AMXTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API31647Fri May 25 13:34:08 BST


public final class AMXTest extends

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final String
private static final Set
private static Set
Constructors Summary
public AMXTest()

Methods Summary
public voidcheckAttributeTypes( objectName)
  • that all Attributes are of standard types and Serializable

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class);
		final MBeanInfo	info	= Util.getExtra( proxy ).getMBeanInfo();
		final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	attributes	= info.getAttributes();
		boolean	emittedName	= false;
		for( int i = 0; i < attributes.length; ++i )
			final MBeanAttributeInfo	attrInfo	= attributes[ i ];
			final String	type	= attrInfo.getType();
			if ( ! isSuitableReturnTypeForAPI( type ) )
				if ( ! emittedName )
					emittedName	= true;

				if ( ! type.equals( CoverageInfo.class.getName() ) )
    				trace( "WARNING: unsuitable Attribute type in API: " +
    					type + " " + attrInfo.getName() + " in " + objectName );
private voidcheckCompatibleOperationExists( objectName, java.lang.reflect.Method proxyMethod, java.lang.String mbeanMethodName, mbeanInfo)
Verify that the proxy method has a compatible Attribute or operation.
  • a proxy getter must have a corresponding Attribute returning an ObjectName
  • a proxy operation must have a corresponding operation with matching signature
  • a proxy operation must have a corresponding operation with compatible return type
  • 		final Class		proxyReturnType	= proxyMethod.getReturnType();
    		final String	proxyMethodName	= proxyMethod.getName();
    		String			mbeanReturnType	= null;
    		final Class[]	parameterTypes	= proxyMethod.getParameterTypes();
    		if ( JMXUtil.isGetter( proxyMethod ) )
    			// it's getter
    			final Map<String,MBeanAttributeInfo>	m	= JMXUtil.attributeInfosToMap( mbeanInfo.getAttributes() );
    			final String				attrName	= StringUtil.stripPrefix( mbeanMethodName, JMXUtil.GET );
    			final MBeanAttributeInfo	attrInfo	= (MBeanAttributeInfo)m.get( attrName );
    			if ( attrInfo != null )
    				mbeanReturnType	= attrInfo.getType();
    			// look for an operation that matches
    			final MBeanOperationInfo[]	operations	= mbeanInfo.getOperations();
    			final String[]	stringSig	= ClassUtil.classnamesFromSignature( parameterTypes );
    			final MBeanOperationInfo	opInfo	= JMXUtil.findOperation( operations, mbeanMethodName, stringSig );
    			if ( opInfo != null )
    				mbeanReturnType	= opInfo.getReturnType();
    		boolean	hasPeer	= mbeanReturnType != null;
    		if ( hasPeer )
    			// a proxy return type of AMX should have an Attribute type of ObjectName
    			if ( AMX.class.isAssignableFrom( proxyReturnType ) )
    				assert( mbeanReturnType.equals( ObjectName.class.getName() ) );
    			else // return types must match
    				assert( mbeanReturnType.equals( proxyReturnType.getName() ) );
    			hasPeer	= true;
    		if( ! hasPeer )
    			trace( "MBean " + objectName + " has operation " + proxyMethodName +
    				" without corresponding peer Attribute/operation " + mbeanMethodName );
public voidcheckContainerChild(java.lang.String childJ2EEType)
Verify that each child's Container actually claims the child as a child.

		final QueryMgr	queryMgr	= getQueryMgr();
		final Set		children	= queryMgr.queryJ2EETypeSet( childJ2EEType );
		final Iterator	iter	= children.iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final AMX		containee	= Util.asAMX(;
			Container	container	= null;
			final ObjectName	objectName	= Util.getObjectName( containee );
			if ( ! shouldTest( objectName ) )
				container	= (Container)containee.getContainer();
			catch( Exception e )
				trace( "Can't get container for: " + objectName );
			if ( container == null )
				assert( containee.getJ2EEType().equals( XTypes.DOMAIN_ROOT ) ) :
					"container is null for: " + objectName;
			final Set<AMX> containeeSet	= container.getContaineeSet( childJ2EEType );
			final Set<ObjectName> containeeObjectNameSet	= Util.toObjectNames( containeeSet );
			assert( containeeObjectNameSet.contains( Util.getExtra( containee ).getObjectName() ) );
public voidcheckContainerObjectName( objectName)
Verify that the ObjectName returned from the ATTR_CONTAINER_OBJECT_NAME is the same as the ObjectName obtained from the getContainer() proxy.

