HASingletonElectionPolicySimple.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.12910Fri Jul 13 20:52:36 BST 2007org.jboss.ha.singleton

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package org.jboss.ha.singleton;

import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.ClusterNode;
import org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.HAPartition;

 * A simple concrete policy service that decides which node in the cluster should be 
 * the master node to run certain HASingleton service based on attribute "Position".
 * The value will be divided by partition size and only remainder will be used. 
 * Let's say partition size is n:
 * 0 means the first oldest node.
 * 1 means the 2nd oldest node. 
 * ...
 * n-1 means the nth oldest node.
 * -1 means the youngest node.
 * -2 means the 2nd youngest node.
 * ...
 * -n means the nth youngest node.
 * E.g. the following attribute says the singleton will be running on the 3rd oldest node of 
 * the current partition:
 * <attribute name="Position">2</attribute>
 * @author <a href="">Alex Fu</a>
 * @version $Revision: 46010 $
public class HASingletonElectionPolicySimple 
   extends HASingletonElectionPolicyBase 
   implements HASingletonElectionPolicySimpleMBean
   // Attributes
   private int mPosition = 0; // Default
    * @see HASingletonElectionPolicySimpleMBean#setPosition(int)
   public void setPosition(int pos)
      this.mPosition = pos;

    * @see HASingletonElectionPolicySimpleMBean#getPosition()
   public int getPosition()
      return this.mPosition;

   public ClusterNode pickSingleton()
      return pickSingleton(getHAPartition());
   public ClusterNode pickSingleton(HAPartition partition) 
      ClusterNode[] nodes = partition.getClusterNodes();
      int size = nodes.length;
      int remainder = ((this.mPosition % size) + size) % size;
      return nodes[remainder];