SmbTransport.javaAPI DocJCIFS 1.3.17 API32299Tue Oct 18 15:26:24 BST 2011jcifs.smb

/* jcifs smb client library in Java
 * Copyright (C) 2005  "Michael B. Allen" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 *                  "Eric Glass" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package jcifs.smb;

import java.util.*;

import jcifs.*;
import jcifs.netbios.*;
import jcifs.util.*;
import jcifs.util.transport.*;
import jcifs.dcerpc.*;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.*;

public class SmbTransport extends Transport implements SmbConstants {

    static final byte[] BUF = new byte[0xFFFF];
    static final SmbComNegotiate NEGOTIATE_REQUEST = new SmbComNegotiate();
    static LogStream log = LogStream.getInstance();
    static HashMap dfsRoots = null;

    static synchronized SmbTransport getSmbTransport( UniAddress address, int port ) {
        return getSmbTransport( address, port, LADDR, LPORT, null );
    static synchronized SmbTransport getSmbTransport( UniAddress address, int port,
                                    InetAddress localAddr, int localPort, String hostName ) {
        SmbTransport conn;

        synchronized( CONNECTIONS ) {
            if( SSN_LIMIT != 1 ) {
                ListIterator iter = CONNECTIONS.listIterator();
                while( iter.hasNext() ) {
                    conn = (SmbTransport);
                    if( conn.matches( address, port, localAddr, localPort, hostName ) &&
                            ( SSN_LIMIT == 0 || conn.sessions.size() < SSN_LIMIT )) {
                        return conn;

            conn = new SmbTransport( address, port, localAddr, localPort );
            CONNECTIONS.add( 0, conn );

        return conn;

    class ServerData {
        byte flags;
        int flags2;
        int maxMpxCount;
        int maxBufferSize;
        int sessionKey;
        int capabilities;
        String oemDomainName;
        int securityMode;
        int security;
        boolean encryptedPasswords;
        boolean signaturesEnabled;
        boolean signaturesRequired;
        int maxNumberVcs;
        int maxRawSize;
        long serverTime;
        int serverTimeZone;
        int encryptionKeyLength;
        byte[] encryptionKey;
        byte[] guid;

    InetAddress localAddr;
    int localPort;
    UniAddress address;
    Socket socket;
    int port, mid;
    OutputStream out;
    InputStream in;
    byte[] sbuf = new byte[512]; /* small local buffer */
    SmbComBlankResponse key = new SmbComBlankResponse();
    long sessionExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + SO_TIMEOUT;
    LinkedList referrals = new LinkedList();
    SigningDigest digest = null;
    LinkedList sessions = new LinkedList();
    ServerData server = new ServerData();
    /* Negotiated values */
    int flags2 = FLAGS2;
    int maxMpxCount = MAX_MPX_COUNT;
    int snd_buf_size = SND_BUF_SIZE;
    int rcv_buf_size = RCV_BUF_SIZE;
    int capabilities = CAPABILITIES;
    int sessionKey = 0x00000000;
    boolean useUnicode = USE_UNICODE;
    String tconHostName = null;

    SmbTransport( UniAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort ) {
        this.address = address;
        this.port = port;
        this.localAddr = localAddr;
        this.localPort = localPort;

    synchronized SmbSession getSmbSession() {
        return getSmbSession( new NtlmPasswordAuthentication( null, null, null ));
    synchronized SmbSession getSmbSession( NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth ) {
        SmbSession ssn;
        long now;

        ListIterator iter = sessions.listIterator();
        while( iter.hasNext() ) {
            ssn = (SmbSession);
            if( ssn.matches( auth )) {
                ssn.auth = auth;
                return ssn;

