Statement.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API28853Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST 2009java.sql


public interface Statement
Interface used for executing static SQL statements to retrieve query results. The resulting table rows are returned as {@code ResultSet}s. For any given {@code Statement} object, only one {@code ResultSet} can be opened at one time. A call to any of the execution methods of {@code Statement} will cause any previously created {@code ResultSet} object for that {@code Statement} to be closed implicitly.

To have multiple {@code ResultSet} objects opened concurrently, multiple {@code Statement} objects must be created and then executed.

To obtain such an executable statement one needs to invoke {@code Connection#createStatement}.

Android 1.0

Fields Summary
public static final int
Passing this constant to {@link #getMoreResults} implies that all {@code ResultSet} objects previously kept open should be closed.
public static final int
Passing this constant to {@link #getMoreResults} implies that the current {@code ResultSet} object should be closed.
public static final int
Indicates that an error was encountered during execution of a batch statement.
public static final int
Passing this constant to getMoreResults implies that the current {@code ResultSet} object should not be closed.
public static final int
Indicates that generated keys should not be accessible for retrieval.
public static final int
Indicates that generated keys should be accessible for retrieval.
public static final int
Indicates that a batch statement was executed with a successful result, but a count of the number of rows it affected is unavailable.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidaddBatch(java.lang.String sql)
Adds a specified SQL command to the list of commands for this {@code Statement}.

The list of commands is executed by invoking the {@code executeBatch} method.

sql the SQL command as a String. Typically an {@code INSERT} or {@code UPDATE} statement.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or the database does not support batch updates.
Android 1.0

public voidcancel()
Cancels this statement's execution if both the database and the JDBC driver support aborting an SQL statement in flight. This method can be used by one thread to stop a statement that is executed on another thread.

SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public voidclearBatch()
Clears the current list of SQL commands for this statement.

SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or the database does not support batch updates.
Android 1.0

public voidclearWarnings()
Clears all {@code SQLWarnings} from this statement.

SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public voidclose()
Releases this statement's database and JDBC driver resources.

Using this method to release these resources as soon as possible is strongly recommended.

One should not rely on the resources being automatically released when finalized during garbage collection. Doing so can result in unpredictable behavior for the application.

SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.

public booleanexecute(java.lang.String sql)
Executes a supplied SQL statement. This may return multiple {@code ResultSet}s.

Use the {@code getResultSet} or {@code getUpdateCount} methods to get the first result and {@code getMoreResults} to get any subsequent results.

sql the SQL statement to execute
{@code true} if the first result is a {@code ResultSet}, {@code false} if the first result is an update count or if there is no result.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public booleanexecute(java.lang.String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
Executes a supplied SQL statement. This may return multiple {@code ResultSet}s. This method allows control of whether auto-generated Keys should be made available for retrieval, if the SQL statement is an {@code INSERT} statement.

Use the {@code getResultSet} or {@code getUpdateCount} methods to get the first result and {@code getMoreResults} to get any subsequent results.

sql the SQL statement to execute.
autoGeneratedKeys a flag indicating whether to make auto generated keys available for retrieval. This parameter must be one of {@code Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS} or {@code Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS}.
{@code true} if results exists and the first result is a {@code ResultSet}, {@code false} if the first result is an update count or if there is no result.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public booleanexecute(java.lang.String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. This may return multiple {@code ResultSet}s. This method allows retrieval of auto generated keys specified by the supplied array of column indexes, if the SQL statement is an {@code INSERT} statement.

Use the {@code getResultSet} or {@code getUpdateCount} methods to get the first result and {@code getMoreResults} to get any subsequent results.

sql the SQL statement to execute.
columnIndexes an array of indexes of the columns in the inserted row which should be made available for retrieval via the {@code getGeneratedKeys} method.
{@code true} if the first result is a {@code ResultSet}, {@code false} if the first result is an update count or if there is no result.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public booleanexecute(java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. This may return multiple {@code ResultSet}s. This method allows retrieval of auto generated keys specified by the supplied array of column indexes, if the SQL statement is an {@code INSERT} statement.

Use the {@code getResultSet} or {@code getUpdateCount} methods to get the first result and {@code getMoreResults} to get any subsequent results.

sql the SQL statement to execute.
columnNames an array of column names in the inserted row which should be made available for retrieval via the {@code getGeneratedKeys} method.
{@code true} if the first result is a {@code ResultSet}, {@code false} if the first result is an update count or if there is no result
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public int[]executeBatch()
Submits a batch of SQL commands to the database. Returns an array of update counts, if all the commands execute successfully.

