OraTLV.javaAPI DocExample3034Tue Feb 28 11:34:06 GMT 2006com.ora.jsp.tlv


public class OraTLV extends TagLibraryValidator
This is an example of a TagLibraryValidator class. It only validates the use of the dummy <xmp:child> action element in a dummy tag library, but it serves as an extendable validator for a real tag library.
Hans Bergsten, Gefion software

Fields Summary
private SAXBuilder
private Namespace
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private ElementfindParent(Element e, Namespace ns, java.lang.String name)
Returns the closest parent element of the specified element that matches the specified namespace and name.

	if (e.getName().equals(name) && 
	    ns.equals(e.getNamespace())) {
	    return e;
	Element parent = e.getParent();
	if (parent != null) {
	    return findParent(parent, ns, name);
	return null;
public ValidationMessage[]validate(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri, PageData pd)
Returns a ValidationMessage array with information about validation errors, or null if no errors are found.

	ValidationMessage[] vms = null;
	ArrayList msgs = new ArrayList();
	Namespace taglibNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(uri);
        try {
            Document doc =;
            Element root = doc.getRootElement();
	    validateElement(root, taglibNamespace, msgs);
        catch (Exception e) {
	    vms = new ValidationMessage[1];
	    vms[0] = new ValidationMessage(null, e.getMessage()); 

	if (msgs.size() != 0) {
	    vms = new ValidationMessage[msgs.size()];
	return vms;
private voidvalidateChild(Element e, Namespace ns, java.util.ArrayList msgs)
Validates that a "child" element is only used within the body of a "parent" element. If not, a ValidationMessage is added to the message array.

	Element parent = findParent(e, ns, "parent");
	if (parent == null) {
	    String id = e.getAttributeValue("id", jspNamespace);
	    ValidationMessage vm = new ValidationMessage(id,
		e.getQualifiedName() + " must only be used with 'parent'");
private voidvalidateElement(Element e, Namespace ns, java.util.ArrayList msgs)
Dispatches to the appropriate validation method for the specified element, and calls itself recursively for all children of the element.

	if (ns.equals(e.getNamespace())) {
	    if (e.getName().equals("child")) {
		validateChild(e, ns, msgs);
	if (e.hasChildren()) {
	    List kids = e.getChildren();
	    Iterator i = kids.iterator();
	    while(i.hasNext()) {
		validateElement((Element), ns, msgs);