                                        /* logoff old sessions */
        if (SO_TIMEOUT > 0 && sessionExpiration < (now = System.currentTimeMillis())) {
            sessionExpiration = now + SO_TIMEOUT;
            iter = sessions.listIterator();
            while( iter.hasNext() ) {
                ssn = (SmbSession);
                if( ssn.expiration < now ) {
                    ssn.logoff( false );

        ssn = new SmbSession( address, port, localAddr, localPort, auth );
        ssn.transport = this;
        sessions.add( ssn );

        return ssn;
    boolean matches( UniAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort, String hostName ) {
        if (hostName == null)
            hostName = address.getHostName();
        return (this.tconHostName == null || hostName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.tconHostName)) &&
                    address.equals( this.address ) &&
                    (port == 0 || port == this.port ||
                            /* port 139 is ok if 445 was requested */
                            (port == 445 && this.port == 139)) &&
                    (localAddr == this.localAddr ||
                            (localAddr != null &&
                                    localAddr.equals( this.localAddr ))) &&
                    localPort == this.localPort;
    boolean hasCapability( int cap ) throws SmbException {
        try {
            connect( RESPONSE_TIMEOUT );
        } catch( IOException ioe ) {
            throw new SmbException( ioe.getMessage(), ioe );
        return (capabilities & cap) == cap;
    boolean isSignatureSetupRequired( NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth ) {
        return ( flags2 & ServerMessageBlock.FLAGS2_SECURITY_SIGNATURES ) != 0 &&
                digest == null &&
                auth != NtlmPasswordAuthentication.NULL &&
                NtlmPasswordAuthentication.NULL.equals( auth ) == false;

    void ssn139() throws IOException {
        Name calledName = new Name( address.firstCalledName(), 0x20, null );
        do {
/* These Socket constructors attempt to connect before SO_TIMEOUT can be applied
            if (localAddr == null) {
                socket = new Socket( address.getHostAddress(), 139 );
            } else {
                socket = new Socket( address.getHostAddress(), 139, localAddr, localPort );
            socket.setSoTimeout( SO_TIMEOUT );

            socket = new Socket();
            if (localAddr != null)
                socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddr, localPort));
            socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostAddress(), 139), CONN_TIMEOUT);
            socket.setSoTimeout( SO_TIMEOUT );

            out = socket.getOutputStream();
            in = socket.getInputStream();

            SessionServicePacket ssp = new SessionRequestPacket( calledName,
                    NbtAddress.getLocalName() );
            out.write( sbuf, 0, ssp.writeWireFormat( sbuf, 0 ));
            if (readn( in, sbuf, 0, 4 ) < 4) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException ioe) {
                throw new SmbException( "EOF during NetBIOS session request" );
            switch( sbuf[0] & 0xFF ) {
                case SessionServicePacket.POSITIVE_SESSION_RESPONSE:
                    if( log.level >= 4 )
                        log.println( "session established ok with " + address );
                case SessionServicePacket.NEGATIVE_SESSION_RESPONSE:
                    int errorCode = (int)( & 0xFF );
                    switch (errorCode) {
                        case NbtException.CALLED_NOT_PRESENT:
                        case NbtException.NOT_LISTENING_CALLED:
                            disconnect( true );
                            throw new NbtException( NbtException.ERR_SSN_SRVC, errorCode );
                case -1:
                    disconnect( true );
                    throw new NbtException( NbtException.ERR_SSN_SRVC,
                            NbtException.CONNECTION_REFUSED );
                    disconnect( true );
                    throw new NbtException( NbtException.ERR_SSN_SRVC, 0 );
        } while(( = address.nextCalledName()) != null );

        throw new IOException( "Failed to establish session with " + address );
    private void negotiate( int port, ServerMessageBlock resp ) throws IOException {
        /* We cannot use Transport.sendrecv() yet because
         * the Transport thread is not setup until doConnect()
         * returns and we want to supress all communication
         * until we have properly negotiated.
        synchronized (sbuf) {
            if (port == 139) {
            } else {
                if (port == 0)
                    port = DEFAULT_PORT; // 445
/* These Socket constructors attempt to connect before SO_TIMEOUT can be applied
                if (localAddr == null) {
                    socket = new Socket( address.getHostAddress(), port );
                } else {
                    socket = new Socket( address.getHostAddress(), port, localAddr, localPort );
                socket.setSoTimeout( SO_TIMEOUT );
                socket = new Socket();
                if (localAddr != null)
                    socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddr, localPort));
                socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostAddress(), port), CONN_TIMEOUT);
                socket.setSoTimeout( SO_TIMEOUT );

                out = socket.getOutputStream();
                in = socket.getInputStream();

