UnicodeString.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.131867Mon Jan 01 12:39:40 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hssf.record


public class UnicodeString extends Object implements Comparable
Title: Unicode String

Description: Unicode String record. We implement these as a record, although they are really just standard fields that are in several records. It is considered more desirable then repeating it in all of them.

REFERENCE: PG 264 Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit (ISBN: 1-57231-498-2)

Andrew C. Oliver
Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org)
Glen Stampoultzis (glens at

Fields Summary
public static final short
private short
private byte
private String
private List
private byte[]
private static final BitField
private static final BitField
private static final BitField
Constructors Summary
private UnicodeString()

     //Used for clone method.
public UnicodeString(String str)

public UnicodeString(RecordInputStream in)
construct a unicode string record and fill its fields, ID is ignored

id - ignored
size - size of the data
data - the bytes of the string/fields

Methods Summary
public voidaddFormatRun(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$FormatRun r)
Adds a font run to the formatted string. If a font run exists at the current charcter location, then it is replaced with the font run to be added.

      if (field_4_format_runs == null)
        field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList();

      int index = findFormatRunAt(r.character);
      if (index != -1)

      //Need to sort the font runs to ensure that the font runs appear in
      //character order

      //Make sure that we now say that we are a rich string
      field_2_optionflags = richText.setByte(field_2_optionflags);
public voidclearFormatting()

      field_4_format_runs = null;
      field_2_optionflags = richText.clearByte(field_2_optionflags);
public java.lang.Objectclone()

        UnicodeString str = new UnicodeString();
        str.field_1_charCount = field_1_charCount;
        str.field_2_optionflags = field_2_optionflags;
        str.field_3_string = field_3_string;
        if (field_4_format_runs != null) {
          str.field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList();
          int size = field_4_format_runs.size();
          for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            FormatRun r = (FormatRun) field_4_format_runs.get(i);
            str.field_4_format_runs.add(new FormatRun(r.character, r.fontIndex));
        if (field_5_ext_rst != null) {
          str.field_5_ext_rst = new byte[field_5_ext_rst.length];
          System.arraycopy(field_5_ext_rst, 0, str.field_5_ext_rst, 0,

        return str;
public intcompareTo(java.lang.Object obj)

        UnicodeString str = ( UnicodeString ) obj;

        int result = getString().compareTo(str.getString());

        //As per the equals method lets do this in stages
        if (result != 0)
          return result;

        //Ok string appears to be equal but now lets compare formatting runs
        if ((field_4_format_runs == null) && (str.field_4_format_runs == null))
          //Strings are equal, and there are no formtting runs.
          return 0;

        if ((field_4_format_runs == null) && (str.field_4_format_runs != null))
          //Strings are equal, but one or the other has formatting runs
          return 1;
        if ((field_4_format_runs != null) && (str.field_4_format_runs == null))
          //Strings are equal, but one or the other has formatting runs
          return -1;

        //Strings are equal, so now compare formatting runs.
        int size = field_4_format_runs.size();
        if (size != str.field_4_format_runs.size())
          return size - str.field_4_format_runs.size();

        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
          FormatRun run1 = (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(i);
          FormatRun run2 = (FormatRun)str.field_4_format_runs.get(i);

          result = run1.compareTo(run2);
          if (result != 0)
            return result;

        //Well the format runs are equal as well!, better check the ExtRst data
        //Which by the way we dont know how to decode!
        if ((field_5_ext_rst == null) && (str.field_5_ext_rst == null))
          return 0;
        if ((field_5_ext_rst == null) && (str.field_5_ext_rst != null))
         return 1;
        if ((field_5_ext_rst != null) && (str.field_5_ext_rst == null))
          return -1;

        size = field_5_ext_rst.length;
        if (size != field_5_ext_rst.length)
          return size - field_5_ext_rst.length;

        //Check individual bytes!
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
          if (field_5_ext_rst[i] != str.field_5_ext_rst[i])
            return field_5_ext_rst[i] - str.field_5_ext_rst[i];
        //Phew!! After all of that we have finally worked out that the strings
        //are identical.
        return 0;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)
Our handling of equals is inconsistent with compareTo. The trouble is because we don't truely understand rich text fields yet it's difficult to make a sound comparison.

o The object to compare.
true if the object is actually equal.

        if ((o == null) || (o.getClass() != this.getClass()))
            return false;
        UnicodeString other = ( UnicodeString ) o;

