BidirectionalTypeConverter.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API2880Thu Mar 12 22:22:08 GMT 2015android.animation


public abstract class BidirectionalTypeConverter extends TypeConverter
Abstract base class used convert type T to another type V and back again. This is necessary when the value types of in animation are different from the property type. BidirectionalTypeConverter is needed when only the final value for the animation is supplied to animators.

Fields Summary
private BidirectionalTypeConverter
Constructors Summary
public BidirectionalTypeConverter(Class fromClass, Class toClass)

        super(fromClass, toClass);
Methods Summary
public abstract TconvertBack(V value)
Does a conversion from the target type back to the source type. The subclass must implement this when a TypeConverter is used in animations and current values will need to be read for an animation.

value The Object to convert.
A value of type T, converted from value.

public android.animation.BidirectionalTypeConverterinvert()
Returns the inverse of this converter, where the from and to classes are reversed. The inverted converter uses this convert to call {@link #convertBack(Object)} for {@link #convert(Object)} calls and {@link #convert(Object)} for {@link #convertBack(Object)} calls.

The inverse of this converter, where the from and to classes are reversed.

        if (mInvertedConverter == null) {
            mInvertedConverter = new InvertedConverter(this);
        return mInvertedConverter;