Local.javaAPI DocApache Tomcat 6.0.142861Fri Jul 20 04:20:36 BST 2007org.apache.tomcat.jni

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package org.apache.tomcat.jni;

/** Local socket
 * @author Mladen Turk
 * @version $Revision: 467222 $, $Date: 2006-10-24 05:17:11 +0200 (mar., 24 oct. 2006) $

public class Local {

     * Create a socket.
     * @param path The address of the new socket.
     * @param cont The parent pool to use
     * @return The new socket that has been set up.
    public static native long create(String path, long cont)
        throws Exception;

     * Bind the socket to its associated port
     * @param sock The socket to bind
     * @param sa The socket address to bind to
     * This may be where we will find out if there is any other process
     *      using the selected port.
    public static native int bind(long sock, long sa);

     * Listen to a bound socket for connections.
     * @param sock The socket to listen on
     * @param backlog The number of outstanding connections allowed in the sockets
     *                listen queue.  If this value is less than zero, for NT pipes
     *                the number of instances is unlimite.
    public static native int listen(long sock, int backlog);

     * Accept a new connection request
     * @param sock The socket we are listening on.
     * @param pool The pool for the new socket.
     * @return  A copy of the socket that is connected to the socket that
     *          made the connection request.  This is the socket which should
     *          be used for all future communication.
    public static native long accept(long sock)
        throws Exception;

     * Issue a connection request to a socket either on the same machine
     * or a different one.
     * @param sock The socket we wish to use for our side of the connection
     * @param sa The address of the machine we wish to connect to.
     *           Unused for NT Pipes.
    public static native int connect(long sock, long sa);