		final ObjectName	containerObjectName	= (ObjectName)
			getConnection().getAttribute( objectName, AMXAttributes.ATTR_CONTAINER_OBJECT_NAME );
		if ( Util.getJ2EEType( objectName ).equals( XTypes.DOMAIN_ROOT ) )
			assert( containerObjectName == null );
			assert( containerObjectName !=  null );
			final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
			assert( Util.getObjectName( proxy.getContainer() ).equals( containerObjectName ) );
public voidcheckCreateRemoveGet( objectName)
  • each create() or createAbc() method ends in "Config" if it returns an AMXConfig subclass
  • each remove() or removeAbc() method ends in "Config"

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
		if ( proxy instanceof Container )
			final Method[]	methods	= getInterfaceClass( proxy ).getMethods();
			final MBeanInfo	mbeanInfo			= Util.getExtra( proxy ).getMBeanInfo();
			final MBeanOperationInfo[]	operations	= mbeanInfo.getOperations();
			for( int methodIdx = 0; methodIdx < methods.length; ++methodIdx )
				final Method	method	= methods[ methodIdx ];
				final String	methodName	= method.getName();
				if ( methodName.startsWith( "create" ) && ! methodName.endsWith( "Config" ) )
					if ( AMXConfig.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) &&
					    (! (proxy instanceof SecurityMapConfig)) )
						trace( "WARNING: method " + methodName + " does not end in 'Config': " + objectName );
				else if ( methodName.startsWith( "remove" ) &&
					! methodName.endsWith( "Config" ) &&
					proxy instanceof AMXConfig )
					if ( 	//method.getReturnType() == Void.class &&
							method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 &&
							method.getParameterTypes()[ 0 ] == String.class &&
							! method.getName().equals( "removeProperty" ) &&
							! method.getName().equals( "removeSystemProperty" ) &&
							(! (proxy instanceof SecurityMapConfig)) )
						trace( "WARNING: method " + methodName + " does not end in 'Config': " + methodName );
public voidcheckImplementsAMXConfig( objectName)
  • if the interface name ends in "Config" or "ConfigMgr", then is is an AMXConfig

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
		final String	interfaceName	= Util.getExtra( proxy ).getInterfaceName();
		if ( interfaceName.endsWith( "Config" ) || interfaceName.endsWith( "ConfigMgr" ) )
			if ( !( proxy instanceof AMXConfig) )
				trace( "WARNING: " +  ClassUtil.stripPackageName( interfaceName ) + " does not implement AMXConfig" );
public voidcheckInterface( src)
Verify that the MBean has an ATTR_INTERFACE_NAME Attribute

		final String	interfaceName	= (String)
			getConnection().getAttribute( src, AMXAttributes.ATTR_INTERFACE_NAME );
		assert( interfaceName != null );
public voidcheckJ2EETypeAndName( src)
Verify that the MBean has j2eeType and name.

		assert( src.getKeyProperty( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY ) != null );
		assert( src.getKeyProperty( AMX.NAME_KEY ) != null );
public voidcheckMaps( objectName)
Verify that a proxy getAbcMap(...) Attribute or operation has an appropriate MBean getAbcObjectNameMap() method.

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
		if ( proxy instanceof Container )
			final Method[]	methods		= getInterfaceClass( proxy ).getMethods();
			final MBeanInfo	mbeanInfo	= Util.getExtra( proxy ).getMBeanInfo();
			for( int methodIdx = 0; methodIdx < methods.length; ++methodIdx )
				final Method	method	= methods[ methodIdx ];
				final String	methodName	= method.getName();
				if ( isMapGetter( method ) )
					if ( methodName.endsWith( OBJECTNAME_MAP_SUFFIX ) )
						warning( "method should exist in MBeanInfo, not interface: " + methodName );
					// verify that a corresponding peer method exists and
					// has the right return type and same number and type of parameters
					final String	peerMethodName	=
						StringUtil.replaceSuffix( methodName, MAP_SUFFIX, OBJECTNAME_MAP_SUFFIX);
					checkCompatibleOperationExists( Util.getObjectName( proxy ),
						mbeanInfo );
				else if ( isMapGetterName( methodName ) )
					warning( "operation " + methodName + " does not return a Map!" );
public voidcheckMapsHaveCreateRemove( objectName)
Verify that all getAbcConfigMgr() calls return a non-null result.