If one of the commands in the batch fails, this method can throw a {@link BatchUpdateException} and the JDBC driver may or may not process the remaining commands. The JDBC driver must behave consistently with the underlying database, following the "all or nothing" principle. If the driver continues processing, the array of results returned contains the same number of elements as there are commands in the batch, with a minimum of one of the elements having the {@code EXECUTE_FAILED} value.

an array of update counts, with one entry for each command in the batch. The elements are ordered according to the order in which the commands were added to the batch.

  1. If the value of an element is ≥ 0, the corresponding command completed successfully and the value is the update count (the number of rows in the database affected by the command) for that command.
  2. If the value is {@code SUCCESS_NO_INFO}, the command completed successfully but the number of rows affected is unknown.
  3. If the value is {@code EXECUTE_FAILED}, the command failed.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.

public java.sql.ResultSetexecuteQuery(java.lang.String sql)
Executes a supplied SQL statement. Returns a single {@code ResultSet}.

sql an SQL statement to execute. Typically a {@code SELECT} statement
a {@code ResultSet} containing the data produced by the SQL statement. Never null.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if the statement produces anything other than a single {@code ResultSet}.
Android 1.0

public intexecuteUpdate(java.lang.String sql)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. The statement may be an {@code INSERT}, {@code UPDATE} or {@code DELETE} statement or a statement which returns nothing.

sql an SQL statement to execute - an SQL {@code INSERT}, {@code UPDATE}, {@code DELETE} or a statement which returns nothing
the count of updated rows, or 0 for a statement that returns nothing.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if the statement produces a {@code ResultSet}.
Android 1.0

public intexecuteUpdate(java.lang.String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. This method allows control of whether auto-generated Keys should be made available for retrieval.

sql an SQL statement to execute - an SQL {@code INSERT}, {@code UPDATE}, {@code DELETE} or a statement which does not return anything.
autoGeneratedKeys a flag that indicates whether to allow retrieval of auto generated keys. Parameter must be one of {@code Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS} or {@code Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS}
the number of updated rows, or 0 if the statement returns nothing.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if the statement produces a {@code ResultSet}.
Android 1.0

public intexecuteUpdate(java.lang.String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. This method allows retrieval of auto generated keys specified by the supplied array of column indexes.

sql an SQL statement to execute - an SQL {@code INSERT}, {@code UPDATE}, {@code DELETE} or a statement which returns nothing
columnIndexes an array of indexes of the columns in the inserted row which should be made available for retrieval via the {@code getGeneratedKeys} method.
the count of updated rows, or 0 for a statement that returns nothing.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if the statement produces a {@code ResultSet}.
Android 1.0

public intexecuteUpdate(java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
Executes the supplied SQL statement. This method allows retrieval of auto generated keys specified by the supplied array of column names.

sql an SQL statement to execute - an SQL {@code INSERT}, {@code UPDATE}, {@code DELETE} or a statement which returns nothing
columnNames an array of column names in the inserted row which should be made available for retrieval via the {@code getGeneratedKeys} method.
the count of updated rows, or 0 for a statement that returns nothing.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if the statement produces a {@code ResultSet}.
Android 1.0

public java.sql.ConnectiongetConnection()
Gets the {@code Connection} object which created this statement.

the {@code Connection} through which this statement is transmitted to the database.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetFetchDirection()
Gets the default direction for fetching rows for {@code ResultSet}s generated from this statement.

the default fetch direction, one of:
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetFetchSize()
Gets the default number of rows for a fetch for the {@code ResultSet} objects returned from this statement.

the default fetch size for {@code ResultSet}s produced by this statement.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public java.sql.ResultSetgetGeneratedKeys()
Returns auto generated keys created by executing this statement.

a {@code ResultSet} containing the auto generated keys - empty if no keys are generated by this statement.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetMaxFieldSize()
Gets the maximum number of bytes which can be returned as values from character and binary type columns in a {@code ResultSet} derived from this statement. This limit applies to {@code BINARY}, {@code VARBINARY}, {@code LONGVARBINARY}, {@code CHAR}, {@code VARCHAR}, and {@code LONGVARCHAR} types. Any data exceeding the maximum size is abandoned without announcement.

the current size limit, where {@code 0} means that there is no limit.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetMaxRows()
Gets the maximum number of rows that a {@code ResultSet} can contain when produced from this statement. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are discarded silently.

the current row limit, where {@code 0} means that there is no limit.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public booleangetMoreResults()
Moves to this statement's next result. Returns {@code true} if it is a {@code ResultSet}. Any current {@code ResultSet} objects previously obtained with {@code getResultSet()} are closed implicitly.