            if (++mid == 32000) mid = 1;
            NEGOTIATE_REQUEST.mid = mid;
            int n = NEGOTIATE_REQUEST.encode( sbuf, 4 );
            Encdec.enc_uint32be( n & 0xFFFF, sbuf, 0 ); /* 4 byte ssn msg header */

            if (log.level >= 4) {
                log.println( NEGOTIATE_REQUEST );
                if (log.level >= 6) {
                    Hexdump.hexdump( log, sbuf, 4, n );

            out.write( sbuf, 0, 4 + n );
            /* Note the Transport thread isn't running yet so we can
             * read from the socket here.
            if (peekKey() == null) /* try to read header */
                throw new IOException( "transport closed in negotiate" );
            int size = Encdec.dec_uint16be( sbuf, 2 ) & 0xFFFF;
            if (size < 33 || (4 + size) > sbuf.length ) {
                throw new IOException( "Invalid payload size: " + size );
            readn( in, sbuf, 4 + 32, size - 32 );
            resp.decode( sbuf, 4 );

            if (log.level >= 4) {
                log.println( resp );
                if (log.level >= 6) {
                    Hexdump.hexdump( log, sbuf, 4, n );
    public void connect() throws SmbException {
        try {
            super.connect( RESPONSE_TIMEOUT );
        } catch( TransportException te ) {
            throw new SmbException( "Failed to connect: " + address, te );
    protected void doConnect() throws IOException {
         * Negotiate Protocol Request / Response

        SmbComNegotiateResponse resp = new SmbComNegotiateResponse( server );
        try {
            negotiate( port, resp );
        } catch( ConnectException ce ) {
            port = (port == 0 || port == DEFAULT_PORT) ? 139 : DEFAULT_PORT;
            negotiate( port, resp );
        } catch( NoRouteToHostException nr ) {
            port = (port == 0 || port == DEFAULT_PORT) ? 139 : DEFAULT_PORT;
            negotiate( port, resp );

        if( resp.dialectIndex > 10 ) {
            throw new SmbException( "This client does not support the negotiated dialect." );
        if ((server.capabilities & CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY) != CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY &&
                    server.encryptionKeyLength != 8 &&
                    LM_COMPATIBILITY == 0) {
            throw new SmbException("Unexpected encryption key length: " + server.encryptionKeyLength);

        /* Adjust negotiated values */

        tconHostName = address.getHostName();
        if (server.signaturesRequired || (server.signaturesEnabled && SIGNPREF)) {
            flags2 |= ServerMessageBlock.FLAGS2_SECURITY_SIGNATURES;
        } else {
            flags2 &= 0xFFFF ^ ServerMessageBlock.FLAGS2_SECURITY_SIGNATURES;
        maxMpxCount = Math.min( maxMpxCount, server.maxMpxCount );
        if (maxMpxCount < 1) maxMpxCount = 1;
        snd_buf_size = Math.min( snd_buf_size, server.maxBufferSize );
        capabilities &= server.capabilities;
        if ((server.capabilities & CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY) == CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY)
            capabilities |= CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY; // & doesn't copy high bit

        if ((capabilities & ServerMessageBlock.CAP_UNICODE) == 0) {
            // server doesn't want unicode
            if (FORCE_UNICODE) {
                capabilities |= ServerMessageBlock.CAP_UNICODE;
            } else {
                useUnicode = false;
                flags2 &= 0xFFFF ^ ServerMessageBlock.FLAGS2_UNICODE;
    protected void doDisconnect( boolean hard ) throws IOException {
        ListIterator iter = sessions.listIterator();
        try {
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                SmbSession ssn = (SmbSession);
                ssn.logoff( hard );
        } finally {
            digest = null;
            socket = null;
            tconHostName = null;

    protected void makeKey( Request request ) throws IOException {
        /* The request *is* the key */
        if (++mid == 32000) mid = 1;
        ((ServerMessageBlock)request).mid = mid;
    protected Request peekKey() throws IOException {
        int n;
        do {
            if ((n = readn( in, sbuf, 0, 4 )) < 4)
                return null;
        } while (sbuf[0] == (byte)0x85);  /* Dodge NetBIOS keep-alive */
                                                   /* read smb header */
        if ((n = readn( in, sbuf, 4, 32 )) < 32)
            return null;
        if (log.level >= 4) {
            log.println( "New data read: " + this );
            jcifs.util.Hexdump.hexdump( log, sbuf, 4, 32 );

