ExecutableMemberDoc.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API3540Fri Aug 26 14:54:54 BST 2005com.sun.javadoc

 * @(#)	1.8 03/12/19
 * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.javadoc;

 * Represents a method or constructor of a java class.
 * @since JDK1.2
 * @author Robert Field
public interface ExecutableMemberDoc extends MemberDoc {

     * Return exceptions this method or constructor throws.
     * If the type of the exception is a type variable, return the
     * <code>ClassDoc</code> of its erasure.
     * <p> <i>The <code>thrownExceptions</code> method cannot
     * accommodate certain generic type constructs.  The
     * <code>thrownExceptionTypes</code> method should be used
     * instead.</i>
     * @return an array of ClassDoc[] representing the exceptions
     *         thrown by this method.
     * @see #thrownExceptionTypes
    ClassDoc[] thrownExceptions();

     * Return exceptions this method or constructor throws.
     * @return an array representing the exceptions thrown by this method.
     *         Each array element is either a <code>ClassDoc</code> or a
     *         <code>TypeVariable</code>.
     * @since 1.5
    Type[] thrownExceptionTypes();

     * Return true if this method is native
    boolean isNative();

     * Return true if this method is synchronized
    boolean isSynchronized();

     * Return true if this method was declared to take a variable number
     * of arguments.
     * @since 1.5
    public boolean isVarArgs();

     * Get argument information.
     * @see Parameter
     * @return an array of Parameter, one element per argument
     * in the order the arguments are present.
    Parameter[] parameters();

     * Return the throws tags in this method.
     * @return an array of ThrowTag containing all <code>@exception</code>
     * and <code>@throws</code> tags.
    ThrowsTag[] throwsTags();

     * Return the param tags in this method, excluding the type
     * parameter tags.
     * @return an array of ParamTag containing all <code>@param</code> tags
     * corresponding to the parameters of this method.
    ParamTag[] paramTags();

     * Return the type parameter tags in this method.
     * @return an array of ParamTag containing all <code>@param</code> tags
     * corresponding to the type parameters of this method.
     * @since 1.5
    ParamTag[] typeParamTags();

     * Get the signature. It is the parameter list, type is qualified.
     *      For instance, for a method <code>mymethod(String x, int y)</code>,
     *      it will return <code>(java.lang.String,int)</code>.
    String signature();

     * get flat signature.  all types are not qualified.
     *      return a String, which is the flat signiture of this member.
     *      It is the parameter list, type is not qualified.
     *      For instance, for a method <code>mymethod(String x, int y)</code>,
     *      it will return <code>(String, int)</code>.
    String flatSignature();

     * Return the formal type parameters of this method or constructor.
     * Return an empty array if this method or constructor is not generic.
     * @return the formal type parameters of this method or constructor.
     * @since 1.5
    TypeVariable[] typeParameters();