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class );
		if ( proxy instanceof Container && proxy.getGroup().equals( AMX.GROUP_CONFIGURATION ) )
			final Extra	extra	= Util.getExtra( proxy );
			final String[] attrNames	= extra.getAttributeNames();
			for( int i = 0; i < attrNames.length; ++i )
				final String	name	= attrNames[ i ];
				final String	SUFFIX	= "ObjectNameMap";
				final String	PREFIX	= JMXUtil.GET;
				if ( name.endsWith( SUFFIX ) )
					final String	base	= StringUtil.stripPrefixAndSuffix(  name, PREFIX, SUFFIX );
                    if ( base.endsWith( "ConnectorModuleConfig" ) )
                        // these are created via deployment not directly
					final String	createName	= "create" + base;
					final String	removeName	= "remove" + base;
					final String	j2eeType	= proxy.getJ2EEType();
					if ( ignoreCreateRemove( proxy.getJ2EEType(), createName ) )
					final MBeanOperationInfo[]	creates	=
						JMXUtil.findOperations( extra.getMBeanInfo().getOperations(), createName );
					boolean	haveCreate	= false;
					for( int op = 0; op < creates.length; ++op )
						final MBeanOperationInfo	info	= creates[ op ];
						if ( info.getReturnType().equals( ObjectName.class.getName() ) )
							haveCreate	= true;
					assert( haveCreate ) :
						"Missing operation " + createName + "() for " + objectName;
					final MBeanOperationInfo[]	removes	=
						JMXUtil.findOperations( extra.getMBeanInfo().getOperations(), removeName );
					boolean	haveRemove	= false;
					for( int op = 0; op < removes.length; ++op )
						final MBeanOperationInfo	info	= removes[ op ];
						if ( info.getReturnType().equals( "void" ) &&
							info.getSignature().length <= 2)
							haveRemove	= true;
					assert( haveRemove ) :
						"Missing operation " + removeName + "() for " + objectName;
public voidcheckNameMatchesJ2EEName( childObjectName)
Verify that getName() is the same as the 'name' property in the ObjectName.

		final AMX	childProxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( childObjectName, AMX.class);
		if ( childProxy instanceof NamedConfigElement )
			final String		j2eeName	= childProxy.getName();
			assertEquals( j2eeName, childProxy.getName() );
public voidcheckReturnTypes( objectName)
  • that all return types are suitable for the API

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class);
		final MBeanInfo	info	= Util.getExtra( proxy ).getMBeanInfo();
		final MBeanOperationInfo[]	operations	= info.getOperations();
		boolean	emittedName	= false;
		for( int i = 0; i < operations.length; ++i )
			final MBeanOperationInfo	opInfo	= operations[ i ];
			final String	returnType	= opInfo.getReturnType();
			if ( ! isSuitableReturnTypeForAPI( returnType ) )
				if ( ! emittedName )
					emittedName	= true;
					trace( "\n" + objectName );
				trace( "WARNING: unsuitable return type in API: " +
					returnType + " " + opInfo.getName() + "(...)" );
public voidcheckSelfObjectName( obj)
Verify that the ObjectName returned from the MBean is in fact itself.

		final ObjectName	selfName	= (ObjectName)
			getConnection().getAttribute( obj, AMXAttributes.ATTR_OBJECT_NAME );
		assert( selfName.equals( obj ) );
public voidcheckTemplateAttributes( objectName)
Look for Attributes that probably should be String and not int/long due to our template facility ${...}

		final AMX	proxy	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, AMX.class);
		if ( proxy instanceof AMXConfig )
			final AMXConfig	config	= (AMXConfig)proxy;
			final Set<String>	s	= new HashSet<String>();
			final MBeanInfo	mbeanInfo	= Util.getExtra( config ).getMBeanInfo();
			final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	attrInfos	= mbeanInfo.getAttributes();
			for( int i = 0; i < attrInfos.length; ++i )
				final MBeanAttributeInfo	info	= attrInfos[ i ];
				final String	type	= info.getType();
				if ( type.equals( "int" ) || type.equals( "long" ) )
					s.add( info.getName() );
			if ( s.size() != 0 )
				trace( "\n" + objectName +
					" contains the following int/long Attributes which perhaps ought to be String" +
					" due to the templatizing of config: " + toString( s ) + "\n"  );
public static

	    return getOfflineCapableCapabilities( true );
private booleanignoreCreateRemove(java.lang.String j2eeType, java.lang.String suggestedMethod)
A few items supply Map of things, but have no corresponding create/remove routines.