        //Ok lets do this in stages to return a quickly, first check the actual string
        boolean eq = ((field_1_charCount == other.field_1_charCount)
                && (field_2_optionflags == other.field_2_optionflags)
                && field_3_string.equals(other.field_3_string));
        if (!eq) return false;

        //Ok string appears to be equal but now lets compare formatting runs
        if ((field_4_format_runs == null) && (other.field_4_format_runs == null))
          //Strings are equal, and there are not formtting runs.
          return true;
        if (((field_4_format_runs == null) && (other.field_4_format_runs != null)) ||
             (field_4_format_runs != null) && (other.field_4_format_runs == null))
           //Strings are equal, but one or the other has formatting runs
           return false;

        //Strings are equal, so now compare formatting runs.
        int size = field_4_format_runs.size();
        if (size != other.field_4_format_runs.size())
          return false;

        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
          FormatRun run1 = (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(i);
          FormatRun run2 = (FormatRun)other.field_4_format_runs.get(i);

          if (!run1.equals(run2))
            return false;

        //Well the format runs are equal as well!, better check the ExtRst data
        //Which by the way we dont know how to decode!
        if ((field_5_ext_rst == null) && (other.field_5_ext_rst == null))
          return true;
        if (((field_5_ext_rst == null) && (other.field_5_ext_rst != null)) ||
            ((field_5_ext_rst != null) && (other.field_5_ext_rst == null)))
          return false;
        size = field_5_ext_rst.length;
        if (size != field_5_ext_rst.length)
          return false;

        //Check individual bytes!
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
          if (field_5_ext_rst[i] != other.field_5_ext_rst[i])
            return false;
        //Phew!! After all of that we have finally worked out that the strings
        //are identical.
        return true;
protected voidfillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
called by the constructor, should set class level fields. Should throw runtime exception for bad/icomplete data.

data raw data
size size of data
offset of the records data (provided a big array of the file)

        field_1_charCount   = in.readShort();
        field_2_optionflags = in.readByte();

        int runCount = 0;
        int extensionLength = 0;
        //Read the number of rich runs if rich text.
        if ( isRichText() )
            runCount = in.readShort();
        //Read the size of extended data if present.
        if ( isExtendedText() )
            extensionLength = in.readInt();

        //Now need to get the string data.
        //Turn off autocontinuation so that we can catch the continue boundary
        StringBuffer tmpString = new StringBuffer(field_1_charCount);
        int stringCharCount = field_1_charCount;
        boolean isCompressed = ((field_2_optionflags & 1) == 0);
        while (stringCharCount != 0) {
          if (in.remaining() == 0) {
            if (in.isContinueNext()) {
              //Check if we are now reading, compressed or uncompressed unicode.
              byte optionflags = in.readByte();
              isCompressed = ((optionflags & 1) == 0);
            } else
              throw new RecordFormatException("Expected continue record.");
          if (isCompressed) {
            //Typecast direct to char from byte with high bit set causes all ones
            //in the high byte of the char (which is of course incorrect)
            char ch = (char)( (short)0xff & (short)in.readByte() );
          } else {
            char ch = (char) in.readShort();
          stringCharCount --;
        field_3_string = tmpString.toString();
        //Turn back on autocontinuation

        if (isRichText() && (runCount > 0)) {
          field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList(runCount);
          for (int i=0;i<runCount;i++) {
            field_4_format_runs.add(new FormatRun(in.readShort(), in.readShort()));
            //read reserved

        if (isExtendedText() && (extensionLength > 0)) {
          field_5_ext_rst = new byte[extensionLength];
          for (int i=0;i<extensionLength;i++) {
            field_5_ext_rst[i] = in.readByte();
private intfindFormatRunAt(int characterPos)

      int size = field_4_format_runs.size();
      for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
        FormatRun r = (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(i);
        if (r.character == characterPos)
          return i;
        else if (r.character > characterPos)
          return -1;
      return -1;
public java.util.IteratorformatIterator()

      if (field_4_format_runs != null)
        return field_4_format_runs.iterator();
      return null;
public shortgetCharCount()
get the number of characters in the string

number of characters

        return field_1_charCount;
public java.lang.StringgetDebugInfo()
return a character representation of the fields of this record

String of output for biffviewer etc.