        for ( ;; ) {
            /* 01234567
             * 00SSFSMB
             * 0 - 0's
             * S - size of payload
             * FSMB - 0xFF SMB magic #

            if (sbuf[0] == (byte)0x00 &&
                        sbuf[1] == (byte)0x00 &&
                        sbuf[4] == (byte)0xFF &&
                        sbuf[5] == (byte)'S' &&
                        sbuf[6] == (byte)'M' &&
                        sbuf[7] == (byte)'B') {
                break; /* all good */
                                        /* out of phase maybe? */
                          /* inch forward 1 byte and try again */
            for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
                sbuf[i] = sbuf[i + 1];
            int b;
            if ((b = == -1) return null;
            sbuf[35] = (byte)b;

        key.mid = Encdec.dec_uint16le( sbuf, 34 ) & 0xFFFF;

        /* Unless key returned is null or invalid Transport.loop() always
         * calls doRecv() after and no one else but the transport thread
         * should call doRecv(). Therefore it is ok to expect that the data
         * in sbuf will be preserved for copying into BUF in doRecv().

        return key;

    protected void doSend( Request request ) throws IOException {
        synchronized (BUF) {
            ServerMessageBlock smb = (ServerMessageBlock)request;
            int n = smb.encode( BUF, 4 );
            Encdec.enc_uint32be( n & 0xFFFF, BUF, 0 ); /* 4 byte session message header */
            if (log.level >= 4) {
                do {
                    log.println( smb );
                } while (smb instanceof AndXServerMessageBlock &&
                        (smb = ((AndXServerMessageBlock)smb).andx) != null);
                if (log.level >= 6) {
                    Hexdump.hexdump( log, BUF, 4, n );
            /* For some reason this can sometimes get broken up into another
             * "NBSS Continuation Message" frame according to WireShark
            out.write( BUF, 0, 4 + n );
    protected void doSend0( Request request ) throws IOException {
        try {
            doSend( request );
        } catch( IOException ioe ) {
            if (log.level > 2)
                ioe.printStackTrace( log );
            try {
                disconnect( true );
            } catch( IOException ioe2 ) {
                ioe2.printStackTrace( log );
            throw ioe;

    protected void doRecv( Response response ) throws IOException {
        ServerMessageBlock resp = (ServerMessageBlock)response;
        resp.useUnicode = useUnicode;
        resp.extendedSecurity = (capabilities & CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY) == CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY;

        synchronized (BUF) {
            System.arraycopy( sbuf, 0, BUF, 0, 4 + HEADER_LENGTH );
            int size = Encdec.dec_uint16be( BUF, 2 ) & 0xFFFF;
            if (size < (HEADER_LENGTH + 1) || (4 + size) > rcv_buf_size ) {
                throw new IOException( "Invalid payload size: " + size );
            int errorCode = Encdec.dec_uint32le( BUF, 9 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
            if (resp.command == ServerMessageBlock.SMB_COM_READ_ANDX &&
                        (errorCode == 0 ||
                        errorCode == 0x80000005)) { // overflow indicator normal for pipe
                SmbComReadAndXResponse r = (SmbComReadAndXResponse)resp;
                int off = HEADER_LENGTH;
                                    /* WordCount thru dataOffset always 27 */
                readn( in, BUF, 4 + off, 27 ); off += 27;
                resp.decode( BUF, 4 );
                                              /* EMC can send pad w/o data */
                int pad = r.dataOffset - off;
                if (r.byteCount > 0 && pad > 0 && pad < 4)
                    readn( in, BUF, 4 + off, pad);

                if (r.dataLength > 0)
                    readn( in, r.b,, r.dataLength );  /* read direct */
            } else {
                readn( in, BUF, 4 + 32, size - 32 );
                resp.decode( BUF, 4 );
                if (resp instanceof SmbComTransactionResponse) {

