DbAccessObject.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3235Fri May 04 22:24:18 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.callflow


public interface DbAccessObject
Database Access Object to handle table creates, table deletes and table updates
Harpreet Singh

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public booleanclearData()

public booleandeleteRequestIds(java.lang.String[] requestIds)

public booleandisable()

public booleanenable()
Enables the DB Access Object. It acquires connection to the database It creates the required tables in the database. If the tables are present it will not drop them.

public java.util.ListgetCallStackInformation(java.lang.String requestId)

public java.util.MapgetNumOfRequestsProcessed()
Returns the total number of requests processed broken by the table name

public java.lang.StringgetNumOfRequestsProcessedAsString()
Returns no of requests processed as a string

public java.util.MapgetPieInformation(java.lang.String requestId)

public java.util.ListgetRequestInformation()

public booleaninsert(TransferObject[] transferObject)