QDecoderStream.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3526Mon May 14 15:28:46 BST 2007com.sun.mail.util


public class QDecoderStream extends QPDecoderStream
This class implements a Q Decoder as defined in RFC 2047 for decoding MIME headers. It subclasses the QPDecoderStream class.
John Mani

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public QDecoderStream(InputStream in)
Create a Q-decoder that decodes the specified input stream.

in the input stream

Methods Summary
public intread()
Read the next decoded byte from this input stream. The byte is returned as an int in the range 0 to 255. If no byte is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value -1 is returned. This method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.

the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
IOException if an I/O error occurs.

	int c =;

	if (c == '_") // Return '_' as ' '
	    return ' ";
	else if (c == '=") {
	    // QP Encoded atom. Get the next two bytes ..
	    ba[0] = (byte);
	    ba[1] = (byte);
	    // .. and decode them
	    try {
		return ASCIIUtility.parseInt(ba, 0, 2, 16);
	    } catch (NumberFormatException nex) {
		throw new IOException("Error in QP stream " + nex.getMessage());
	} else
	    return c;