		boolean	ignore	= false;
		if ( j2eeType.equals( XTypes.DOMAIN_CONFIG ) )
			if ( suggestedMethod.equals( "createServerConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createWebModuleConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createEJBModuleConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createJ2EEApplicationConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createRARModuleConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createAppClientModuleConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createNodeAgentConfig" ) ||
				ignore	= true;
		else if ( j2eeType.equals( XTypes.CLUSTERED_SERVER_CONFIG ) )
			if ( suggestedMethod.equals( "createDeployedItemRefConfig" ) ||
				suggestedMethod.equals( "createResourceRefConfig" )
				ignore	= true;
		return( ignore );
private static booleanisMapGetter(java.lang.reflect.Method method)

		return( Map.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) &&
			isMapGetterName( method.getName() ) );
private static booleanisMapGetterName(java.lang.String methodName)

		return( methodName.startsWith( JMXUtil.GET ) && 
				methodName.endsWith( MAP_SUFFIX ) );
private booleanisSuitableReturnTypeForAPI(java.lang.String type)
Verify that the type is suitable for the API. It must meet the following constraints
  • that it is an OpenType or a standard Java type or a JMX type
  • that it is Serializable or an interface
  • or that it is an array whose elements meet the above constraints
  • or that it is one of our specific Stats types


		boolean	isSuitable	= SUITABLE_TYPES.contains( type );
		if ( ! isSuitable )
			final boolean	isArray	= ClassUtil.classnameIsArray( type );
			if ( isArray ||
				type.startsWith( "java." ) || type.startsWith( "" ) )
				Class	c	= null;
					c	= ClassUtil.getClassFromName( type );
					isSuitable	= c.isInterface() || Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( c ) ||
						c == Object.class;
				catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
					trace( "WARNING: can't find class for type: " + type );
					isSuitable	= false;
				if ( isArray )
					final Class	elementClass	= ClassUtil.getArrayElementClass( c );
					isSuitable	= isSuitableReturnTypeForAPI( elementClass.getName() );
				else if ( isSuitable &&
					(!  type.startsWith( "javax." )) &&
					! c.isInterface() )
					// insist on an interface except for those types explicit in SUITABLE_TYPES
					isSuitable	= false;
			else if ( type.endsWith( "Stats" ) )
				isSuitable	= type.startsWith( "" ) ||
						type.startsWith( "" );
		return( isSuitable );
public voidtestAttributeTypes()

		testAll( "checkAttributeTypes" );
public voidtestContainerChild()
Verify that all j2eeTypes have a proper Container that does actually hold them.

		final TypeInfos	infos	= TypeInfos.getInstance();
		final Set<String>		j2eeTypesSet	= infos.getJ2EETypes();

        for( final String j2eeType : j2eeTypesSet )
			checkContainerChild( j2eeType );
public voidtestContainerObjectName()

		testAll( "checkContainerObjectName" );
public voidtestCreateRemoveGet()

		testAll( "checkCreateRemoveGet" );
public voidtestGetInterfaceName()

	    final Set<ObjectName>  all = getQueryMgr().queryAllObjectNameSet();
	    final MBeanServerConnection conn    =
	        Util.getExtra( getDomainRoot() ).getConnectionSource().getExistingMBeanServerConnection();
	    final Set<ObjectName> failedSet   = new HashSet<ObjectName>();

	    for( final ObjectName objectName : all )
    	        final String    value   = (String)
    	            conn.getAttribute( objectName, AMXAttributes.ATTR_INTERFACE_NAME );
    	        assert( value != null );
	        catch( AttributeNotFoundException e )
	            warning( "Can't get InterfaceName for: " + objectName );
	            failedSet.add( objectName );
	    if ( failedSet.size() != 0 )
	        warning( "The following MBeans did not return the Attribute InterfaceName:\n" +
	            CollectionUtil.toString( failedSet, "\n") );
	        assert( false );
	        throw new Error();
public voidtestHaveJ2EE_TYPE()
Statically verify that the interface for each proxy has a J2EE_TYPE field.

