SLWTTextListing.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.13284Mon Jan 01 18:55:34 GMT


public class SLWTTextListing extends Object
Uses record level code to locate SlideListWithText entries. Having found them, it sees if they have any text, and prints out what it finds.

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Methods Summary
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

		if(args.length < 1) {
			System.err.println("Need to give a filename");

		HSLFSlideShow ss = new HSLFSlideShow(args[0]);

		// Find the documents, and then their SLWT
		Record[] records = ss.getRecords();
		for(int i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
			if(records[i] instanceof Document) {
				Record docRecord = records[i];
				Record[] docChildren = docRecord.getChildRecords();
				for(int j=0; j<docChildren.length; j++) {
					if(docChildren[j] instanceof SlideListWithText) {
						System.out.println("Found SLWT at pos " + j + " in the Document at " + i);
						System.out.println("  Has " + docChildren[j].getChildRecords().length + " children");

						// Grab the SlideAtomSet's, which contain 
						//  a SlidePersistAtom and then a bunch of text
						//  + related records
						SlideListWithText slwt = (SlideListWithText)docChildren[j];
						SlideListWithText.SlideAtomsSet[] thisSets = slwt.getSlideAtomsSets();
						System.out.println("  Has " + thisSets.length + " AtomSets in it");

						// Loop over the sets, showing what they contain
						for(int k=0; k<thisSets.length; k++) {
							SlidePersistAtom spa = thisSets[k].getSlidePersistAtom();
							System.out.println("    " + k + " has slide id " + spa.getSlideIdentifier() );
							System.out.println("    " + k + " has ref id " + spa.getRefID() );

							// Loop over the records, printing the text
							Record[] slwtc = thisSets[k].getSlideRecords();
							for(int l=0; l<slwtc.length; l++) {
								String text = null;
								if(slwtc[l] instanceof TextBytesAtom) {
									TextBytesAtom tba = (TextBytesAtom)slwtc[l];
									text = tba.getText();
								if(slwtc[l] instanceof TextCharsAtom) {
									TextCharsAtom tca = (TextCharsAtom)slwtc[l];
									text = tca.getText();

								if(text != null) {
									text = text.replace('\r",'\n");
									System.out.println("        ''" + text + "''");