StatefulCache.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.13362Fri Jul 13 20:53:48 BST 2007org.jboss.ejb3.cache

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package org.jboss.ejb3.cache;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import org.jboss.ejb3.Container;
import org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulBeanContext;

 * Stateful StatelessBean Bean cache
 * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a>
 * @version $Revision: 61329 $
public interface StatefulCache
    * returns a key not the actual object
   public StatefulBeanContext create();

   public StatefulBeanContext create(Class[] initTypes, Object[] initValues);

    * Gets the context with the given id.
    * <p/>
    * Same as <code>getContext(key, true)</code>
    * @param key the id
    * @return the context
    * @throws NoSuchEJBException if no context with the given id exists or
    *                            if the context exists but has been marked
    *                            as removed
    * @throws EJBException                       
   public StatefulBeanContext get(Object key) throws EJBException;

    * Get the context with the given id, optionally marking the context as
    * being in use.
    * @param key  the context's id
    * @param markInUse if <code>true</code>, marks any returned context as
    *                  being in use.  If <code>false</code>, will return 
    *                  contexts that are marked as removed; otherwise will 
    *                  throw NoSuchEJBException if such a context is found
    * @return the context
    * @throws NoSuchEJBException if no context with the given id exists or
    *                            if the context exists but has been marked
    *                            as removed and <code>markInUse</code> is 
    *                            <code>true</code>
    * @throws EJBException                       
   public StatefulBeanContext get(Object key, boolean markInUse) throws EJBException;

   public void remove(Object key);

   public void finished(StatefulBeanContext ctx);

   public void initialize(Container container) throws Exception;

   void start();

   void stop();
   int getCacheSize();
   int getTotalSize();
   int getCreateCount();
   int getPassivatedCount();
   int getRemoveCount();
   int getAvailableCount();
   int getMaxSize();
   int getCurrentSize();