		final TypeInfos	infos	= TypeInfos.getInstance();
		final Set			j2eeTypes	= infos.getJ2EETypes();
		boolean	success	= true;
		final Iterator	iter		= j2eeTypes.iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final String		j2eeType	= (String);
			final TypeInfo	info	= infos.getInfo( j2eeType );
			final Class	theInterface	= info.getInterface();
				final String	value	=
					(String)ClassUtil.getFieldValue( theInterface, "J2EE_TYPE" );
				assert( value.equals( j2eeType ) ) :
					"info and J2EE_TYPE don't match: " + j2eeType + " != " + value;
			catch( Exception e )
				trace( "no J2EE_TYPE field found for proxy of type: " + theInterface.getName() );
				success	= false;
		assert( success );
public voidtestImplementsAMXConfig()

		testAll( "checkImplementsAMXConfig" );
public voidtestImplementsAMXMonitoring()
  • verify that if the interface name ends in "Monitor", then it is an AMX, Monitoring
  • verify that if the interface name ends in "MonitorMgr", then it is an Container

		final TypeInfos	infos	= TypeInfos.getInstance();
		final Iterator	iter	= infos.getJ2EETypes().iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final TypeInfo	info	= infos.getInfo( (String) );
			final Class		theInterface	= info.getInterface();
			final String	interfaceName	= theInterface.getName();
			if ( ! MON_IGNORE.contains( theInterface ) )
				if ( interfaceName.endsWith( "Monitor" ) )
					if ( ! Monitoring.class.isAssignableFrom( theInterface ) )
						warning( ClassUtil.stripPackageName( interfaceName ) + " does not implement Monitoring" );
				else if ( interfaceName.endsWith( "MonitorMgr" ) )
					if ( ! Container.class.isAssignableFrom( theInterface ) )
						warning( ClassUtil.stripPackageName( interfaceName ) + " does not implement Container" );
public voidtestInterface()

		testAll( "checkInterface" );
public voidtestInterfaceAgainstDelegate()

	    final long  start   = now();
	    final Set<AMX>  all = getAllAMX();
	    final MBeanServerConnection conn    = getMBeanServerConnection();
	    for( final AMX amx : all )
	        final String result = (String)
	            conn.invoke( Util.getObjectName( amx ),
	                "checkInterfaceAgainstDelegate", null, null );
	    printElapsed( "testInterfaceAgainstDelegate", all.size(), start );
public voidtestJ2EETypeAndName()

		testAll( "checkJ2EETypeAndName" );
public voidtestMaps()

		testAll( "checkMaps" );
public voidtestMapsHaveCreateRemove()

		testAll( "checkMapsHaveCreateRemove" );
public voidtestMisc()

	    final long  start   = now();
	    final Set<AMX>  all = getAllAMX();
	    for( final AMX amx : all )
	        amx.setMBeanLogLevel( amx.getMBeanLogLevel() );
	        final ObjectName    objectName  = Util.getObjectName( amx );
	        assert( objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.NAME_KEY ) != null );
	        assert( objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY ) != null );
	    printElapsed( "testMisc", all.size(), start );
public voidtestNameMatchesJ2EEName()

		testAll( "checkNameMatchesJ2EEName" );
public voidtestNoGoofyNames( objectName,[] featureInfos)

	    final Set<String>   goofy   = new HashSet<String>();
        for( final MBeanFeatureInfo info : featureInfos )
            final String name   = info.getName();
            if ( name.indexOf( "ObjectNameObjectName" ) >= 0 )
                goofy.add( name );
        if ( goofy.size() != 0 )
            assert( false ) : NEWLINE +
                "MBean " + objectName + " has the following goofy Attributes:" + NEWLINE +
                CollectionUtil.toString( goofy, NEWLINE );
public voidtestNoGoofyNames()

	    final long  start   = now();
	    final Set<AMX>  all = getAllAMX();
	    for( final AMX amx : all )
	        final ObjectName    objectName  = Util.getObjectName( amx );
	        final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo   = Util.getExtra( amx ).getMBeanInfo();
	        testNoGoofyNames( objectName, mbeanInfo.getAttributes() );
	        testNoGoofyNames( objectName, mbeanInfo.getOperations() );
	    printElapsed( "testNoGoofyNames", all.size(), start );
public voidtestReturnTypes()

		testAll( "checkReturnTypes" );
public voidtestSelfObjectName()

		testAll( "checkSelfObjectName" );
public voidtestTemplateAttributes()

		testAll( "checkTemplateAttributes" );
public voidtestToString()

	    final long  start   = now();
	    final Set<AMX>  all = getAllAMX();
	    for( final AMX amx : all )
	        final AMXDebugStuff	debug	= getTestUtil().asAMXDebugStuff( amx );
	        if ( debug != null )
	            final String s  = debug.getImplString( true );
	            assert( s.length() != 0 );
	    printElapsed( "testToString", all.size(), start );