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        buffer.append("    .charcount       = ")
        buffer.append("    .optionflags     = ")
        buffer.append("    .string          = ").append(getString()).append("\n");
        if (field_4_format_runs != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < field_4_format_runs.size();i++) {
            FormatRun r = (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(i);
            buffer.append("      .format_run"+i+"          = ").append(r.toString()).append("\n");
        if (field_5_ext_rst != null) {
          buffer.append("    .field_5_ext_rst          = ").append("\n").append(HexDump.toHex(field_5_ext_rst)).append("\n");
        return buffer.toString();
public byte[]getExtendedRst()

       return this.field_5_ext_rst;
public org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$FormatRungetFormatRun(int index)

      if (field_4_format_runs == null)
        return null;
      if ((index < 0) || (index >= field_4_format_runs.size()))
        return null;
      return (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(index);
public intgetFormatRunCount()

      if (field_4_format_runs == null)
        return 0;
      return field_4_format_runs.size();
public bytegetOptionFlags()
get the option flags which among other things return if this is a 16-bit or 8 bit string

optionflags bitmask

        return field_2_optionflags;
public voidgetRecordSize(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$UnicodeRecordStats stats)

      //Basic string overhead
      if (stats.remainingSize < 3) {
        //Needs a continue
         stats.recordSize += 4;
         stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
      stats.recordSize += 3;
      stats.remainingSize-= 3;

      //Read the number of rich runs if rich text.
      if ( isRichText() )
          //Run count
          if (stats.remainingSize < 2) {
            //Needs a continue
            //Reset the available space.
            stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
            //continue record overhead

          stats.recordSize += 2;
          stats.remainingSize -=2;
      //Read the size of extended data if present.
      if ( isExtendedText() )
        //Needs a continue
          //extension length
          if (stats.remainingSize < 4) {
            //Reset the available space.
            stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
            //continue record overhead

          stats.recordSize += 4;
          stats.remainingSize -=4;

      int charsize = isUncompressedUnicode() ? 2 : 1;
      int strSize = (getString().length() * charsize);
      //Check to see if the offset occurs mid string, if so then we need to add
      //the byte to start with that represents the first byte of the continue record.
      if (strSize > stats.remainingSize) {
        //Ok the offset occurs half way through the string, that means that
        //we need an extra byte after the continue record ie we didnt finish
        //writing out the string the 1st time through

        //But hang on, how many continue records did we span? What if this is
        //a REALLY long string. We need to work this all out.
        int ammountThatCantFit = strSize;
        while (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
          int ammountWritten = Math.min(stats.remainingSize, ammountThatCantFit);
          //Make sure that the ammount that cant fit takes into account
          //whether we are writing double byte unicode
          if (isUncompressedUnicode()) {
            //We have the '-1' here because whether this is the first record or
            //subsequent continue records, there is always the case that the
            //number of bytes in a string on doube byte boundaries is actually odd.
            if ( ( (ammountWritten) % 2) == 1)
          stats.recordSize += ammountWritten;
          stats.remainingSize -= ammountWritten;

          //Ok lets subtract what we can write
          ammountThatCantFit -= ammountWritten;

          //Each iteration of this while loop is another continue record, unless
          //everything  now fits.
          if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
            //Reset the available space.
            stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
            //continue record overhead

            //The first byte after a continue mid string is the extra byte to
            //indicate if this run is compressed or not.
            stats.remainingSize --;
      } else {
        //Ok the string fits nicely in the remaining size
        stats.recordSize += strSize;
        stats.remainingSize -= strSize;

      if (isRichText() && (field_4_format_runs != null)) {
        int count = field_4_format_runs.size();

        //This will ensure that a run does not split a continue
        for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
          if (stats.remainingSize < 4) {
            //Reset the available space.
            stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
            //continue record overhead

          //Each run count is four bytes
          stats.recordSize += 4;
          stats.remainingSize -=4;

      if (isExtendedText() && (field_5_ext_rst != null)) {
        //Ok ExtRst is actually not documented, so i am going to hope
        //that we can actually continue on byte boundaries
        int ammountThatCantFit = field_5_ext_rst.length - stats.remainingSize;
        if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
          while (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
            //So for this record we have already written
            int ammountWritten = Math.min(stats.remainingSize, ammountThatCantFit);
            stats.recordSize += ammountWritten;
            stats.remainingSize -= ammountWritten;

            //Ok lets subtract what we can write
            ammountThatCantFit -= ammountWritten;
            if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
              //Each iteration of this while loop is another continue record.

