Client_121b.javaAPI DocExample3468Wed May 29 18:10:32 BST 2002com.titan.clients


public class Client_121b extends Object
Example demonstrating use of ProcessPayment EJB directly

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static javax.naming.ContextgetInitialContext()

      return new InitialContext ();
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

         Context jndiContext = getInitialContext ();
         System.out.println ("Looking up home interfaces..");
         Object ref = jndiContext.lookup ("ProcessPaymentHomeRemote");
         ProcessPaymentHomeRemote procpayhome = (ProcessPaymentHomeRemote)
         PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ref,ProcessPaymentHomeRemote.class);
         ProcessPaymentRemote procpay = procpayhome.create ();
         // We check if we have to build the database schema...
         if ( (args.length > 0) && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase ("CreateDB") )
            System.out.println ("Creating database table...");
            procpay.makeDbTable ();
         // ... or if we have to drop it...
         else if ( (args.length > 0) && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase ("DropDB") )
            System.out.println ("Dropping database table...");
            procpay.dropDbTable ();
            ref = jndiContext.lookup ("CustomerHomeRemote");
            CustomerHomeRemote custhome = (CustomerHomeRemote)
            PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ref,CustomerHomeRemote.class);
            CustomerRemote cust = custhome.findByPrimaryKey (new Integer (1));
            System.out.println ("Making a payment using byCash()..");
            procpay.byCash (cust,1000.0);
            System.out.println ("Making a payment using byCheck()..");
            CheckDO check = new CheckDO ("010010101101010100011", 3001);
            procpay.byCheck (cust,check,2000.0);
            System.out.println ("Making a payment using byCredit()..");
            Calendar expdate = Calendar.getInstance ();
            expdate.set (2005,1,28); // month=1 is February
            CreditCardDO credit = new CreditCardDO ("370000000000002",expdate.getTime (),"AMERICAN_EXPRESS");
            procpay.byCredit (cust,credit,3000.0);
            System.out.println ("Making a payment using byCheck() with a low check number..");
            CheckDO check2 = new CheckDO ("111000100111010110101", 1001);
               procpay.byCheck (cust,check2,9000.0);
               System.out.println("Problem! The PaymentException has not been raised!");
            catch (PaymentException pe)
               System.out.println ("Caught PaymentException: "+pe.getMessage ());
            procpay.remove ();
      catch(java.rmi.RemoteException re)
         re.printStackTrace ();
      catch(Throwable t)
         t.printStackTrace ();