XORCaret.javaAPI DocExample2896Mon Nov 09 12:45:52 GMT 1998None


public class XORCaret extends DefaultCaret

Fields Summary
protected int
protected Font
protected int
protected FontMetrics
Constructors Summary
public XORCaret()

    setBlinkRate(500); // blinking cursor
Methods Summary
protected intcurrentWidth()

    Font f = getComponent().getFont();

    if (f != currentFont) {
      currentFontMetrics = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(f);
      currentAscent = currentFontMetrics.getAscent();

    // Determine the character at the current caret position
    String current = null;
    try {
      current = getComponent().getText(getDot(), 1);
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) { /* ignore */ }

    char currentChar;
    if (current != null && current.length() > 0)
      currentChar = current.charAt(0);
      currentChar = ' ";

    // Return the character's size, or the size of a space when we're adding
    // new text
    if (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar))
      return currentFontMetrics.charWidth(' ");
      return currentFontMetrics.charWidth(current.charAt(0));
public voiddamage(java.awt.Rectangle r)

    if (r != null) {
      // Repaint the area where the cursor was. We don't use the current
      // width here, instead we use the width of the last caret we painted.
      getComponent().repaint(r.x, r.y, lastPaintedWidth, r.height);
public voidpaint(java.awt.Graphics g)

    if (isVisible()) {
      // Determine where to draw the cursor
      JTextComponent c = getComponent();
      TextUI ui = c.getUI();
      Rectangle r = null;
      int dot = getDot();
      try {
        r = ui.modelToView(c, dot);
      catch (BadLocationException ex) { return; }


      // Draw the rectangle, using the currentWidth() method for the width
      lastPaintedWidth = currentWidth();
      g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, lastPaintedWidth, r.height);

      // Draw the character with the background color so it shows up!
      try {
        if (dot < c.getDocument().getLength()) {
          String s = getComponent().getText(dot, 1);

          // Keep \t and \n from looking funny. . .
          if (Character.isISOControl(s.charAt(0)) == false)
            g.drawString(s, r.x, r.y+currentAscent);
        catch (BadLocationException ex) { }