              //Reset the available space.
              stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
              //continue record overhead
              stats.recordSize += 4;
        } else {
          //We can fit wholey in what remains.
          stats.remainingSize -= field_5_ext_rst.length;
          stats.recordSize += field_5_ext_rst.length;
public shortgetSid()

        return sid;
public java.lang.StringgetString()
get the actual string this contains as a java String object


        return field_3_string;
public inthashCode()

        int stringHash = 0;
        if (field_3_string != null)
            stringHash = field_3_string.hashCode();
        return field_1_charCount + stringHash;
public booleanisExtendedText()

        return extBit.isSet(getOptionFlags());
public booleanisRichText()

      return richText.isSet(getOptionFlags());
private booleanisUncompressedUnicode()

        return highByte.isSet(getOptionFlags());
public voidremoveFormatRun(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$FormatRun r)

      if (field_4_format_runs.size() == 0) {
        field_4_format_runs = null;
        field_2_optionflags = richText.clearByte(field_2_optionflags);
public intserialize(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$UnicodeRecordStats stats, int offset, byte[] data)

      int pos = offset;

      //Basic string overhead
      pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, 3, pos, data);
        // byte[] retval = new byte[ 3 + (getString().length() * charsize)];
      LittleEndian.putShort(data, pos, getCharCount());
      pos += 2;
      data[ pos ] = getOptionFlags();
      pos += 1;
      stats.recordSize += 3;
      stats.remainingSize-= 3;

      if (isRichText()) {
        if (field_4_format_runs != null) {
          pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, 2, pos, data);

          LittleEndian.putShort(data, pos, (short) field_4_format_runs.size());
          pos += 2;
          stats.recordSize += 2;
          stats.remainingSize -= 2;
      if ( isExtendedText() )
        if (this.field_5_ext_rst != null) {
          pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, 4, pos, data);

          LittleEndian.putInt(data, pos, field_5_ext_rst.length);
          pos += 4;
          stats.recordSize += 4;
          stats.remainingSize -= 4;

      int charsize = isUncompressedUnicode() ? 2 : 1;
      int strSize = (getString().length() * charsize);

      byte[] strBytes = null;
        try {
            String unicodeString = getString();
              if (!isUncompressedUnicode())
                strBytes = unicodeString.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
                  strBytes = unicodeString.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
        catch (Exception e) {
              throw new InternalError();
          if (strSize != strBytes.length)
            throw new InternalError("That shouldnt have happened!");

      //Check to see if the offset occurs mid string, if so then we need to add
      //the byte to start with that represents the first byte of the continue record.
      if (strSize > stats.remainingSize) {
        //Ok the offset occurs half way through the string, that means that
        //we need an extra byte after the continue record ie we didnt finish
        //writing out the string the 1st time through

        //But hang on, how many continue records did we span? What if this is
        //a REALLY long string. We need to work this all out.
        int ammountThatCantFit = strSize;
        int strPos = 0;
        while (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
          int ammountWritten = Math.min(stats.remainingSize, ammountThatCantFit);
          //Make sure that the ammount that cant fit takes into account
          //whether we are writing double byte unicode
          if (isUncompressedUnicode()) {
            //We have the '-1' here because whether this is the first record or
            //subsequent continue records, there is always the case that the
            //number of bytes in a string on doube byte boundaries is actually odd.
            if ( ( (ammountWritten ) % 2) == 1)
          System.arraycopy(strBytes, strPos, data, pos, ammountWritten);
          pos += ammountWritten;
          strPos += ammountWritten;
          stats.recordSize += ammountWritten;
          stats.remainingSize -= ammountWritten;

          //Ok lets subtract what we can write
          ammountThatCantFit -= ammountWritten;

          //Each iteration of this while loop is another continue record, unless
          //everything  now fits.
          if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
            //We know that a continue WILL be requied, but use this common method
            pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, ammountThatCantFit, pos, data);

            //The first byte after a continue mid string is the extra byte to
            //indicate if this run is compressed or not.
            data[pos] = (byte) (isUncompressedUnicode() ? 0x1 : 0x0);
            stats.remainingSize --;
      } else {
        if (strSize > (data.length-pos))
          System.out.println("Hmm shouldnt happen");
        //Ok the string fits nicely in the remaining size
        System.arraycopy(strBytes, 0, data, pos, strSize);
        pos += strSize;
        stats.recordSize += strSize;
        stats.remainingSize -= strSize;

      if (isRichText() && (field_4_format_runs != null)) {
        int count = field_4_format_runs.size();

