      CriKey(ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
         this.cri = (cri == null) ? NOCRI : cri;
         this.separateNoTx = separateNoTx;

      public int hashCode()
         if (hashCode == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            hashCode = cri.hashCode();
         return hashCode;

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
         if (this == obj)
            return true;
         if (obj == null || (obj instanceof CriKey) == false)
            return false;
         CriKey other = (CriKey) obj;
         return cri.equals(other.cri) && separateNoTx == other.separateNoTx;

    * One pool
   public static class OnePool extends BasePool

      public OnePool(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams,
            final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         this(mcf, null, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      public OnePool(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final String poolName,
            final InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams poolParams, final boolean noTxSeparatePools, final Logger log)
         super(mcf, poolName, poolParams, noTxSeparatePools, log);

      protected Object getKey(final Subject subject, final ConnectionRequestInfo cri, boolean separateNoTx)
         if (separateNoTx)
            return Boolean.TRUE;
            return Boolean.FALSE;


   private static class SubjectActions implements PrivilegedAction
      Subject subject;

      Subject other;

      SubjectActions(Subject subject, Subject other)
         this.subject = subject;
         this.other = other;

      public Object run()
         Object value = null;
         if (other == null)
            value = new Integer(subject.hashCode());
            value = new Boolean(subject.equals(other));
         return value;

      static int hashCode(Subject subject)
         SubjectActions action = new SubjectActions(subject, null);
         Integer hash = (Integer) AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
         return hash.intValue();

      static boolean equals(Subject subject, Subject other)
         SubjectActions action = new SubjectActions(subject, other);
         Boolean equals = (Boolean) AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
         return equals.booleanValue();