            /* Verification fails (w/ W2K3 server at least) if status is not 0. This
             * suggests MS doesn't compute the signature (correctly) for error responses
             * (perhaps for DOS reasons).
            if (digest != null && resp.errorCode == 0) {
                digest.verify( BUF, 4, resp );

            if (log.level >= 4) {
                log.println( response );
                if (log.level >= 6) {
                    Hexdump.hexdump( log, BUF, 4, size );
    protected void doSkip() throws IOException {
        int size = Encdec.dec_uint16be( sbuf, 2 ) & 0xFFFF;
        if (size < 33 || (4 + size) > rcv_buf_size ) {
            /* log message? */
            in.skip( in.available() );
        } else {
            in.skip( size - 32 );
    void checkStatus( ServerMessageBlock req, ServerMessageBlock resp ) throws SmbException {
        resp.errorCode = SmbException.getStatusByCode( resp.errorCode );
        switch( resp.errorCode ) {
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_OK:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED:
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT:
                throw new SmbAuthException( resp.errorCode );
            case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED:
                if( req.auth == null ) {
                    throw new SmbException( resp.errorCode, null );

                DfsReferral dr = getDfsReferrals(req.auth, req.path, 1);
                if (dr == null)
                    throw new SmbException(resp.errorCode, null);   

                SmbFile.dfs.insert(req.path, dr);
                throw dr;
            case 0x80000005:  /* STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW */
                break; /* normal for DCERPC named pipes */
                break; /* normal for NTLMSSP */
                throw new SmbException( resp.errorCode, null );
        if (resp.verifyFailed) {
            throw new SmbException( "Signature verification failed." );
    void send( ServerMessageBlock request, ServerMessageBlock response ) throws SmbException {

        connect(); /* must negotiate before we can test flags2, useUnicode, etc */

        request.flags2 |= flags2;
        request.useUnicode = useUnicode;
        request.response = response; /* needed by sign */
        if (request.digest == null)
            request.digest = digest; /* for sign called in encode */

        try {
            if (response == null) {
                doSend0( request );
            } else if (request instanceof SmbComTransaction) {
                response.command = request.command;
                SmbComTransaction req = (SmbComTransaction)request;
                SmbComTransactionResponse resp = (SmbComTransactionResponse)response;

                req.maxBufferSize = snd_buf_size;

                try {
                    BufferCache.getBuffers( req, resp );

                     * First request w/ interim response

                    if (req.hasMoreElements()) {
                        SmbComBlankResponse interim = new SmbComBlankResponse();
                        super.sendrecv( req, interim, RESPONSE_TIMEOUT );
                        if (interim.errorCode != 0) {
                            checkStatus( req, interim );
                    } else {
                        makeKey( req );

                    synchronized (this) {
                        response.received = false;
                        resp.isReceived = false;
                        try {
                            response_map.put( req, resp );

                             * Send multiple fragments

                            do {
                                doSend0( req );
                            } while( req.hasMoreElements() && req.nextElement() != null );

                             * Receive multiple fragments

                            long timeout = RESPONSE_TIMEOUT;
                            resp.expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
                            while( resp.hasMoreElements() ) {
                                wait( timeout );
                                timeout = resp.expiration - System.currentTimeMillis();
                                if (timeout <= 0) {
                                    throw new TransportException( this +
                                            " timedout waiting for response to " +
                                            req );
                            if (response.errorCode != 0) {
                                checkStatus( req, resp );
                        } catch( InterruptedException ie ) {
                            throw new TransportException( ie );
                        } finally {
                            response_map.remove( req );
                } finally {
                    BufferCache.releaseBuffer( req.txn_buf );
                    BufferCache.releaseBuffer( resp.txn_buf );

            } else {
                response.command = request.command;
                super.sendrecv( request, response, RESPONSE_TIMEOUT );
        } catch( SmbException se ) {
            throw se;
        } catch( IOException ioe ) {
            throw new SmbException( ioe.getMessage(), ioe );

        checkStatus( request, response );
    public String toString() {
        return super.toString() + "[" + address + ":" + port + "]";