        //This will ensure that a run does not split a continue
        for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
          pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, 4, pos, data);
          FormatRun r = (FormatRun)field_4_format_runs.get(i);
          LittleEndian.putShort(data, pos, r.character);
          pos += 2;
          LittleEndian.putShort(data, pos, r.fontIndex);
          pos += 2;

          //Each run count is four bytes
          stats.recordSize += 4;
          stats.remainingSize -=4;

      if (isExtendedText() && (field_5_ext_rst != null)) {
        //Ok ExtRst is actually not documented, so i am going to hope
        //that we can actually continue on byte boundaries
        int ammountThatCantFit = field_5_ext_rst.length - stats.remainingSize;
        int extPos = 0;
        if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
          while (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
            //So for this record we have already written
            int ammountWritten = Math.min(stats.remainingSize, ammountThatCantFit);
            System.arraycopy(field_5_ext_rst, extPos, data, pos, ammountWritten);
            pos += ammountWritten;
            extPos += ammountWritten;
            stats.recordSize += ammountWritten;
            stats.remainingSize -= ammountWritten;

            //Ok lets subtract what we can write
            ammountThatCantFit -= ammountWritten;
            if (ammountThatCantFit > 0) {
              pos = writeContinueIfRequired(stats, 1, pos, data);
        } else {
          //We can fit wholey in what remains.
          System.arraycopy(field_5_ext_rst, 0, data, pos, field_5_ext_rst.length);
          pos +=  field_5_ext_rst.length;
          stats.remainingSize -= field_5_ext_rst.length;
          stats.recordSize += field_5_ext_rst.length;

        return pos - offset;
public voidsetCharCount(short cc)
set the number of characters in the string

cc - number of characters

        field_1_charCount = cc;
public voidsetCompressedUnicode()

      field_2_optionflags = highByte.setByte(field_2_optionflags);
public voidsetExtendedRst(byte[] ext_rst)

      if (ext_rst != null)
        field_2_optionflags = extBit.setByte(field_2_optionflags);
      else field_2_optionflags = extBit.clearByte(field_2_optionflags);
      this.field_5_ext_rst = ext_rst;
public voidsetOptionFlags(byte of)
set the option flags which among other things return if this is a 16-bit or 8 bit string

of optionflags bitmask

        field_2_optionflags = of;
public voidsetString(java.lang.String string)
set the actual string this contains

string the text

        field_3_string = string;
        // scan for characters greater than 255 ... if any are
        // present, we have to use 16-bit encoding. Otherwise, we
        // can use 8-bit encoding
        boolean useUTF16 = false;
        int strlen = string.length();

        for ( int j = 0; j < strlen; j++ )
            if ( string.charAt( j ) > 255 )
                useUTF16 = true;
        if (useUTF16)
          //Set the uncomressed bit
          field_2_optionflags = highByte.setByte(field_2_optionflags);
        else field_2_optionflags = highByte.clearByte(field_2_optionflags);
public voidsetUncompressedUnicode()

      field_2_optionflags = highByte.clearByte(field_2_optionflags);
public java.lang.StringtoString()
unlike the real records we return the same as "getString()" rather than debug info

String value of the record

        return getString();
protected voidvalidateSid(short id)

        // included only for interface compliance
private intwriteContinueIfRequired(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString$UnicodeRecordStats stats, int requiredSize, int offset, byte[] data)

      //Basic string overhead
      if (stats.remainingSize < requiredSize) {
        //Check if be are already in a continue record, if so make sure that
        //we go back and write out our length
        if (stats.lastLengthPos != -1) {
          short lastRecordLength = (short)(offset - stats.lastLengthPos - 2);
          if (lastRecordLength > 8224)
            throw new InternalError();
          LittleEndian.putShort(data, stats.lastLengthPos, lastRecordLength);

        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset, ContinueRecord.sid);
        //Record the location of the last continue legnth position, but dont write
        //anything there yet (since we dont know what it will be!)
        stats.lastLengthPos = offset;
        offset += 2;

        stats.recordSize += 4;
        stats.remainingSize = SSTRecord.MAX_RECORD_SIZE-4;
      return offset;