{@code true} if the next result is a {@code ResultSet}, {@code false} if the next result is not a {@code ResultSet} or if there are no more results. Note that if there is no more data, this method will return {@code false} and {@code getUpdateCount} will return -1.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public booleangetMoreResults(int current)
Moves to this statement's next result. Returns {@code true} if the next result is a {@code ResultSet}. Any current {@code ResultSet} objects previously obtained with {@code getResultSet()} are handled as indicated by a supplied Flag parameter.

current a flag indicating what to do with existing {@code ResultSet}s. This parameter must be one of {@code Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS}, {@code Statement.CLOSE_CURRENT_RESULT} or {@code Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT}.
{@code true} if the next result exists and is a {@code ResultSet} , {@code false} if the next result is not a {@code ResultSet} or if there are no more results. Note that if there is no more data, this method will return {@code false} and {@code getUpdateCount} will return -1.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetQueryTimeout()
Gets the timeout value for the statement's execution time. The JDBC driver will wait up to this value for the execution to complete - after the limit is exceeded an SQL {@code Exception} is thrown.

the current query timeout value, where {@code 0} indicates that there is no current timeout.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet()
Gets the current result. Should only be called once per result.

the {@code ResultSet} for the current result. {@code null} if the result is an update count or if there are no more results.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetResultSetConcurrency()
Gets the concurrency setting for {@code ResultSet} objects generated by this statement.

{@code ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY} or {@code ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE}.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetResultSetHoldability()
Gets the cursor hold setting for {@code ResultSet} objects generated by this statement.

SQLException if there is an error while accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetResultSetType()
Gets the {@code ResultSet} type setting for {@code ResultSet}s derived from this statement.

{@code ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY} for a {@code ResultSet} where the cursor can only move forwards, {@code ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE} for a {@code ResultSet} which is scrollable but is not sensitive to changes made by others, {@code ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE} for a {@code ResultSet} which is scrollable but is sensitive to changes made by others.
SQLException if there is an error accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public intgetUpdateCount()
Gets an update count for the current result if it is not a {@code ResultSet}.

the current result as an update count. {@code -1} if the current result is a {@code ResultSet} or if there are no more results.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public java.sql.SQLWarninggetWarnings()
Retrieves the first {@code SQLWarning} reported by calls on this statement. If there are multiple warnings, subsequent warnings are chained to the first one. The chain of warnings is cleared each time the statement is executed.

Warnings associated with reads from the {@code ResultSet} returned from executing the statement will be attached to the {@code ResultSet}, not the statement object.

an SQLWarning, null if there are no warnings
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public voidsetCursorName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the SQL cursor name. This name is used by subsequent statement execute methods.

Cursor names must be unique within one Connection.

With the cursor name set, it can then be used in SQL positioned update or delete statements to determine the current row in a {@code ResultSet} generated from this statement. The positioned update or delete must be done with a different statement than this one.

name the Cursor name as a string,
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public voidsetEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
Sets Escape Processing mode.

If Escape Processing is on, the JDBC driver will do escape substitution on an SQL statement before sending it for execution. This does not apply to {@link PreparedStatement}s since they are processed when created, before this method can be called.

enable {@code true} to set escape processing mode on, {@code false} to turn it off.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database.
Android 1.0

public voidsetFetchDirection(int direction)
Sets the fetch direction - a hint to the JDBC driver about the direction of processing of rows in {@code ResultSet}s created by this statement. The default fetch direction is {@code FETCH_FORWARD}.

direction which fetch direction to use. This parameter should be one of
  • {@code ResultSet.FETCH_UNKNOWN}
  • {@code ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD}
  • {@code ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE}
SQLException if there is an error while accessing the database or if the fetch direction is unrecognized.

public voidsetFetchSize(int rows)
Sets the fetch size. This is a hint to the JDBC driver about how many rows should be fetched from the database when more are required by application processing.

rows the number of rows that should be fetched. {@code 0} tells the driver to ignore the hint. Should be less than {@code getMaxRows} for this statement. Should not be negative.
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database, or if the rows parameter is out of range.
Android 1.0

public voidsetMaxFieldSize(int max)
Sets the maximum number of bytes for {@code ResultSet} columns that contain character or binary values. This applies to {@code BINARY}, {@code VARBINARY}, {@code LONGVARBINARY}, {@code CHAR}, {@code VARCHAR}, and {@code LONGVARCHAR} fields. Any data exceeding the maximum size is abandoned without announcement.

max the maximum field size in bytes. {@code 0} means "no limit".
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or the {@code max} value is < {@code 0}.
Android 1.0

public voidsetMaxRows(int max)
Sets the maximum number of rows that any {@code ResultSet} can contain. If the number of rows exceeds this value, the additional rows are silently discarded.

max the maximum number of rows. {@code 0} means "no limit".
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if max < {@code 0}.
Android 1.0

public voidsetQueryTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the timeout, in seconds, for queries - how long the driver will allow for completion of a statement execution. If the timeout is exceeded, the query will throw an {@code SQLException}.

seconds timeout in seconds. 0 means no timeout ("wait forever")
SQLException if an error occurs accessing the database or if seconds < {@code 0}.
Android 1.0