PPDrawingTextListing.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.13070Mon Jan 01 18:55:34 GMT


public class PPDrawingTextListing extends Object
Uses record level code to locate PPDrawing entries. Having found them, it sees if they have DDF Textbox records, and if so, searches those for text. Prints out any text it finds

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public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

		if(args.length < 1) {
			System.err.println("Need to give a filename");

		HSLFSlideShow ss = new HSLFSlideShow(args[0]);

		// Find PPDrawings at any second level position
		Record[] records = ss.getRecords();
		for(int i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
			Record[] children = records[i].getChildRecords();
			if(children != null && children.length != 0) {
				for(int j=0; j<children.length; j++) {
					if(children[j] instanceof PPDrawing) {
						System.out.println("Found PPDrawing at " + j + " in top level record " + i + " (" + records[i].getRecordType() + ")" );

						// Look for EscherTextboxWrapper's
						PPDrawing ppd = (PPDrawing)children[j];
						EscherTextboxWrapper[] wrappers = ppd.getTextboxWrappers();
						System.out.println("  Has " + wrappers.length + " textbox wrappers within");

						// Loop over the wrappers, showing what they contain
						for(int k=0; k<wrappers.length; k++) {
							EscherTextboxWrapper tbw = wrappers[k];
							System.out.println("    " + k + " has " + tbw.getChildRecords().length + " PPT atoms within");

							// Loop over the records, printing the text
							Record[] pptatoms = tbw.getChildRecords();
							for(int l=0; l<pptatoms.length; l++) {
								String text = null;
								if(pptatoms[l] instanceof TextBytesAtom) {
									TextBytesAtom tba = (TextBytesAtom)pptatoms[l];
									text = tba.getText();
								if(pptatoms[l] instanceof TextCharsAtom) {
									TextCharsAtom tca = (TextCharsAtom)pptatoms[l];
									text = tca.getText();

								if(text != null) {
									text = text.replace('\r",'\n");
									System.out.println("        ''" + text + "''");