    /* DFS */

    /* Split DFS path like \\root5\link2\foo\bar.txt into at
     * most 3 components (not including the first index which is always empty):
     * result[0] = ""
     * result[1] = ""
     * result[2] = "root5"
     * result[3] = "link2\foo\bar.txt"
    void dfsPathSplit(String path, String[] result)
        int ri = 0, rlast = result.length - 1;
        int i = 0, b = 0, len = path.length();

        do {
            if (ri == rlast) {
                result[rlast] = path.substring(b);
            if (i == len || path.charAt(i) == '\\') {
                result[ri++] = path.substring(b, i);
                b = i + 1;
        } while (i++ < len);

        while (ri < result.length) {
            result[ri++] = "";
    DfsReferral getDfsReferrals(NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth,
                String path,
                int rn) throws SmbException {
        SmbTree ipc = getSmbSession( auth ).getSmbTree( "IPC$", null );
        Trans2GetDfsReferralResponse resp = new Trans2GetDfsReferralResponse();
        ipc.send( new Trans2GetDfsReferral( path ), resp );

        if (resp.numReferrals == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (rn == 0 || resp.numReferrals < rn) {
            rn = resp.numReferrals;

        DfsReferral dr = new DfsReferral();

        String[] arr = new String[4];
        long expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + Dfs.TTL * 1000;

        int di = 0;
        for ( ;; ) {
                        /* NTLM HTTP Authentication must be re-negotiated
                         * with challenge from 'server' to access DFS vol. */
            dr.resolveHashes = auth.hashesExternal;
            dr.ttl = resp.referrals[di].ttl;
            dr.expiration = expiration;
            if (path.equals("")) {
                dr.server = resp.referrals[di].path.substring(1).toLowerCase();
            } else {
                dfsPathSplit(resp.referrals[di].node, arr);
                dr.server = arr[1];
                dr.share = arr[2];
                dr.path = arr[3];
            dr.pathConsumed = resp.pathConsumed;

            if (di == rn)

            dr.append(new DfsReferral());
            dr =;

    DfsReferral[] __getDfsReferrals(NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth,
                String path,
                int rn) throws SmbException {
        SmbTree ipc = getSmbSession( auth ).getSmbTree( "IPC$", null );
        Trans2GetDfsReferralResponse resp = new Trans2GetDfsReferralResponse();
        ipc.send( new Trans2GetDfsReferral( path ), resp );

        if (rn == 0 || resp.numReferrals < rn) {
            rn = resp.numReferrals;

        DfsReferral[] drs = new DfsReferral[rn];
        String[] arr = new String[4];
        long expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + Dfs.TTL * 1000;

        for (int di = 0; di < drs.length; di++) {
            DfsReferral dr = new DfsReferral();
                        /* NTLM HTTP Authentication must be re-negotiated
                         * with challenge from 'server' to access DFS vol. */
            dr.resolveHashes = auth.hashesExternal;
            dr.ttl = resp.referrals[di].ttl;
            dr.expiration = expiration;
            if (path.equals("")) {
                dr.server = resp.referrals[di].path.substring(1).toLowerCase();
            } else {
                dfsPathSplit(resp.referrals[di].node, arr);
                dr.server = arr[1];
                dr.share = arr[2];
                dr.path = arr[3];
            dr.pathConsumed = resp.pathConsumed;
            drs[di] = dr;

        return drs;

//    FileEntry[] getDfsRoots(String domainName, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth) throws IOException {
//        MsrpcDfsRootEnum rpc;
//        DcerpcHandle handle = null;
//        /* Procedure:
//         * Lookup a DC in the target domain
//         * Ask the DC for a referral for the domain (e.g. "\")
//         * Do NetrDfsEnumEx on the server returned in the referral to
//         * get roots in target domain
//         */
//        UniAddress dc = UniAddress.getByName(domainName);
//        SmbTransport trans = SmbTransport.getSmbTransport(dc, 0);
//        DfsReferral[] dr = trans.getDfsReferrals(auth, "\\" + domainName, 1);
//        handle = DcerpcHandle.getHandle("ncacn_np:" +
//                    UniAddress.getByName(dr[0].server).getHostAddress() +
//                    "[\\PIPE\\netdfs]", auth);
//        try {
//            rpc = new MsrpcDfsRootEnum(domainName);
//            handle.sendrecv(rpc);
//            if (rpc.retval != 0)
//                throw new SmbException(rpc.retval, true);
//            return rpc.getEntries();
//        } finally {
//            try {
//                handle.close();
//            } catch(IOException ioe) {
//                if (log.level >= 4)
//                    ioe.printStackTrace(log);
//            }
//        }
//    }